Online FlowChart & Diagrams Editor - Mermaid Live Editor





Experts advise people to “take the stairs instead of the elevator” or “walk or bike to work.” These are good strategies: climbing stairs provides a good work-out, and people who walk or ride a bicycle for transportation most often meet their needs for physical activity. Many people, however, face barriers in their environment that prevent such choices. Few people would choose to walk or bike on roadways that lack safe sidewalks or marked bicycle lanes, where vehicles speed by, or where the air is polluted. Few would choose to walk up stairs in inconvenient and unsafe stairwells in modern buildings. In contrast, people living in neighborhoods with safe biking and walking lanes, public parks, and freely available exercise facilities use them often their surroundings encourage physical activity.


* stairwell: 계단을 포함한 건물의 수직 공간


자연환경을 훼손시키면서까지 운동 시설을 만들어서는 안 된다.

일상에서의 운동 가능 여부는 주변 여건의 영향을 받는다.

운동을 위한 시간과 공간을 따로 정해 놓을 필요가 있다.

자신의 건강 상태를 고려하여 운동량을 계획해야 한다.

짧더라도 규칙적으로 운동하는 것이 건강에 좋다.








English Word Korean Translation
Experts 전문가들
Advise 조언하다
Strategies 전략들
Climbing 등반
Transportation 교통수단
Physical activity 신체 활동
Barriers 장애물들
Environment 환경
Roadways 도로들
Sidewalks 보도
Bicycle lanes 자전거 도로
Vehicles 차량들
Polluted 오염된
Stairwells 계단 통로
Neighborhoods 이웃
Public parks 공공 공원
Exercise facilities 운동 시설
Encourage 격려하다
Often 자주
Surroundings 주변 환경



1. "Experts advise people to 'take the stairs instead of the elevator' or 'walk or bike to work.'"
건강을 위해 도전적이거나 덜 편리한 길을 택하는 것이 바람직

"These are good strategies: climbing stairs provides a good work-out, and people who walk or ride a bicycle for transportation most often meet their needs for physical activity."
덜 편리한 선택의 이점

"Many people, however, face barriers in their environment that prevent such choices."
특정 선택을 어렵게 만들 수 있는 개인이 직면할 수 있는 도전이나 장벽

"Few people would choose to walk or bike on roadways that lack safe sidewalks or marked bicycle lanes, where vehicles speed by, or where the air is polluted."
환경적 장벽

"Few would choose to walk up stairs in inconvenient and unsafe stairwells in modern buildings."
제도적 또는 시스템적 문제

"In contrast, people living in neighborhoods with safe biking and walking lanes, public parks, and freely available exercise facilities use them often — their surroundings encourage physical activity."
환경이 어떻게 긍정적인 선택을 장려할 수 있는가



Experts advise people to "(blank 1)" or “walk or bike to work.” These are good strategies: "(blank 2)", and people who walk or ride a bicycle for transportation most often meet their needs for physical activity. Many people, however, face barriers in their environment that prevent such choices. Few people would choose to walk or bike on roadways that lack safe sidewalks or marked bicycle lanes, where vehicles speed by, or where the air is polluted. Few would choose to walk up stairs in inconvenient and unsafe stairwells in modern buildings. In contrast, people living in neighborhoods with safe biking and walking lanes, public parks, and freely available exercise facilities use them often — their "(blank 3)" encourage physical activity.

Blank 1:
a) take the elevator instead of the stairs
b) use the stairs instead of the elevator (answer)
c) always use the elevator
d) never take the stairs
e) avoid stairs and elevators

Blank 2:
a) riding an elevator does not provide a workout
b) climbing stairs provides no benefits
c) taking the stairs does not constitute physical exercise
d) climbing stairs can be a useful exercise (answer)
e) biking to work is unhealthy

Blank 3:
a) homes
b) offices
c) living conditions
d) pets
e) surroundings (answer)





Experts advise people to “take the stairs instead of the elevator” or “walk or bike to work.” These are good strategies:

The benefits of physical activity are widely known, but many people face barriers that prevent them from being active. For example, walking or biking on unsafe roads without sidewalks or bike lanes, or climbing stairs in inconvenient and unsafe stairwells


Experts advise people to “take the stairs instead of the elevator” or “walk or bike to work.” These are good strategies:

The benefits of physical activity are widely known, but many people face barriers that prevent them from being active. For example, walking or biking on unsafe roads without sidewalks or bike lanes, or climbing stairs in inconvenient and unsafe stairwells


Experts advise people to “take the stairs instead of the elevator” or “walk or bike to work.” These are good strategies:

The benefits of physical activity are widely known, but many people face barriers that prevent them from being active. For example, walking or biking on unsafe roads without sidewalks or bike lanes, or climbing stairs in inconvenient and unsafe stairwells

#TakeTheStairs #WalkOrBike #HealthyLifestyle #CityLife #UrbanPlanning #ActiveLiving #FitnessJourney #EverydayWorkout #NoGymNeeded #TransformTheCity #CommunityAction #HealthyCities #PhysicalActivity #SafeRoads #GreenLiving #PublicSpaces #AccessibleFitness #WalkableCity #UrbanDesign #BicycleLanes #PedestrianFriendly #SustainableLiving #OutdoorWorkout #ActiveTransportation #HealthAndWellness #MoveMore #YourCityYourGym #BetterFuture 🙌🌍



다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?

If you care deeply about something, you may place greater value on your ability to succeed in that area of concern. The internal pressure you place on yourself to achieve or do well socially is normal and useful, but when you doubt your ability to succeed in areas that are important to you, your self-worth suffers. Situations are uniquely stressful for each of us based on whether or not they activate our doubt. It’s not the pressure to perform that creates your stress. Rather, it’s the self-doubt that bothers you. Doubt causes you to see positive, neutral, and even genuinely negative experiences more negatively and as a reflection of your own shortcomings. When you see situations and your strengths more objectively, you are less likely to have doubt as the source of your distress.





English Word Korean Translation
1. Value 가치
2. Succeed 성공하다
3. Concern 관심사
4. Pressure 압력
5. Achieve 달성하다
6. Doubt 의심
7. Situations 상황들
8. Stressful 스트레스를 받는
9. Perform 수행하다
10. Reflection 반영
11. Shortcomings 단점들
12. Objectively 객관적으로
13. Distress 고통
14. Care 신경 쓰다
15. Socially 사회적으로
16. Activate 활성화하다
17. Experiences 경험들
18. Genuinely 진정으로
19. Negative 부정적인
20. Strengths 장점들






1. "If you care deeply about something, you may place greater value on your ability to succeed in that area of concern."

우리가 열정을 쏟는 분야에 더 높은 가치를 부여하는 인간의 자연스러운 경향을 강조


2. "The internal pressure you place on yourself to achieve or do well socially is normal and useful, but when you doubt your ability to succeed in areas that are important to you, your self-worth suffers."

내적 압박의 양날의 검. 내적 압박은 성취욕을 불러일으키기도 하지만, 자기 의심으로 이어져 자존감에 해를 끼칠 수도 있음


3. "Situations are uniquely stressful for each of us based on whether or not they activate our doubt."

스트레스 유발 요인의 개인주의적 특성과 의심이 어떻게 스트레스를 증폭시킬 수 있는지를 인정.


4. "It’s not the pressure to perform that creates your stress. Rather, it’s the self-doubt that bothers you."

성공에 대한 압박이 아니라 자신의 능력에 대한 의심이 스트레스를 유발한다는 점을 강조


5. "Doubt causes you to see positive, neutral, and even genuinely negative experiences more negatively and as a reflection of your own shortcomings."

자기 의심이 자신의 관점을 부정적으로 채색할 수 있음을 시사


6. "When you see situations and your strengths more objectively, you are less likely to have doubt as the source of your distress."

자기 의심과 그에 따른 고통을 극복하기 위한 수단으로 자기 인식과 객관성을 장려




Read the following passage and choose the best option to fill each blank:

"If you care deeply about something, you may place greater value on your (blank1). The internal pressure you place on yourself to achieve or do well socially is normal and useful, but when you (blank2), your self-worth suffers. Situations are uniquely stressful for each of us based on whether or not they activate our (blank3). It’s not the pressure to perform that creates your stress. Rather, it’s the (blank4) that bothers you. (blank5) causes you to see positive, neutral, and even genuinely negative experiences more negatively and as a reflection of your own shortcomings. When you see situations and your strengths more objectively, you are less likely to have (blank5) as the source of your distress."



A. ability to succeed in that area of concern (answer)
B. ability to fail in that area of concern
C. ability to ignore that area of concern
D. ability to avoid that area of concern
E. ability to excel in unrelated areas


A. doubt your ability to succeed in areas that are important to you (answer)
B. doubt your ability to fail in areas that are important to you
C. are certain about your ability to succeed in areas that are important to you
D. are certain about your ability to fail in areas that are important to you
E. don't care about your ability to succeed in areas that are important to you


A. doubt (answer)
B. confidence
C. indifference
D. excitement
E. anxiety


A. self-doubt (answer)
B. self-confidence
C. self-indifference
D. self-excitement
E. self-anxiety


A. Doubt (answer)
B. Confidence
C. Indifference
D. Excitement
E. Anxiety


If you care deeply about something, you may place greater value on your ability to succeed in that area of concern. The internal

When we care deeply about something, we may place greater value on our ability to succeed in that area of concern. The internal pressure we place on ourselves to achieve or do well socially is normal and useful, but when we doubt our ability to succeed in 





다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?

It’s important that you think independently and fight for what you believe in, but there comes a time when it’s wiser to stop fighting for your view and move on to accepting what a trustworthy group of people think is best. This can be extremely difficult. But it’s smarter, and ultimately better for you to be open-minded and have faith that the conclusions of a trustworthy group of people are better than whatever you think. If you can’t understand their view, you’re probably just blind to their way of thinking. If you continue doing what you think is best when all the evidence and trustworthy people are against you, you’re being dangerously confident. The truth is that while most people can become incredibly open-minded, some can’t, even after they have repeatedly encountered lots of pain from betting that they were right when they were not.

대부분의 사람들은 진리에 도달하지 못하고 고통을 받는다.

맹목적으로 다른 사람의 의견을 받아들이는 것은 위험하다.

남을 설득하기 위해서는 타당한 증거로 주장을 뒷받침해야 한다.

믿을만한 사람이 누구인지 판단하려면 열린 마음을 가져야 한다.

자신의 의견이 최선이 아닐 수 있다는 것을 인정하는 것이 필요하다.




"It’s important that you think independently and fight for what you believe in..."
이 라인은 성공적인 시람의 특성인 자율성과 개인의 신념을 장려합니다. 학계에서 독립적인 사고는 매우 중요하며 창의성과 혁신을 촉진하기 위해 종종 권장됩니다. 또한 논문, 연구 제안서 또는 개인적 가치관을 옹호하는 것으로 해석될 수 있는 자신의 신념을 옹호하는 것의 중요성을 강조합니다.

"...but there comes a time when it’s wiser to stop fighting for your view and move on to accepting what a trustworthy group of people think is best."
겸손과 열린 마음의 가치를 주장합니다. 신뢰할 수 있는 동료, 멘토 또는 전문가의 집단적 지혜에 귀를 기울이는 것이 가치가 있다고 제안합니다. 이는 학문적 환경에서 건설적인 피드백이나 합의를 수용하는 것과 관련이 있을 수 있습니다.

"This can be extremely difficult. But it’s smarter, and ultimately better for you to be open-minded and have faith that the conclusions of a trustworthy group of people are better than whatever you think."
다른 사람의 관점이 우리의 관점에 도전할 때 이를 받아들이는 것이 얼마나 어려운지 잘 알고 있습니다. 열린 마음을 강조하는 것은 협업의 중요성, 다른 사람으로부터의 학습, 새로운 정보를 바탕으로 자신의 사고를 적응하고 발전시킬 수 있는 능력의 중요성을 의미합니다. 이는 학문적 성장을 위한 필수적인 기술입니다.

"If you can’t understand their view, you’re probably just blind to their way of thinking."
공감과 적극적인 이해를 장려합니다. 학문적 맥락에서는 수업 토론, 학술 논문 또는 그룹 프로젝트에서 서로 다른 관점을 이해하는 것입니다.

"If you continue doing what you think is best when all the evidence and trustworthy people are against you, you’re being dangerously confident."
다른 사람의 관점이나 증거를 과신하거나 인정하지 않는 것은 현명하지 못한 결정으로 이어질 수 있다고 말합니다. 학계에서는 교수나 동료의 피드백을 무시하거나 자신의 가설과 모순되는 경험적 증거를 받아들이지 않는 것을 의미할 수 있습니다.

"The truth is that while most people can become incredibly open-minded, some can’t, even after they have repeatedly encountered lots of pain from betting that they were right when they were not."
경직된 사고에 대한 경고 역할을 합니다. 반복되는 실패나 어려움 속에서도 적응력과 열린 마음가짐의 중요성을 강조하며, 이는 대학과 그 이후의 성공에 필수적인 특성입니다.

전반적으로 이 글은 독립적인 사고와 다른 사람의 관점에 대한 개방성 사이의 균형을 다루고 있는 것 같습니다. 사람들이 비판적 사고를 개발하는 동시에 겸손하고 다른 사람들로부터 기꺼이 배우도록 장려합니다. 또한 적응력과 피드백 또는 다른 관점을 수용하는 능력의 중요성을 강조하고 있습니다.




English Word Korean Translation
independently 독립적으로
fight 싸우다
accept 받아들이다
trustworthy 믿을 있는
difficult 어려운
open-minded 개방적인
faith 믿음
conclusion 결론
blind 눈이
evidence 증거
dangerously 위험하게
confident 자신감 있는
truth 진실
incredibly 놀랍도록
repeatedly 반복적으로
encounter 직면하다
pain 고통
betting 베팅하다
right 옳다





"It’s important that you think independently and fight for what you believe in, but there comes a time when it’s wiser to stop fighting for your view and move on to accepting what a trustworthy group of people think is best. This can be extremely difficult. But it’s (blank 1), and ultimately better for you to be open-minded and have faith that the conclusions of a trustworthy group of people are better than whatever you think. If you can’t understand their view, you’re probably just (blank 2) to their way of thinking. If you continue doing what you think is best when all the evidence and trustworthy people are against you, you’re being dangerously confident. The truth is that while most people can become incredibly open-minded, some can’t, even after they have repeatedly encountered lots of pain from betting that they were right when they were not."

Question 1: What is the most suitable word or phrase to fill in the blank 1?

A) more beneficial
B) less useful
C) least helpful
D) more harmful
E) least valuable

(answer: A, 'more beneficial')

Instructions: To answer this question, you should look for a word or phrase that is synonymous with 'smarter' and makes sense in the context of the passage. The correct answer will be a word or phrase that suggests that it's a good idea to be open-minded and trust a group of trustworthy people's conclusions.

Question 2: What is the most suitable word or phrase to fill in the blank 2?

A) deaf
B) oblivious
C) immune
D) closed-off
E) resistant

(answer: B, 'oblivious')

Instructions: To answer this question, you should look for a word or phrase that suggests a lack of understanding or inability to perceive someone else's point of view. The correct answer will be a word or phrase that conveys this meaning in the context of the passage.




Being open-minded is a crucial quality to have in life. It allows us to welcome new ideas, arguments, and information that we may not typically align with. While it's important to fight for what we believe in, there comes a time when it's wiser to stop fighting and accept what a trustworthy group of people think is best. This can be difficult, but it's ultimately better for us to be open-minded and have faith that the conclusions of a trustworthy group of people are better than whatever we think. If we can't understand their view, we're probably just blind to their way of thinking. Continuing to do what we think is best when all the evidence and trustworthy people are against us is dangerously confident. The truth is that while most people can become incredibly open-minded, some can't, even after they have repeatedly encountered lots of pain from betting that they were right when they were not. Therefore, it's important to cultivate open-mindedness and be willing to listen to others' perspectives. We can do this by being curious, asking questions, and being willing to learn. By doing so, we can expand our knowledge and understanding of the world around us, and ultimately become better people.


1. The Importance Of Open-mindedness - YouTube 

2. What Is Open-Mindedness? - YouTube 

3. Bruce Harrott - The Importance Of Open Mindedness - YouTube
For the full podcast: #TheBusterShow #OpenMind 








다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?

FOBO, or Fear of a Better Option, is the anxiety that something better will come along, which makes it undesirable to commit to existing choices when making a decision. It’s an affliction of abundance that drives you to keep all of your options open and to avoid risks. Rather than assessing your options, choosing one, and moving on with your day, you delay the inevitable. It’s not unlike hitting the snooze button on your alarm clock only to pull the covers over your head and fall back asleep. As you probably found out the hard way, if you hit snooze enough times, you’ll end up being late and racing for the office, your day and mood ruined. While pressing snooze feels so good at the moment, it ultimately demands a price.

* affliction: 고통

적당한 수준의 불안감은 업무 수행에 도움이 된다.

성급한 의사 결정은 의도하지 않은 결과를 초래한다.

반복되는 실수를 줄이기 위해서는 신중함이 요구된다.

더 나은 선택을 위해 결정을 미루는 것은 결국 해가 된다.

규칙적인 생활 습관은 직장에서의 성공 가능성을 높인다.






"FOBO, or Fear of a Better Option, is the anxiety that something better will come along, which makes it undesirable to commit to existing choices when making a decision."

미래의 기회가 현재의 기회를 능가할 수 있다는 전망에서 비롯된 불안감을 담은 신조어인 'FOBO'의 개념을 소개

FOBO와 알람 시계의 스누즈 버튼을 누르는 행위를 생생하게 비교합니다. 이 비유는 적시에 결정을 내리지 않았을 때의 해로운 결과를 강조하는 역할을 합니다. 이는 장기적인 이익을 희생하더라도 즉각적인 불편함을 피하고 편안함을 추구하는 인간의 본능적인 욕구를 대변합니다.

마비와 우유부단함의 위험에 대해 경고하는 이야기처럼 보입니다. 이 글은 불확실성에 직면했을 때 결단력 있게 위험을 감수하고 선택에 전념하는 것의 가치를 강조합니다. 또한 모든 옵션을 열어두려는 욕망은 행동하지 않고 기회를 놓치는 결과를 초래할 수 있다고 경고합니다.

Thematic Analysis:

이 글의 기본 주제는 의사 결정과 그에 내재된 불안감, 특히 선택의 폭이 넓어 보일 때 느끼는 불안감입니다. 더 나은 선택을 기대하며 결정을 망설이는 것은 종종 부정적인 결과로 이어진다는 사실을 상기시켜 줍니다. 이는 선택의 폭이 넓고 '올바른' 선택을 해야 한다는 불안감에 시달리는 대학 지원자에게 적합한 주제입니다.

또한 한 가지 옵션을 선택하는 것은 다른 옵션의 혜택을 포기하는 것을 의미한다는 기회 비용의 개념을 강조합니다. 

핵심 메시지는 기회를 놓치는 것에 대한 두려움을 극복하고 결정을 내리는 것의 중요성입니다. 시기적절한 행동의 중요성을 강조하고 우유부단함의 잠재적 결과를 강조합니다.



English Word Korean Translation
Fear 공포
Anxiety 불안
Undesirable 바람직하지 않은
Commit 헌신하다
Affliction 고통
Abundance 풍부함
Assessing 평가하는
Inevitable 불가피한
Snooze 선잠
Alarm clock 알람 시계
Covers 이불
Delay 지연시키다
Ultimately 궁극적으로
Demands 요구사항
Price 대가
Option 선택권
Decision 결정
Existing 존재하는
Better 좋은
Risks 위험





FOBO, or Fear of a Better Option, is the (1) that something better will come along, which makes it (2) to commit to existing choices when making a decision. (Hint: 1. a synonym for 'nervousness', 2. a verb that means 'not desirable')

It’s an affliction of (3) that drives you to keep all of your options open and to avoid (4). (Hint: 3. the state of having a large quantity of something, 4. a noun that means 'danger' or 'uncertainty')

Rather than (5) your options, choosing one, and moving on with your day, you delay the inevitable. (Hint: 5. a verb that means 'to evaluate or judge')

It’s not unlike hitting the (6) button on your alarm clock only to pull the covers over your head and fall back asleep. (Hint: 6. a synonym for 'postpone' or 'delay')

As you probably found out the hard way, if you hit snooze enough times, you’ll end up (7) and racing for the office, your day and mood ruined. (Hint: 7. a verb in past participle form that means 'arriving after the agreed time')

While pressing snooze (8) so good at the moment, it ultimately demands a price. (Hint: 8. a verb in present simple tense that means 'feels')

Answer Key:

1) Anxiety
2) Undesirable
3) Abundance
4) Risks
5) Assessing
6) Snooze
7) Being late
8) Feels





FOBO stands for "fear of a better option" and is a term coined by Patrick J. McGinnis, who also coined the term FOMO (fear of missing out) 

FOBO refers to the fear of making a decision because there may be a better option out there. There are also products called FOBO, such as a tire pressure monitoring system 









다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?

Practically anything of value requires that we take a risk of failure or being rejected. This is the price we all must pay for achieving the greater rewards lying ahead of us. To take risks means you will succeed sometime but never to take a risk means that you will never succeed. Life is filled with a lot of risks and challenges and if you want to get away from all these, you will be left behind in the race of life. A person who can never take a risk can’t learn anything. For example, if you never take the risk to drive a car, you can never learn to drive. If you never take the risk of being rejected, you can never have a friend or partner. Similarly, by not taking the risk of attending an interview, you will never get a job.

위험을 무릅쓰지 않으면 아무 것도 얻지 못한다.

자신이 잘하는 일에 집중하는 것이 효율적이다.

잦은 실패 경험은 도전할 의지를 잃게 한다.

위험 요소가 있으면 미리 피하는 것이 좋다.

부탁을 자주 거절하면 신뢰를 잃는다.





"Practically anything of value requires that we take a risk of failure or being rejected."

인생에서 가치 있는 것을 추구할 때 실패나 거절의 위험이 내재되어 있다

"This is the price we all must pay for achieving the greater rewards lying ahead of us."

이 글에서는 위험을 감수하는 것이 단순한 가능성이 아니라 더 큰 기회와 보상을 얻기 위한 필수 요건이라는 점을 강조

"To take risks means you will succeed sometime but never to take a risk means that you will never succeed."

이 문구는 위험을 감수한다고 해서 항상 즉각적인 성공으로 이어지는 것은 아니지만, 위험을 피한다고 해서 성공할 수 없다

"Life is filled with a lot of risks and challenges and if you want to get away from all these, you will be left behind in the race of life."

이는 위험과 도전을 피하면 정체로 이어질 뿐이므로 위험과 도전에 정면으로 맞서야 한다는

"A person who can never take a risk can’t learn anything."

위험을 감수하는 것이 본질적으로 학습 및 개인적 성장과 관련이 있음

"For example, if you never take the risk to drive a car, you can never learn to drive. If you never take the risk of being rejected, you can never have a friend or partner. Similarly, by not taking the risk of attending an interview, you will never get a job."

이러한 사례는 인간관계, 경력 기회, 새로운 기술 습득 등 삶의 모든 측면에서 위험을 감수하는 것이 중요하다는 메시지를 강조

요약하자면, 이 글은 전체적으로 가치 있는 경험과 기회를 추구하기 위해 위험을 감수해야 한다는 강력한 논거를 제시




English Word Korean Translation
Practically 실질적으로
Value 가치
Risk 위험
Failure 실패
Rejected 거부된
Achieving 달성하는
Rewards 보상
Lying 누워 있는
Challenges 도전 과제
Race 경주
Learn 배우다
Drive 운전하다
Rejected 거부당한
Friend 친구
Partner 파트너
Attending 참석하는
Interview 인터뷰
Job 직업
Left 남겨진
Behind 뒤에


Practically anything of value requires that we take a risk of failure or being rejected. This is the price we all must pay for achieving the greater rewards lying ahead of us. To take risks means you will succeed sometime but never to take a risk means that you will never succeed. Life is filled with a lot of risks and challenges and if you want to get away from all these, you will be left behind in the race of life.

1) A person who can never _________ (synonym of "take") a risk can’t learn anything.

2) For example, if you never _________ (opposite of "stop") the risk to drive a car, you can never learn to drive.

3) If you never _________ (synonym of "face") the risk of being rejected, you can never have a friend or partner.

4) Similarly, by not _________ (opposite of "rejecting") the risk of attending an interview, you will never get a job.

<Answer Key>
1) A person who can never undertake a risk can’t learn anything.
2) For example, if you never take the risk to drive a car, you can never learn to drive.
3) If you never confront the risk of being rejected, you can never have a friend or partner.
4) Similarly, by not accepting the risk of attending an interview, you will never get a job.





Taking risks can have several benefits, including:


Personal growth and development
Increased confidence and self-esteem
Opportunities for learning and innovation
Greater chances of success and achievement
Overcoming fears and limitations

However, it is important to note that risks should be calculated and not reckless, and that there is always a chance of failure or negative consequences.


1. 3 Benefits of Taking Risks - YouTube
Download a free self improvement ebook at Enjoy more positive Forward Steps personal development videos by ... 


2. The benefits of taking risks - YouTube
Without risks, no rewards. But it's all about calculated risks. In this video I will tell you how you can benefits from risks. -... 









1 2021(6)/22

다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?

Rather than attempting to punish students with a low grade or mark in the hope it will encourage them to give greater effort in the future, teachers can better motivate students by considering their work as incomplete and then requiring additional effort. Teachers at Beachwood Middle School in Beachwood, Ohio, record students’ grades as A, B, C, or I(Incomplete). Students who receive an I grade are required to do additional work in order to bring their performance up to an acceptable level. This policy is based on the belief that students perform at a failure level or submit failing work in large part because teachers accept it. The Beachwood teachers reason that if they no longer accept substandard work, students will not submit it. And with appropriate support, they believe students will continue to work until their performance is satisfactory.

 학생에게 평가 결과를 공개하는 것은 학습 동기를 떨어뜨린다.

 학생에게 추가 과제를 부여하는 것은 학업 부담을 가중시킨다.

 지속적인 보상은 학업 성취도에 장기적으로 부정적인 영향을 준다.

 학생의 자기주도적 학습 능력은 정서적으로 안정된 학습환경에서 향상된다.

 학생의 과제가 일정 수준에 도달하도록 개선 기회를 주면 동기 부여에 도움이 된다.



내용 분석


"Rather than attempting to punish students with a low grade or mark in the hope it will encourage them to give greater effort in the future, teachers can better motivate students by considering their work as incomplete and then requiring additional effort."

처벌에서 성장과 발전으로 관점을 전환

"Teachers at Beachwood Middle School in Beachwood, Ohio, record students’ grades as A, B, C, or I(Incomplete)."

이 시스템에서는 불합격 성적을 불완전함의 "I"로 대체합니다. 이는 어떤 학생도 본질적으로 실패한 것이 아니라 할 일이 더 많다는 것을 암시합니다. 

"Students who receive an I grade are required to do additional work in order to bring their performance up to an acceptable level."

학생에게 개선의 책임이 있음을 강조

"This policy is based on the belief that students perform at a failure level or submit failing work in large part because teachers accept it."

교육자가 실패를 받아들이는 것이 학생들의 평균 이하의 성과에 기여한다는 것을 시사합니다. 이는 높은 기대치가 더 높은 성과로 이어질 수 있다는 뜻이기도 하다.

"The Beachwood teachers reason that if they no longer accept substandard work, students will not submit it."

높은 기대치가 더 나은 노력으로 이어진다

"And with appropriate support, they believe students will continue to work until their performance is satisfactory."

마지막 줄은 실패를 받아들이지 않고 적절한 지원을 받으면 학생들이 만족스러운 결과를 얻을 때까지 지속할 수 있다. (회복탄력성과 끈기의 중요성)

성장 지향적이고 탄력적인 사고방식, 높은 기대치, 지속적인 학습 및 지원 시스템의 중요성에 대한 글이다. 




Word Definition
rather 차라리
attempt 시도하다
punish 벌하다
encourage 격려하다
effort 노력
consider 생각하다
incomplete 미완성의
require 요구하다
acceptable 받아들일 만한
belief 신념
submit 제출하다
substandard 기준에 미달하는
appropriate 적절한
support 지지
satisfactory 만족스러운


Q: The author of the text believes that teachers can better motivate students by considering their work as ____________ and then requiring additional effort. Which of the following options best completes the blank?

A. incomplete

B. unacceptable

C. wrong

D. bad

E. poor

Instructions: To answer this question, consider the main point of the text. The author is arguing that teachers should not punish students with low grades, but should instead encourage them to improve their work by giving them the opportunity to do additional work. The word that best completes the blank is therefore the one that means "not complete." The correct answer is (A).







호프스태터가 우리의 사고에 영향을 미치는 선입견인 기본 가정에 대해 설명합니다.

(Hofstadter discusses default assumptions, which are preconceived notions that influence our thinking.)



기본 가정과 그것이 우리의 사고에 미치는 영향

(Default assumptions and their impact on our thinking)




기본 가정은 우리의 사고를 유도하는 가능한 상황에 대한 선입견으로, 종종 고정관념에 기반하며 유용할 수도 있고 문제가 될 수도 있습니다.
(Default assumptions are preconceived notions about likely states of affairs that guide our thinking, often based on stereotypes, and can be both useful and problematic.)






1. 핵심 어휘

(1) Stereotypical thinking: 고정관념적 사고

(Douglas Hofstadter writes about stereotypical thinking.)


(2) Default assumptions: 디폴트 가정 

(These are preconceived notions about likely states of affairs.)


(3) Preconceived notions: 선입견 

(Default assumptions are preconceived ideas about what is likely true.)


(4) Stereotype: 스테레오타입 

(Stereotypes are often the basis for default assumptions.)


(5) Mental representations: 정신적 표상 

(Default assumptions influence our mental representations and thoughts.)


(6) Associative clusters: 연관 군집 

(Default assumptions are rooted in socially learned associative clusters.)


(7) Linguistic categories: 언어적 범주 

(Default assumptions also come from linguistic categories.)


(8) Usefulness: 유용성 

(Default assumptions can be useful when time is limited.)


(9) Wrong assumptions: 잘못된 가정 

(Default assumptions can often be incorrect.)


(10) Race-based and gender-based categorization: 인종 기반 및 성별 기반 분류 

(Hofstadter is particularly interested in these types of categorization and default assumptions.)


출처:  "Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid" by Douglas Hofstadter.


2. 내용 이해

(1) What are default assumptions?

(디폴트 가정이란 무엇인가요?)


(2) How do default assumptions influence our thinking? 

(디폴트 가정은 우리의 사고에 어떤 영향을 미치나요?)


(3) What are some examples of default assumptions? 

(디폴트 가정의 예시는 무엇인가요?)


(4) Why can default assumptions be useful? 

(디폴트 가정이 왜 유용한가요?)


(5) In what areas is Hofstadter particularly interested regarding default assumptions? 

(디폴트 가정에 대해 호프스타터가 특히 관심을 가지고 있는 분야는 무엇인가요?)




3. Suggested Answers

(1) Default assumptions are preconceived notions about the likely state of affairs that people assume to be true in the absence of specific information. 

(Reason: The text defines default assumptions as such.)


(2) Default assumptions influence our thinking by permeating our mental representations and channeling our thoughts based on stereotypes. 

(Reason: The text explains how default assumptions affect our thinking process.)


(3) Examples of default assumptions include assuming a secretary is a woman or that a dog is more likely to chase a cat. 

(Reason: The text provides these examples to illustrate the concept of default assumptions.)


(4) Default assumptions can be useful because people often don't have the time to consider every theoretical possibility when making decisions. 

(Reason: The text explains the usefulness of default assumptions in time-constrained situations.)


(5) Hofstadter is particularly interested in race-based and gender-based categorization and default assumptions. 

(Reason: The text mentions Hofstadter's specific interests in these types of categorization and default assumptions.)









도시주의와 그로 인한 사회적 결과, 도시 행동을 통제하는 방법.
(Urbanism, its social consequences, and methods for controlling urban behavior.)



도시주의의 사회적 결과와 도시 행동을 통제하는 데 사용되는 방법.

(The social consequences of urbanism and methods used to control urban behavior.)




도시주의는 비공식적 통제를 해체하여 개인에게 더 많은 자유를 허용하지만 효율적인 조정을 위해 도시 행동을 통제하는 방법의 개발이 필요합니다.

(Urbanism dissolves informal controls, allowing individuals more freedom but necessitating the development of methods to control urban behavior for efficient coordination.)




1. 핵심 어휘

(1) Industrial cities: 산업 도시 

(Large, industrial cities have social consequences known as urbanism.)


(2) Urbanism: 도시화 

(The rise of cities leads to social consequences.)


(3) Informal controls: 비공식적 통제 

(Cities dissolve informal controls of villages or small towns.)


(4) Social interactions: 사회적 상호작용 

(Most social interactions in cities occur between people in specific roles.)


(5) Social norms: 사회적 규범 

(Individuals in cities can break away from social norms.)


(6) High density: 고밀도 

(High density of city living requires coordination.)


(7) Urban societies: 도시 사회 

(Urban societies develop methods to control behavior.)


(8) Regulations: 규정 

(Regulations are used to control private land use and building construction.)


(9) Maintenance: 유지 

(Maintenance is controlled to minimize risks like fires.)


(10) Pollution and noise: 오염과 소음 

(Urban societies regulate pollution and noise production.)


출처:  "The Urban Revolution" by Henri Lefebvre.



2. 내용 이해

(1) What are the social consequences of urbanism? 

(도시화의 사회적 결과는 무엇인가?)


(2) How do social interactions in cities differ from those in villages or small towns? 

(도시의 사회적 상호작용이 마을이나 소도시의 상호작용과 어떻게 다른가?)


(3) In what ways do urban societies allow individuals to break away from social norms? 

(도시 사회에서 개인이 어떤 방식으로 사회적 규범에서 벗어날 수 있는가?)


(4) Why is coordination important in high-density city living? 

(고밀도 도시 생활에서 조정이 중요한 이유는 무엇인가?)


(5) What are some methods used by urban societies to control urban behavior? 

(도시 사회에서 도시 행동을 통제하기 위해 사용되는 몇 가지 방법은 무엇인가?)


3. Suggested Answers

(1) The social consequences of urbanism include the dissolution of informal controls, increased anonymity, and role-based social interactions. 

(Reason: The text describes these consequences as resulting from urbanism.)


(2) Social interactions in cities mostly occur between people who know each other only in specific roles, whereas in villages or small towns, people often have more personal connections. 

(Reason: The text contrasts the nature of social interactions in cities and smaller communities.)


(3) Urban societies allow individuals to break away from social norms by providing more anonymity and freedom, as most residents are unknown to each other. 

(Reason: The text discusses how anonymity in cities offers individuals more freedom.)


(4) Coordination is important in high-density city living because it requires the efficient management and cooperation of thousands of people. 

(Reason: The text highlights the need for coordination in urban societies.)


(5) Some methods used by urban societies to control urban behavior include regulations controlling private land use, building construction and maintenance, and the production of pollution and noise.

(Reason: The text provides examples of methods developed by urban societies to control urban behavior for efficient coordination and maintaining a better quality of life.)









인과적 추론과 확률적 추론을 개선하기 위한 인간 추론의 한계와 AI 기반 도구.
(Human reasoning limitations and AI-based tools for better causal and probabilistic reasoning.)


복잡한 영역에서 인간의 인과적 추론과 확률적 추론을 지원하는 AI 기반 도구의 잠재력.

(The potential of AI-based tools to support human causal and probabilistic reasoning in complex domains.)


요지: 베이지안 네트워크와 같은 AI 기반 도구는 복잡한 상황에서, 특히 새롭거나 희귀한 위협을 다룰 때 인간의 추론을 체계적으로 지원할 수 있습니다.

(AI-based tools, such as Bayesian Networks, can provide structured support for human reasoning in complex situations, especially when dealing with novel or rare threats.)




1. 핵심 어휘

(1) Reasoning: 추론 

(Human reasoning is prone to confusion and error.)


(2) Causal: 인과적인 

(Causal questions become complex in certain situations.)


(3) Policy interventions: 정책 개입 

(Assessing the impact of policy interventions is complex.)


(4) AI-based tools: 인공지능 기반 도구 

(AI-based tools can support better causal and probabilistic reasoning.)


(5) Causal models: 인과 모델 

(Humans have a natural ability to build causal models.)


(6) Machine-learning: 기계 학습 

(Modern machine-learning systems lack causal explanations.)


(7) Bayesian Networks: 베이지안 네트워크 

(Bayesian Networks map causal relationships and uncertainty.)


(8) Decision support: 결정 지원 

(Bayesian Networks can be used for decision support.)


(9) Risk assessment: 위험 평가 

(AI tools can enable more accurate risk assessment.)


(10) Novel threats: 새로운 위협 

(AI tools are useful for assessing the threat of novel or rare events.)


출처:  "Causal Reasoning in AI and Human Thinking" by Judea Pearl.



2. 내용 이해

(1) What are the limitations of human reasoning when dealing with complex causal questions?

(복잡한 인과 문제를 다룰 때 인간 추론의 한계는 무엇인가?)


(2) How can AI-based tools support human reasoning in complex domains? 

(복잡한 영역에서 인공지능 기반 도구가 인간 추론을 어떻게 지원할 수 있는가?)

(3) What is an example of a situation where a human can build a causal model, but a machine-learning system cannot? 

(인간이 인과 모델을 구축할 수 있지만 기계 학습 시스템은 그렇지 못한 상황의 예는 무엇인가?)


(4) What is the role of Bayesian Networks in decision support? 

(결정 지원에서 베이지안 네트워크의 역할은 무엇인가?)


(5) Why might AI-based tools be particularly useful for assessing novel or rare threats? 

(인공지능 기반 도구가 새로운 또는 드문 위협을 평가하는 데 특히 유용한 이유는 무엇인가?)


3. Suggested Answers

(1) Human reasoning is prone to confusion and error when dealing with complex causal questions. 

(Reason: The text states that human reasoning has limitations in complex situations.)


(2) AI-based tools can provide structured support for causal and probabilistic reasoning in complex domains. 

(Reason: The text discusses the potential of AI-based tools like Bayesian Networks to support human reasoning.)


(3) A doctor explaining why a treatment works is an example where a human can build a causal model, but a machine-learning system cannot. 

(Reason: The text provides this example to illustrate the difference between human causal reasoning and machine-learning systems.)

(4) The role of Bayesian Networks in decision support is to map out causal relationships between events and represent degrees of uncertainty around different areas, enabling more accurate risk assessment. 

(Reason: The text explains how Bayesian Networks can be used for decision support, such as in risk assessment.)


(5) AI-based tools might be particularly useful for assessing novel or rare threats because they can analyze situations with little historical data available, which is often the case for new or rare events like terrorist attacks and ecological disasters.

(Reason: The text highlights the usefulness of AI tools in assessing novel or rare threats where data is limited.)








언어 자원의 의미와 커뮤니케이션에 미치는 영향 분석하기.
(Analyzing linguistic resource meanings and their influence on communication.)



언어적 자원의 의미와 그것이 커뮤니케이션에 미치는 영향
(The meanings of linguistic resources and their impact on communication)



언어 자원의 의미는 보편적인 것이 아니라 특정 맥락에서의 사용을 통해 시간이 지남에 따라 구축되며, 이러한 의미는 우리의 커뮤니케이션을 형성합니다.

(The meanings of linguistic resources are not universal, but are built over time through their use in particular contexts, and these meanings shape our communication.)







1. 핵심 어휘

(1) Resources: 자원 

(Our resources come with histories of meanings.)


(2) Negotiation: 협상 

(Meaning is open to negotiation.)


(3) Conventionalized: 관례화된 

(Linguistic resources have conventionalized histories of meaning.)


(4) Accomplish: 달성하다 

(Resources are used to accomplish particular goals.)


(5) Contexts: 맥락 

(Meanings are built up over time from their past uses in particular contexts.)


(6) Embedded: 내장된 

(Meanings are embedded within linguistic resources.)


(7) Collective: 집단적인 

(Our collective history influences our use of linguistic resources.)


(8) Position: 위치시키다 

(We position ourselves in relation to the contexts of linguistic resources.)


(9) Simultaneously: 동시에 

(We accomplish two actions simultaneously when using linguistic resources.)


(10) Conventionality: 관례성 

(It is the conventionality that binds us to particular ways of realizing our collective history.)


출처:  "Language as Social Semiotic" by M.A.K. Halliday.

2. 내용 이해

(1) How do meanings of linguistic resources come to exist?

(언어적 자원의 의미는 어떻게 존재하게 되는가?)


(2) What shapes the goals accomplished by linguistic resources? 

(언어적 자원으로 달성되는 목표는 무엇에 의해 형성되는가?)


(3) What is the role of conventionality in our use of linguistic resources? 

(언어적 자원 사용에서 관례성의 역할은 무엇인가?)


(4) How do we position ourselves in relation to the contexts of linguistic resources? 

(언어적 자원의 맥락에 대해 우리 자신을 어떻게 위치시키는가?)


(5) What two actions do we accomplish simultaneously when using linguistic resources? 

(언어적 자원을 사용할 때 동시에 어떤 두 가지 행동을 달성하는가?)


3. Suggested Answers

(1) The meanings of linguistic resources are built up over time from their past uses in particular contexts by particular groups. 

(Reason: The text states that meanings are not universal, but are built up over time through use in contexts.)


(2) Cultural, historical, and institutional forces shape the goals accomplished by linguistic resources. 

(Reason: The text mentions that these forces influence the goals accomplished by linguistic resources.)


(3) Conventionality binds us to particular ways of realizing our collective history when using linguistic resources. 

(Reason: The text states that it is the conventionality that influences our use of resources.)


(4) We position ourselves in relation to the contexts of linguistic resources by creating their typical historical contexts of use and positioning ourselves in relation to these contexts. 

(Reason: The text discusses how we position ourselves in relation to the contexts of resources.)


(5) We create the typical historical contexts of use for linguistic resources and position ourselves in relation to these contexts. 

(Reason: The text explains that we accomplish these two actions simultaneously when using resources.)



4. 주요 문장


(1) The linguistic resources we choose to use do not come to us as empty forms ready to be filled with our personal intentions; rather, they come to us with meanings already embedded within them. 

(문법적 설명: 언어적 자원이 우리의 개인적 의도에 따라 비어 있는 형태로 오는 것이 아니라 이미 내장된 의미를 가지고 온다는 점을 강조하는 대조 연결어 'rather'를 사용하였습니다.) 

(의미 설명: 이 문장은 언어 자원이 이미 내장된 의미를 가지고 있다는 사실을 강조하며, 이러한 의미가 통신의 맥락에서 중요한 역할을 한다는 것을 보여줍니다.)

(2) These meanings, however, are not derived from some universal, logical set of principles; rather, as with their shapes, they are built up over time from their past uses in particular contexts by particular groups of participants in the accomplishment of particular goals that, in turn, are shaped by myriad cultural, historical, and institutional forces. 

(문법적 설명: 문장에서는 'however'를 사용하여 의미의 출처에 대한 대조를 강조하고 있으며, 'rather'를 통해 의미가 시간이 지남에 따라 특정 맥락에서의 과거 사용을 기반으로 구축된다는 점을 설명하고 있습니다.) 

(의미 설명: 이 문장은 언어 자원의 의미가 보편적이거나 논리적 원칙에 기반한 것이 아니라, 문화, 역사, 제도적 힘에 의해 형성되는 특정 맥락에서 구축되어 왔음을 보여줍니다.)

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