Online FlowChart & Diagrams Editor - Mermaid Live Editor





Experts advise people to “take the stairs instead of the elevator” or “walk or bike to work.” These are good strategies: climbing stairs provides a good work-out, and people who walk or ride a bicycle for transportation most often meet their needs for physical activity. Many people, however, face barriers in their environment that prevent such choices. Few people would choose to walk or bike on roadways that lack safe sidewalks or marked bicycle lanes, where vehicles speed by, or where the air is polluted. Few would choose to walk up stairs in inconvenient and unsafe stairwells in modern buildings. In contrast, people living in neighborhoods with safe biking and walking lanes, public parks, and freely available exercise facilities use them often their surroundings encourage physical activity.


* stairwell: 계단을 포함한 건물의 수직 공간


자연환경을 훼손시키면서까지 운동 시설을 만들어서는 안 된다.

일상에서의 운동 가능 여부는 주변 여건의 영향을 받는다.

운동을 위한 시간과 공간을 따로 정해 놓을 필요가 있다.

자신의 건강 상태를 고려하여 운동량을 계획해야 한다.

짧더라도 규칙적으로 운동하는 것이 건강에 좋다.








English Word Korean Translation
Experts 전문가들
Advise 조언하다
Strategies 전략들
Climbing 등반
Transportation 교통수단
Physical activity 신체 활동
Barriers 장애물들
Environment 환경
Roadways 도로들
Sidewalks 보도
Bicycle lanes 자전거 도로
Vehicles 차량들
Polluted 오염된
Stairwells 계단 통로
Neighborhoods 이웃
Public parks 공공 공원
Exercise facilities 운동 시설
Encourage 격려하다
Often 자주
Surroundings 주변 환경



1. "Experts advise people to 'take the stairs instead of the elevator' or 'walk or bike to work.'"
건강을 위해 도전적이거나 덜 편리한 길을 택하는 것이 바람직

"These are good strategies: climbing stairs provides a good work-out, and people who walk or ride a bicycle for transportation most often meet their needs for physical activity."
덜 편리한 선택의 이점

"Many people, however, face barriers in their environment that prevent such choices."
특정 선택을 어렵게 만들 수 있는 개인이 직면할 수 있는 도전이나 장벽

"Few people would choose to walk or bike on roadways that lack safe sidewalks or marked bicycle lanes, where vehicles speed by, or where the air is polluted."
환경적 장벽

"Few would choose to walk up stairs in inconvenient and unsafe stairwells in modern buildings."
제도적 또는 시스템적 문제

"In contrast, people living in neighborhoods with safe biking and walking lanes, public parks, and freely available exercise facilities use them often — their surroundings encourage physical activity."
환경이 어떻게 긍정적인 선택을 장려할 수 있는가



Experts advise people to "(blank 1)" or “walk or bike to work.” These are good strategies: "(blank 2)", and people who walk or ride a bicycle for transportation most often meet their needs for physical activity. Many people, however, face barriers in their environment that prevent such choices. Few people would choose to walk or bike on roadways that lack safe sidewalks or marked bicycle lanes, where vehicles speed by, or where the air is polluted. Few would choose to walk up stairs in inconvenient and unsafe stairwells in modern buildings. In contrast, people living in neighborhoods with safe biking and walking lanes, public parks, and freely available exercise facilities use them often — their "(blank 3)" encourage physical activity.

Blank 1:
a) take the elevator instead of the stairs
b) use the stairs instead of the elevator (answer)
c) always use the elevator
d) never take the stairs
e) avoid stairs and elevators

Blank 2:
a) riding an elevator does not provide a workout
b) climbing stairs provides no benefits
c) taking the stairs does not constitute physical exercise
d) climbing stairs can be a useful exercise (answer)
e) biking to work is unhealthy

Blank 3:
a) homes
b) offices
c) living conditions
d) pets
e) surroundings (answer)





Experts advise people to “take the stairs instead of the elevator” or “walk or bike to work.” These are good strategies:

The benefits of physical activity are widely known, but many people face barriers that prevent them from being active. For example, walking or biking on unsafe roads without sidewalks or bike lanes, or climbing stairs in inconvenient and unsafe stairwells


Experts advise people to “take the stairs instead of the elevator” or “walk or bike to work.” These are good strategies:

The benefits of physical activity are widely known, but many people face barriers that prevent them from being active. For example, walking or biking on unsafe roads without sidewalks or bike lanes, or climbing stairs in inconvenient and unsafe stairwells


Experts advise people to “take the stairs instead of the elevator” or “walk or bike to work.” These are good strategies:

The benefits of physical activity are widely known, but many people face barriers that prevent them from being active. For example, walking or biking on unsafe roads without sidewalks or bike lanes, or climbing stairs in inconvenient and unsafe stairwells

#TakeTheStairs #WalkOrBike #HealthyLifestyle #CityLife #UrbanPlanning #ActiveLiving #FitnessJourney #EverydayWorkout #NoGymNeeded #TransformTheCity #CommunityAction #HealthyCities #PhysicalActivity #SafeRoads #GreenLiving #PublicSpaces #AccessibleFitness #WalkableCity #UrbanDesign #BicycleLanes #PedestrianFriendly #SustainableLiving #OutdoorWorkout #ActiveTransportation #HealthAndWellness #MoveMore #YourCityYourGym #BetterFuture 🙌🌍


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