인과적 추론과 확률적 추론을 개선하기 위한 인간 추론의 한계와 AI 기반 도구.
(Human reasoning limitations and AI-based tools for better causal and probabilistic reasoning.)
복잡한 영역에서 인간의 인과적 추론과 확률적 추론을 지원하는 AI 기반 도구의 잠재력.
(The potential of AI-based tools to support human causal and probabilistic reasoning in complex domains.)
요지: 베이지안 네트워크와 같은 AI 기반 도구는 복잡한 상황에서, 특히 새롭거나 희귀한 위협을 다룰 때 인간의 추론을 체계적으로 지원할 수 있습니다.
(AI-based tools, such as Bayesian Networks, can provide structured support for human reasoning in complex situations, especially when dealing with novel or rare threats.)
1. 핵심 어휘
(1) Reasoning: 추론
(Human reasoning is prone to confusion and error.)
(2) Causal: 인과적인
(Causal questions become complex in certain situations.)
(3) Policy interventions: 정책 개입
(Assessing the impact of policy interventions is complex.)
(4) AI-based tools: 인공지능 기반 도구
(AI-based tools can support better causal and probabilistic reasoning.)
(5) Causal models: 인과 모델
(Humans have a natural ability to build causal models.)
(6) Machine-learning: 기계 학습
(Modern machine-learning systems lack causal explanations.)
(7) Bayesian Networks: 베이지안 네트워크
(Bayesian Networks map causal relationships and uncertainty.)
(8) Decision support: 결정 지원
(Bayesian Networks can be used for decision support.)
(9) Risk assessment: 위험 평가
(AI tools can enable more accurate risk assessment.)
(10) Novel threats: 새로운 위협
(AI tools are useful for assessing the threat of novel or rare events.)
출처: "Causal Reasoning in AI and Human Thinking" by Judea Pearl.
2. 내용 이해
(1) What are the limitations of human reasoning when dealing with complex causal questions?
(복잡한 인과 문제를 다룰 때 인간 추론의 한계는 무엇인가?)
(2) How can AI-based tools support human reasoning in complex domains?
(복잡한 영역에서 인공지능 기반 도구가 인간 추론을 어떻게 지원할 수 있는가?)
(3) What is an example of a situation where a human can build a causal model, but a machine-learning system cannot?
(인간이 인과 모델을 구축할 수 있지만 기계 학습 시스템은 그렇지 못한 상황의 예는 무엇인가?)
(4) What is the role of Bayesian Networks in decision support?
(결정 지원에서 베이지안 네트워크의 역할은 무엇인가?)
(5) Why might AI-based tools be particularly useful for assessing novel or rare threats?
(인공지능 기반 도구가 새로운 또는 드문 위협을 평가하는 데 특히 유용한 이유는 무엇인가?)
3. Suggested Answers
(1) Human reasoning is prone to confusion and error when dealing with complex causal questions.
(Reason: The text states that human reasoning has limitations in complex situations.)
(2) AI-based tools can provide structured support for causal and probabilistic reasoning in complex domains.
(Reason: The text discusses the potential of AI-based tools like Bayesian Networks to support human reasoning.)
(3) A doctor explaining why a treatment works is an example where a human can build a causal model, but a machine-learning system cannot.
(Reason: The text provides this example to illustrate the difference between human causal reasoning and machine-learning systems.)
(4) The role of Bayesian Networks in decision support is to map out causal relationships between events and represent degrees of uncertainty around different areas, enabling more accurate risk assessment.
(Reason: The text explains how Bayesian Networks can be used for decision support, such as in risk assessment.)
(5) AI-based tools might be particularly useful for assessing novel or rare threats because they can analyze situations with little historical data available, which is often the case for new or rare events like terrorist attacks and ecological disasters.
(Reason: The text highlights the usefulness of AI tools in assessing novel or rare threats where data is limited.)
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