아리스토텔레스의 선의 개념은 행복인 에우다이모니아이며, 인간의 본성과 세속적 지식에 의존합니다.
(Aristotle's concept of the Good is eudaimonia, which is happiness, and relies on human nature and worldly knowledge.)
아리스토텔레스의 에우다이모니아 개념과 인간의 본성 및 세속적 지식과의 관계
(Aristotle's concept of eudaimonia and its relation to human nature and worldly knowledge)
아리스토텔레스의 선 개념인 에우다이모니아는 신학이나 형이상학적 지식이 아니라 인간의 본성과 세속적 존재에 근거한다.
(Aristotle's concept of the Good, eudaimonia, is based on human nature and worldly existence, rather than theological or metaphysical knowledge.)
1. 핵심 어휘
(1) Aristotle: 아리스토텔레스
(Aristotle was a Greek philosopher)
(2) Good: 선
(The Good is the ultimate goal in Aristotle's philosophy)
(3) Eudaimonia: 행복
(Eudaimonia is a central concept in Aristotle's ethics)
(4) Human nature: 인간 본성
(Understanding human nature is essential for Aristotle's ethical theory)
(5) Worldly existence: 세속적 존재
(Worldly existence refers to life on earth)
(6) Naturalistic: 자연주의적
(Naturalistic theories rely on empirical observations)
(7) Theological: 신학적
(Theological knowledge involves the study of religious beliefs)
(8) Metaphysical: 형이상학적
(Metaphysical knowledge is about abstract concepts and principles)
(9) Universal human goal: 보편적 인간 목표
(A universal human goal is something that all people strive for)
(10) Happiness: 행복
(Happiness is a central theme in Aristotle's ethics)
2. h4: 소제목 2번 항목입니다.
(1) What does Aristotle claim the Good for human beings is?
(아리스토텔레스는 인간에게 선이 무엇이라고 주장합니까?)
(2) What knowledge does Aristotle believe eudaimonia depends on?
(아리스토텔레스는 행복이 어떤 지식에 의존한다고 생각합니까?)
(3) How does Aristotle describe his theory as "naturalistic"?
(아리스토텔레스는 어떻게 그의 이론을 "자연주의적"으로 설명합니까?)
(4) What does Aristotle argue is the universal human goal?
(아리스토텔레스는 보편적 인간 목표가 무엇이라고 주장합니까?)
(5) Why is the conclusion about happiness still considered somewhat formal?
(행복에 대한 결론이 왜 여전히 어느 정도 형식적으로 간주되는지?)
3. Suggested Answers
(1) Aristotle claims that the Good for human beings is eudaimonia, which is happiness.
(Reason: The text states that eudaimonia is the Good for human beings according to Aristotle.)
(2) Aristotle believes that eudaimonia depends on knowledge of human nature and worldly and social realities.
(Reason: The text explains that eudaimonia depends on this kind of knowledge.)
(3) Aristotle's theory is described as "naturalistic" because it does not depend on theological or metaphysical knowledge.
(Reason: The text highlights the non-reliance on theological or metaphysical knowledge in Aristotle's theory.)
(4) Aristotle argues that the universal human goal is happiness.
(Reason: The text states that happiness is the universal human goal according to Aristotle.)
(5) The conclusion about happiness is still considered somewhat formal because different people have different views about what happiness is.
(Reason: The text explains that the variation in people's perspectives on happiness makes the conclusion somewhat formal.)
4. 주요 문장
(1) Aristotle explains that the Good for human beings consists in eudaimoniā
(a Greek word combining eu meaning “good” with daimon meaning “spirit,” and most often translated as “happiness”).
(This sentence introduces Aristotle's concept of the Good as eudaimonia or happiness. The sentence has a subject "Aristotle" and a predicate "explains that the Good for human beings consists in eudaimoniā.")
(2) It does not depend on knowledge of God or of metaphysical and universal moral norms.
(This sentence highlights the naturalistic aspect of Aristotle's theory, as it does not rely on theological or metaphysical knowledge. The sentence has a subject "It" and a predicate "does not depend on knowledge of God or of metaphysical and universal moral norms.")
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