도시주의와 그로 인한 사회적 결과, 도시 행동을 통제하는 방법.
(Urbanism, its social consequences, and methods for controlling urban behavior.)
도시주의의 사회적 결과와 도시 행동을 통제하는 데 사용되는 방법.
(The social consequences of urbanism and methods used to control urban behavior.)
도시주의는 비공식적 통제를 해체하여 개인에게 더 많은 자유를 허용하지만 효율적인 조정을 위해 도시 행동을 통제하는 방법의 개발이 필요합니다.
(Urbanism dissolves informal controls, allowing individuals more freedom but necessitating the development of methods to control urban behavior for efficient coordination.)
1. 핵심 어휘
(1) Industrial cities: 산업 도시
(Large, industrial cities have social consequences known as urbanism.)
(2) Urbanism: 도시화
(The rise of cities leads to social consequences.)
(3) Informal controls: 비공식적 통제
(Cities dissolve informal controls of villages or small towns.)
(4) Social interactions: 사회적 상호작용
(Most social interactions in cities occur between people in specific roles.)
(5) Social norms: 사회적 규범
(Individuals in cities can break away from social norms.)
(6) High density: 고밀도
(High density of city living requires coordination.)
(7) Urban societies: 도시 사회
(Urban societies develop methods to control behavior.)
(8) Regulations: 규정
(Regulations are used to control private land use and building construction.)
(9) Maintenance: 유지
(Maintenance is controlled to minimize risks like fires.)
(10) Pollution and noise: 오염과 소음
(Urban societies regulate pollution and noise production.)
출처: "The Urban Revolution" by Henri Lefebvre.
2. 내용 이해
(1) What are the social consequences of urbanism?
(도시화의 사회적 결과는 무엇인가?)
(2) How do social interactions in cities differ from those in villages or small towns?
(도시의 사회적 상호작용이 마을이나 소도시의 상호작용과 어떻게 다른가?)
(3) In what ways do urban societies allow individuals to break away from social norms?
(도시 사회에서 개인이 어떤 방식으로 사회적 규범에서 벗어날 수 있는가?)
(4) Why is coordination important in high-density city living?
(고밀도 도시 생활에서 조정이 중요한 이유는 무엇인가?)
(5) What are some methods used by urban societies to control urban behavior?
(도시 사회에서 도시 행동을 통제하기 위해 사용되는 몇 가지 방법은 무엇인가?)
3. Suggested Answers
(1) The social consequences of urbanism include the dissolution of informal controls, increased anonymity, and role-based social interactions.
(Reason: The text describes these consequences as resulting from urbanism.)
(2) Social interactions in cities mostly occur between people who know each other only in specific roles, whereas in villages or small towns, people often have more personal connections.
(Reason: The text contrasts the nature of social interactions in cities and smaller communities.)
(3) Urban societies allow individuals to break away from social norms by providing more anonymity and freedom, as most residents are unknown to each other.
(Reason: The text discusses how anonymity in cities offers individuals more freedom.)
(4) Coordination is important in high-density city living because it requires the efficient management and cooperation of thousands of people.
(Reason: The text highlights the need for coordination in urban societies.)
(5) Some methods used by urban societies to control urban behavior include regulations controlling private land use, building construction and maintenance, and the production of pollution and noise.
(Reason: The text provides examples of methods developed by urban societies to control urban behavior for efficient coordination and maintaining a better quality of life.)
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