사회적 증거는 행동에 영향을 미치며, 집단주의 사회는 타인의 행동에 더 많은 영향을 받습니다.
(Social proof influences behavior; collectivist societies more affected by others' actions.)
적절한 행동을 결정하는 요인으로서의 사회적 증거, 그리고 그것이 집단주의 사회와 개인주의 사회에 미치는 영향
(Social proof as a factor in determining appropriate behavior, and its impact on collectivist vs. individualist societies)
개인은 종종 적절한 행동을 결정하기 위해 사회적 증거 또는 다른 사람의 행동을 사용하며, 집단주의 사회에서는 동료의 행동에 더 많은 영향을 받는다.
(Individuals often use social proof, or the behavior of others, to determine appropriate actions, with collectivist societies being more influenced by the actions of their peers.)
1. 핵심 어휘
(1) Social proof: 사회적 증거
(Social proof can influence people's decisions)
(2) Appropriate behavior: 적절한 행동
(Appropriate behavior varies across cultures)
(3) Situation: 상황
(The situation can determine the best course of action)
(4) Referent others: 참고 대상
(People compare themselves to referent others)
(5) Compliance tactics: 순응 전략
(Compliance tactics can be used to persuade people)
(6) Collectivistically oriented: 집단주의 지향적
(Collectivistically oriented societies prioritize group harmony)
(7) Individualized self: 개별화된 자아
(The individualized self is focused on personal identity)
(8) Subsequent behavior: 후속 행동
(Subsequent behavior is influenced by past actions)
(9) Persuasive: 설득력 있는
(Persuasive messages can change people's opinions)
(10) Collectivistic society: 집단주의 사회
(Collectivistic societies value group cohesion)
2. 내용 이해
(1) What is the principle of social proof?
(사회적 증거의 원리는 무엇입니까?)
(2) How do people validate their opinions and decisions?
(사람들은 어떻게 자신의 의견과 결정의 정확성을 확인합니까?)
(3) What is the main difference between collectivistically oriented nations and individualistic societies?
(집단주의 지향적 국가와 개인주의 사회의 주요 차이점은 무엇입니까?)
(4) How do compliance tactics relate to social proof?
(순응 전략이 사회적 증거와 어떻게 관련되어 있습니까?)
(5) What evidence is provided to support the claim about collectivistic and individualistic societies?
(집단주의와 개인주의 사회에 대한 주장을 뒷받침하는 증거는 무엇입니까?)
3. Suggested Answers
(1) The principle of social proof is that individuals determine appropriate behavior for themselves in a situation by examining the behavior of others, especially similar others.
(Reason: The text defines the principle of social proof.)
(2) People validate their opinions and decisions through social comparison with referent others.
(Reason: The text explains that social comparison with referent others is the method used.)
(3) The main difference between collectivistically oriented nations and individualistic societies is that the former places a higher value on group harmony, while the latter focuses on personal identity.
(Reason: The text highlights the difference in priorities between these societies.)
(4) Compliance tactics that employ information about the responses of referent others relate to social proof, as they take advantage of the tendency for people to behave as their friends and peers have behaved.
(Reason: The text discusses how compliance tactics use social proof.)
(5) The evidence provided is a study showing that advertisements promoting group benefits were more persuasive in Korea (a collectivistic society) than in the United States (an individualistic society).
(Reason: The text cites this study as evidence supporting the claim about collectivistic and individualistic societies.)
4. 주요 문장
According to the principle of social proof, one way individuals determine appropriate behavior for themselves in a situation is to examine the behavior of others there — especially similar others.
(This sentence introduces the concept of social proof and explains how it helps individuals determine their actions. The sentence has a subject "one way individuals determine appropriate behavior" and a predicate "is to examine the behavior of others.")
Some evidence in this regard comes from a study showing that advertisements that promoted group benefits were more persuasive in Korea (a collectivistic society) than in the United States (an individualistic society).
(This sentence provides evidence supporting the claim that collectivist societies are more influenced by the actions of their peers. The sentence has a subject "some evidence" and a predicate "comes from a study showing that advertisements that promoted group benefits were more persuasive in Korea than in the United States.")
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