존 로크의 사상과 그것이 사회에 미친 영향
(John Locke's ideas and their impact on society)
존 로크의 경험론적 철학과 그것이 새로운 사회 형성에 미친 영향.
(John Locke's empiricist philosophy and its impact on the formation of new societies.)
인간을 형성하는 경험에 대한 존 로크의 강조는 다른 사회를 형성하려는 사람들에게 낙관적인 틀을 제공했습니다.
(John Locke's emphasis on experience shaping human beings provided an optimistic framework for those trying to form a different society.)
1. 핵심 어휘
(1) Empiricist: 경험주의자
(John Locke was an empiricist philosopher.)
(2) Tabula rasa: 공백의 판
(Locke believed that the mind was a tabula rasa at birth.)
(3) Experience: 경험
(Experience shapes who we are and who we become.)
(4) Character: 성격
(Different experiences lead to different characters in human beings.)
(5) Influence: 영향
(The influence of Locke's ideas was profound.)
(6) Colonies: 식민지
(Locke's ideas influenced new colonies in America.)
(7) Feudal: 봉건 제도의
(European culture was based on the feudal system.)
(8) Innate: 선천적인
(The feudal system tended to emphasize innate characteristics.)
(9) Society: 사회
(Locke's ideas contributed to the formation of a new society.)
(10) Optimistic framework: 낙관적 틀
(Locke's ideas provided an optimistic framework for a different society.)
2. 내용 이해
(1) Who is John Locke and what is his philosophy about?
(존 로크은 누구이며 그의 철학은 무엇에 관한 것인가?)
(2) What does tabula rasa mean?
(타뷸라 라사는 무엇을 의미하는가?)
(3) How did Locke's ideas influence new colonies in America?
(로크의 생각이 미국의 신규 식민지에 어떤 영향을 미쳤나?)
(4) How was European culture different from the new society that Locke's ideas contributed to forming?
(로크의 생각이 기여한 신사회는 유럽 문화와 어떻게 다른가?)
(5) What optimistic framework did Locke's ideas provide for those trying to form a different society?
(로크의 생각이 다른 사회를 형성하려는 사람들에게 어떤 낙관적 틀을 제공했나?)
3. Suggested Answers
(1) John Locke was an empiricist philosopher who believed that the human mind was a tabula rasa at birth and that experience shapes who we are and who we become.
(Reason) The text introduces John Locke as an empiricist philosopher and explains his belief in the tabula rasa and the importance of experience in shaping human beings.
(2) Tabula rasa means a blank slate, representing the idea that the human mind is empty at birth and waiting to be written on by experience.
(Reason) The text provides a definition of tabula rasa and explains its connection to Locke's belief about the human mind at birth.
(3) Locke's ideas influenced new colonies in America by providing an optimistic framework for those trying to form a different society, based on the importance of experience rather than innate characteristics.
(Reason) The text explains the impact of Locke's ideas on new colonies in America, stating that they provided an optimistic framework for the formation of a different society.
(4) European culture was based on the feudal system, which emphasized innate characteristics and predetermined social positions, while the new society that Locke's ideas contributed to forming valued experience as the primary determinant of an individual's character and place in society.
(Reason) The text contrasts European culture's reliance on the feudal system with the new society influenced by Locke's ideas, which prioritized experience over innate traits.
(5) Locke's ideas provided an optimistic framework for those trying to form a different society by emphasizing the importance of experience in shaping individuals, thus allowing for social mobility and the possibility of change based on one's experiences.
(Reason) The text explains that Locke's emphasis on experience as a determinant of character provided an optimistic foundation for creating a new society.
4. Key Sentences
(1) Locke believed that our experience shapes who we are and who we become.
(록은 우리의 경험이 우리가 누구인지와 우리가 되고자 하는 것을 형성한다고 믿었다.)
(Grammatical explanation) The sentence uses a subject (Locke) with a past tense verb (believed) and an object complement clause (that our experience shapes...).
(Semantic explanation) This sentence explains Locke's main philosophical belief that experience is the primary factor in determining an individual's character.
(2) The new society was to operate on a different basis from that of European culture, which was based on the feudal system.
(신사회는 유럽 문화와 다른 기반으로 운영되어야 했으며, 유럽 문화는 봉건 제도를 기반으로 했다.)
(Grammatical explanation) This sentence uses a passive voice structure (The new society was to operate...) and contrasts the new society with European culture using a relative clause (which was based on the feudal system).
(Semantic explanation) The sentence highlights the difference between the new society influenced by Locke's ideas and the European culture based on the feudal system, emphasizing the importance of experience over innate characteristics in the new society.
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