

원치 않는 작업을 수락하여 처리하면 더 나은 환경으로 이어질 수 있습니다.

(Handling unwanted tasks with acceptance can lead to a better environment.)



원치 않는 작업에 접근하기 

(Approaching unwanted tasks)





원치 않는 일을 미워하는 대신 받아들이면 더 쾌적한 환경을 조성하고 자신과 타인에 대한 연민을 키울 수 있습니다.

Accepting unwanted tasks instead of hating them can create a more pleasant environment and foster compassion towards oneself and others.



핵심 어휘

(1) Unwanted: 원치 않는 (She received an unwanted gift.)


(2) Environment: 환경 (They strive to protect the environment.)


(3) Hate: 싫어하다 (She hates doing the dishes.)


(4) Choice: 선택 (You have a choice between two options.)


(5) Accepting: 받아들이는 (He is accepting of other people's opinions.)


(6) Compassion: 연민 (She showed compassion to the homeless.)


(7) Task: 작업 (He completed the task on time.)


(8) Opportunity: 기회 (She seized the opportunity to travel.)


(9) Accomplishing: 달성하는 (They were accomplishing their goals.)


(10) Acceptance: 수용 (Acceptance is the first step to change.)



내용 이해

(1) What happens when people do unwanted things?

(사람들이 원치 않는 일을 할 때 무슨 일이 일어나나요?)


(2) What are the two choices when facing an unwanted task?

(원치 않는 작업을 직면했을 때 두 가지 선택은 무엇인가요?)


(3) What are the consequences of doing a task from a place of hatred?

(증오의 위치에서 작업을 수행하는 결과는 무엇인가요?)


(4) How can accepting unwanted tasks affect the self and others?

(원치 않는 작업을 수용하는 것이 자신과 다른 사람에게 어떤 영향을 미치나요?)


(5) How can recognizing a situation as a gift help with acceptance?

(상황을 선물로 인식하는 것이 어떻게 수용에 도움이 되나요?)



* Suggested Answers

(1) People create an unpleasant environment for themselves and others when doing unwanted things. (Reason: They might approach the task with negative emotions, affecting their mood and behavior.)


(2) The two choices are hating the thing and accepting that it needs to be done.

(Reason: These are the two main attitudes towards unwanted tasks.)


(3) Doing a task from a place of hatred can develop hatred towards oneself and others around them. (Reason: Negative emotions can spread and affect relationships.)


(4) Accepting unwanted tasks can create compassion towards oneself and allow for opportunities to find a more suitable way of accomplishing the task.

(Reason: A positive mindset can lead to better outcomes and improved relationships.)


(5) Recognizing a situation as a gift can help you see it as a lesson in acceptance, making it easier to embrace the task.

(Reason: A positive perspective can improve the attitude towards the task and encourage personal growth.)


주요 문장


(1) If you hate the thing you do but have to do it nonetheless, you have a choice between hating the thing and accepting that it needs to be done.

(원하는 것을 싫어하지만 그럼에도 불구하고 해야 한다면, 그것을 싫어하는 것과 그것이 해야 한다는 것을 받아들이는 것 사이에서 선택할 수 있다.)


The sentence's subject is "you," the verb is "have," and the object is "a choice." This sentence highlights the main idea that one can choose between negative or positive attitudes when facing unwanted tasks.


(2) Doing it from the place of acceptance will create compassion towards the self and allow for opportunities to find a more suitable way of accomplishing the task. 

(수용의 위치에서 그것을 수행하면 자기 자신에 대한 연민을 만들고 작업을 수행하는 더 적합한 방법을 찾을 수 있는 기회를 제공한다.)


The sentence's subject is "doing it from the place of acceptance," the verb is "will create," and the objects are "compassion" and "opportunities." This sentence emphasizes that adopting a positive attitude towards unwanted tasks can lead to personal growth and improved outcomes.




1. Watch This Video

2. Questions and Answers


Question 1: Why was Socrates considered dangerous by many Athenians?

  • He was accused of corrupting the youth and not recognizing the gods.
  • He asked too many questions, challenging beliefs and logic.

Question 2: What is the Socratic Method?

  • It is a question-oriented approach to learning.
  • It helps reveal flaws in logic and reach a better understanding.

Question 3: How did Socrates describe himself when using his method of questioning?

  • He described himself as a midwife, assisting others in giving birth to their ideas.

Question 4: What are the benefits of using the Socratic Method?

  • It clarifies questions and eliminates contradictory or circular logic.
  • It can lead to unexpected conclusions and discoveries.

Question 5: How has the Socratic Method been used throughout history?

  • In teaching fields like medicine, astronomy, botany, and mathematics.
  • In legal education and judicial reasoning.

Question 6: What makes an effective Socratic educator?

  • They must be knowledgeable in their subject.
  • They should be modest, genuinely curious, and affirming of every contribution.

Question 7: Why was Socrates brought to trial and eventually sentenced to death?

  • His beliefs were considered subversive and dangerous.
  • Some of his pupils were thought to be influenced by him towards treasonous actions.




익숙한 패턴으로 전문가의 기억력 우위를 설명하는 글입니다.
 (Text discusses experts' memory advantage in familiar patterns.)




기억력과 전문성 (Memory and expertise)




전문가는 자신의 전문 영역에서 익숙한 패턴을 기억하는 데 유리하다.

(Experts have an advantage in remembering familiar patterns in their domain of expertise.)




핵심 어휘


(1) Expert: 전문가 (The chess expert won the match.)


(2) Familiar: 익숙한 (She found comfort in familiar surroundings.)


(3) Pattern: 패턴 (The birds formed a V pattern in the sky.)


(4) Memory: 기억 (Her memory of the event was hazy.)


(5) Advantage: 이점 (He had the advantage of a higher education.)


(6) Sequence: 순서 (Follow the sequence of events carefully.)


(7) Reproduce: 재현하다 (The artist tried to reproduce the scene.)


(8) Randomly: 무작위로 (The numbers were selected randomly.)


(9) Structure: 구조 (The building has a steel structure.)


(10) Expertise: 전문성 (Her expertise in the field is well known.)




내용 이해

(1) What memory advantage do experts have?

(전문가들은 어떤 기억력 이점을 가지고 있나요?)


(2) How does the advantage change when faced with unfamiliar patterns?

(익숙하지 않은 패턴에 직면했을 때 이점은 어떻게 변하나요?)


(3) What types of expertise have shown the effects of familiar structure on memory?

(어떤 종류의 전문성에서 기억에 대한 익숙한 구조의 효과가 나타났나요?)


(4) How does expertise affect memory for sequences of movements?

(전문성은 움직임의 순서에 대한 기억에 어떤 영향을 미치나요?)


(5) How is memory range increased?

(기억 범위는 어떻게 증가하나요?)



* Suggested Answers

(1) Experts have an advantage in remembering familiar patterns in their domain of expertise.

(Reason: They can recognize and reproduce these patterns more efficiently.)


(2) The expert's advantage disappears when faced with unfamiliar patterns.

(Reason: They are less able to recognize and reproduce these unfamiliar patterns.)


(3) The effects of familiar structure on memory have been observed in areas such as chess and music.

(Reason: Experts in these domains can reproduce familiar patterns more accurately.)


(4) Expertise improves memory for sequences of movements, such as in ballet dancing. (Reason: Experienced dancers can repeat longer sequences of steps and routines better than random steps.)


(5) Memory range is increased by recognizing familiar sequences and patterns.

(Reason: Familiarity helps in efficient storage and retrieval of information.)


주요 문장


(1) The expert’s advantage is only for familiar patterns — those previously stored in memory. 

(전문가의 이점은 오직 익숙한 패턴에 대한 것이다 - 이전에 기억에 저장된 것들이다.) 

(2) In each case, memory range is increased by the ability to recognize familiar sequences and patterns. 

(각 경우에, 기억 범위는 익숙한 순서와 패턴을 인식하는 능력에 의해 증가한다.)

(The sentence's subject is "memory range," the verb is "is increased," and the object is "the ability to recognize familiar sequences and patterns." This sentence highlights the main idea that familiarity with sequences and patterns enhances memory range.)





1. Watch This Video

2. Questions and Answer



Question 1: What is practice and why is it important?

  • Practice is repeating an action to improve.
  • It helps us perform with ease, speed, and confidence.

Question 2: What are the two types of neural tissue in our brains?

  • Grey matter: processes information and directs signals.
  • White matter: made up of fatty tissue and nerve fibers.

Question 3: What is the role of myelin in our brains?

  • Myelin is like insulation on electrical cables.
  • It prevents energy loss and helps signals move efficiently along neural pathways.

Question 4: How does practice affect myelin and neural pathways?

  • Practice increases the layers of myelin sheath around axons.
  • More layers create better insulation and faster, more efficient neural pathways.

Question 5: What makes practice effective?

  • Effective practice is consistent, intensely focused, and targets weaknesses at the edge of one's abilities.

Question 6: What are some tips for getting the most out of practice time?

  • Focus on the task and minimize distractions.
  • Start slowly and gradually increase speed.
  • Use frequent repetitions with breaks.
  • Practice in your brain in vivid detail.

Question 7: How does mental practice compare to physical practice?

  • Studies show that mental practice can reinforce physical motions and lead to similar improvements.






이 글에서는 사람들이 사회적 증거를 사용하여 무엇이 안전하거나 위험한지, 누가 신뢰할 수 있는지 판단하는 방법과 그룹을 팔로우하는 것이 얼마나 유익한지에 대해 설명합니다.
(The text discusses how people use social evidence to determine what's safe or risky and who's trustworthy, and how following the group is often beneficial.)





의사 결정에서의 사회적 증거

(Social evidence in decision-making)





사람들은 종종 사회적 증거와 주변 환경의 단서에 의존하여 무엇이 안전하거나 위험한지, 누가 신뢰할 수 있는지를 결정합니다.

(People often rely on social evidence and cues from their environment to decide what is safe or risky and who is trustworthy.)




(1) Risky: 위험한 (Deciding what's risky and what's safe)


(2) Trustworthy: 믿을 수 있는 (Determining who's trustworthy and who's not)


(3) Social evidence: 사회적 증거 (Looking for social evidence to make decisions)


(4) Evolutionary view: 진화적 관점 (Following the group for survival)


(5) Influence: 영향력 (Book by psychologist Robert Cialdini)


(6) Product reviews: 제품 리뷰 (Modern example of social evidence)


(7) Subtle cues: 미묘한 신호 (Cues within the environment signaling trustworthiness)


(8) Local restaurant: 현지 식당 (An example of using social evidence)


(9) Line: 줄 (A cue that the food is good and the seats are in demand)


(10) Hassle: 성가신 일 (A negative aspect of waiting in line)



내용 이해

(1) What do people look for when deciding what is safe or risky and who is trustworthy? 

(사람들이 안전한지 위험한지 누가 신뢰할 수 있는지 결정할 때 어떤 것을 찾고 있나요?)


(2) Why is following the group usually positive from an evolutionary perspective? 

(진화적 관점에서 그룹을 따르는 것이 대체로 긍정적인 이유는 무엇인가요?)


(3) What does psychologist Robert Cialdini explain about group behavior? 

(심리학자 로버트 치알디니는 그룹 행동에 대해 어떤 것을 설명하고 있나요?)


(4) How do product reviews serve as social evidence in today's world? 

(제품 리뷰가 오늘날 세상에서 어떻게 사회적 증거 역할을 하는가요?)


(5) How can a line outside a restaurant be a powerful cue for the quality of the food and the demand for seats? 

(레스토랑 바깥에 줄이 음식의 질과 좌석 수요에 대한 강력한 신호가 될 수 있는 이유는 무엇인가요?)



* Suggested Answers

(1) People look for social evidence when deciding what is safe or risky and who is trustworthy. 

(사람들은 안전한지 위험한지 누가 신뢰할 수 있는지 결정할 때 사회적 증거를 찾습니다.)
(Explanation) The text states that people use social evidence to make these decisions.

(2) Following the group is usually positive from an evolutionary perspective because it improves our chances of survival. 

(진화적 관점에서 그룹을 따르는 것이 대체로 긍정적인 이유는 생존 확률을 높이기 때

(2) Following the group is usually positive from an evolutionary perspective because it improves our chances of survival. 

(진화적 관점에서 그룹을 따르는 것이 대체로 긍정적인 이유는 생존 확률을 높이기 때문입니다.)
(Explanation) The text explains that from an evolutionary view, following the group is almost always positive for our prospects of survival.

(3) Psychologist Robert Cialdini explains that people tend to think that if everyone is doing something, it must be a sensible thing to do. 

(심리학자 로버트 치알디니는 사람들이 모두가 무언가를 하고 있다면 그것이 합리적인 일이라고 생각한다고 설명합니다.)
(Explanation) The text quotes Cialdini as explaining this reasoning behind group behavior.

(4) Product reviews serve as social evidence in today's world by allowing people to see the experiences and opinions of others, which can influence their decisions. 

(제품 리뷰는 사람들이 다른 사람들의 경험과 의견을 볼 수 있게 해서 그들의 결정에 영향을 미치는 방식으로 오늘날 세상에서 사회적 증거 역할을 합니다.)
(Explanation) The text states that product reviews are an example of social evidence in the modern world.

(5) A line outside a restaurant can be a powerful cue for the quality of the food and the demand for seats because it shows that many people are willing to wait for a chance to eat there, indicating that the food is likely good and the seats are in demand. 

(레스토랑 바깥에 줄이 음식의 질과 좌석 수요에 대한 강력한 신호가 될 수 있는 이유는 많은 사람들이 거기서 먹을 기회를 기다리는 데 동의하기 때문이며, 이는 음식이 좋을 가능성이 높고 좌석이 수요가 있다는 것을 나타냅니다.)
(Explanation) The text mentions that a line outside a restaurant is a powerful cue that the food is tasty and the seats are in demand.





1. Watch This Video

2. Questions and Answers


1. What is the principle of Reciprocity?
People feel obliged to return favors or gifts.
Being the first to give something personalized and unexpected increases persuasion.


2. How does the principle of Scarcity influence people's decisions?
People want more of what is limited or scarce.
Point out the unique aspects and potential losses in your proposal.


3. What makes someone more likely to follow the principle of Authority?
Credibility and expertise make people trust and follow others.
Show your credentials or have someone introduce your expertise.


4. How can the principle of Consistency be used to persuade others?
People want to be consistent with past choices.
Ask for small initial commitments and gradually build on them.


5. What are the factors that make people like others according to the principle of Liking?
Similarity, compliments, and cooperation.
Look for shared traits and give genuine compliments before starting a negotiation.


6. How does the principle of Consensus work in persuasion?
People follow the actions of others, especially when uncertain.
Show examples of others' behavior, especially those who are similar.


7. How can the principle of Consensus be applied to encourage towel reuse in hotels?
Mention that 75% of guests reuse their towels.
This small change in wording leads to a 33% increase in towel reuse.





강사의 따뜻함 또는 차가움에 대한 학생들의 기대가 강사에 대한 상호 작용과 인상에 영향을 미쳤으며, 기대가 행동과 관계에 영향을 미친다는 것을 보여주었습니다.
(Students' expectations of a lecturer's warmth or coldness influenced their interactions and impressions of the lecturer, showing that expectations affect behavior and relationships.)





기대가 인상과 행동에 미치는 영향

(The impact of expectations on impressions and behavior)






어떤 사람의 특성에 대한 사람들의 기대는 그 사람에 대한 인상과 행동, 그리고 그 사람과 형성되는 관계에 큰 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다.

(Thesis statement: People's expectations about a person's characteristics can significantly influence their impressions, behavior, and relationships formed with that person.)



핵심 어휘


(1) Expectations: 기대 (Anticipated outcomes or beliefs about someone or something)


(2) Lecturer: 강사 (A person who gives informative talks or presentations)


(3) Warm: 따뜻한 (Friendly and welcoming in demeanor)


(4) Cold: 차가운 (Unfriendly and unapproachable in demeanor)


(5) Characteristics: 특성 (Distinctive qualities or features of a person or thing)


(6) Assumption: 가정 (A thing that is accepted as true without proof)


(7) Description: 설명 (A representation of something in words)


(8) Impressions: 인상 (An idea or opinion formed about someone or something)


(9) Behavior: 행동 (The way a person acts or conducts oneself)


(10) Relationship: 관계 (The way in which people are connected or interact)


내용 이해

(1) What is the common mistaken assumption people make about others? (사람들이 다른 사람에 대해 흔히 하는 잘못된 가정은 무엇인가요?)


(2) How were the students' expectations manipulated in the study? (연구에서 학생들의 기대감은 어떻게 조작되었나요?)


(3) What did the students do after the guest lecturer led a discussion? (강연자가 토론을 이끈 후 학생들은 무엇을 했나요?)


(4) How did the students' original information about the lecturer affect their impressions of him? (학생들의 강사에 대한 원래 정보가 강사에 대한 인상에 어떻게 영향을 미쳤나요?)


(5) What does this study show about the relationship between expectations and behavior? (이 연구는 기대와 행동 간의 관계에 대해 어떤 것을 보여주나요?)



* Suggested Answers


(1) People commonly assume that if a person has one type of characteristic, they automatically have other characteristics that go along with it. 

(사람들은 일반적으로 어떤 사람이 한 가지 특성을 가지고 있다면, 그와 함께하는 다른 특성도 자동으로 가지고 있다고 가정합니다.)


(2) In the study, students were given descriptions of a guest lecturer with half being told he was 'warm' and the other half being told he was 'cold'. 

(연구에서, 학생들은 절반은 '따뜻한'이라고 설명된 강사에 대한 설명을 받았고, 다른 절반은 '차가운'이라고 설명되었습니다.)


(3) After the guest lecturer led a discussion, the students were asked to give their impressions of him. 

(강연자가 토론을 이끈 후 학생들은 그에 대한 인상을 말해 달라고 요청받았습니다.)

(4) The students' original information about the lecturer affected their impressions of him, with large differences in their opinions depending on whether they were told he was 'warm' or 'cold'. 

(학생들의 강사에 대한 원래 정보는 그에 대한 인상에 영향을 미쳤으며, '따뜻한'이라고 들은 학생들과 '차가운'이라고 들은 학생들 사이에 큰 차이가 있었습니다.)

(5) The study shows that different expectations not only affect the impressions people form but also their behavior and the relationships that are formed. 

(이 연구는 다양한 기대가 인상을 형성하는 데만 영향을 주는 것이 아니라 행동과 형성되는 관계에도 영향을 준다는 것을 보여줍니다.)








1. Watch This Video

2. Questions and Answers



1. Who was Pygmalion and what did he create?
Pygmalion was an ancient Greek sculptor.
He carved a statue of a woman out of ivory.


2. What happened to the statue Pygmalion made?
Aphrodite, the goddess of love, granted his wish.
She turned the sculpture into a real woman.


3. What is the Pygmalion Effect?
The Pygmalion Effect is when high expectations improve our behaviors and performance.
We do better when there are greater expectations on us.


4. Where can we see the Pygmalion Effect?
In classrooms and homes with teachers and parents.
In workplaces with corporate leaders.


5. What are the four factors of the Pygmalion Effect?
Climate: belief in your capabilities.
Input: access to resources.
Output: opportunities to showcase your work.
Feedback: getting comments to improve.


6. Why is it important to be aware of expectations?
They affect our work and its outcomes.
They can impact others, especially if we are in a position of leadership or influence.


7. How can you use the Pygmalion Effect to your advantage?
Surround yourself with people who have high expectations of you.
Use their belief as a motivator to do better.


8. Why should we avoid using words like "rockstar" and "genius" in the workplace?
These words can create unrealistic expectations.
They might lead to unhealthy pressure or work habits.


9. How can you simulate the Pygmalion Effect on your own?
Believe in your capabilities (Climate).
Access helpful resources (Input).
Find opportunities to show your work (Output).
Ask for feedback to improve (Feedback).


10. What's a good strategy for dealing with other people's expectations?
Try not to depend on others' expectations.
Focus on your own goals and self-improvement.


11. Why is it important to choose the right people to be around?
We are influenced by the people closest to us.
Having supportive people can help us grow and succeed.





탄수화물은 좋은 탄수화물과 나쁜 탄수화물로 분류되며, 복합 탄수화물은 유익하고 오래 지속되는 에너지를 제공하는 반면, 단순 당은 쉽게 분해되어 지방으로 저장될 수 있습니다.
(Carbohydrates are categorized as good or bad, with complex carbohydrates being beneficial and providing long-lasting energy, while simple sugars are easily broken down and may be stored as fat.)



좋은 탄수화물과 나쁜 탄수화물
(Good and bad carbohydrates)


복합 탄수화물은 분해가 어렵고 지속적인 에너지를 제공하기 때문에 신체에 좋은 반면, 단순 당은 쉽게 분해되어 지방으로 저장될 수 있기 때문에 덜 유익합니다.

(Complex carbohydrates are good for the body as they are harder to break down and provide sustained energy, while simple sugars are less beneficial as they are easily broken down and may lead to fat storage.)





(1) Carbohydrates: 탄수화물 (Organic compounds consisting of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen that provide energy)


(2) Simple sugars: 단순당 (Monosaccharides or disaccharides that are easily broken down and absorbed)


(3) Complex carbohydrates: 복합 탄수화물 (Polysaccharides that are more difficult to break down and provide sustained energy)


(4) Nutrients: 영양소 (Substances that provide nourishment and are essential for growth and the maintenance of life)


(5) Vitamins: 비타민 (Organic compounds needed in small amounts for proper bodily functions)


(6) Minerals: 미네랄 (Inorganic elements that are essential for various bodily functions)


(7) Break down: 분해하다 (To decompose or separate into smaller components)


(8) Fuel: 연료 (A substance that provides energy)


(9) Structure: 구조 (The arrangement of parts in a complex system)


(10) Stored: 저장되다 (To keep or retain something for future use)




내용 이해



(1) What are complex carbohydrates, and why are they considered good for the body? (복합 탄수화물은 무엇이며, 왜 몸에 좋다고 여겨지나요?)


(2) How do complex carbohydrates differ from simple sugars in terms of structure? (복합 탄수화물과 단순당은 구조적으로 어떻게 다른가요?)


(3) What happens to the nutrients trapped in complex carbohydrate chains? (복합 탄수화물 사슬에 갇힌 영양소는 어떻게 되나요?)


(4) Why are simple sugars considered bad carbohydrates? (단순당이 나쁜 탄수화물로 간주되는 이유는 무엇인가요?)


(5) What does the body do with simple sugars that it cannot use? (몸이 사용하지 못하는 단순당은 어떻게 처리하나요?)


* Suggested Answers


(1) Complex carbohydrates are polysaccharides that are difficult to break down, and they provide sustained energy and release other nutrients into the body.

(복합 탄수화물은 분해하기 어려운 다당류로, 지속적인 에너지를 제공하고 다른 영양소를 몸에 공급합니다.)


(2) Complex carbohydrates have a more intricate structure than simple sugars, which makes them harder to break down.

(복합 탄수화물은 단순당보다 더 복잡한 구조를 가지고 있어 분해하기가 더 어렵습니다.)



(3) As complex carbohydrates slowly break down, the trapped nutrients are released into the body, providing nourishment.

(복합 탄수화물이 천천히 분해되면서 갇힌 영양소들이 몸에 공급되어 영양을 제공합니다.)



(4) Simple sugars are considered bad carbohydrates because they are easily broken down and hold few nutrients for the body, other than the sugars from which they are made.

(단순당은 구조가 간단하여 쉽게 분해되고, 그것으로부터 만들어진 당 외에는 몸에 거의 영양소를 제공하지 않기 때문에 나쁜 탄수화물로 간주됩니다.)



(5) The body converts simple sugars that it cannot use into fat and stores it in the body.

(몸이 사용하지 못하는 단순당을 지방으로 변환하여 몸에 저장합니다.)






(1) "Complex carbohydrates are the good carbohydrates for your body."
(복합 탄수화물은 몸에 좋은 탄수화물입니다.)


Grammatical explanation : The sentence uses a subject-complement structure to describe complex carbohydrates as beneficial for the body.


Semantic explanation: The sentence emphasizes the positive effects of complex carbohydrates on the body.


(2) "Your body breaks down these carbohydrates rather quickly and what it cannot use is converted to fat and stored in the body."
(당신의 몸은 이러한 탄수화물을 매우 빨리 분해하고 사용하지 못하는 것은 지방으로 변환되어 몸에 저장됩니다.)


Grammatical explanation (English): The sentence uses a cause and effect structure to explain the consequences of consuming simple sugars.


Semantic explanation: The sentence explains that the body rapidly breaks down simple sugars and may convert them to fat if not used, highlighting the drawbacks of consuming such carbohydrates.




1. Watch This Video

2. Questions and Answers


1. What are carbohydrates?
Carbohydrates are sugars or molecules that your body breaks down to make sugars


2. What are the two main types of carbohydrates?
Simple carbohydrates (simple sugars) and complex carbohydrates


3. What are some examples of simple sugars?
Glucose, fructose, and galactose


4. What are complex carbohydrates with three to ten linked sugars called?


5. What are complex carbohydrates with more than ten linked sugars called?


6. What is the glycemic index?
A measure of how much a food raises the sugar level in your blood


7. What do foods with a high glycemic index do to your blood sugar?
They quickly release a lot of glucose, raising your blood sugar


8. What do foods with a low glycemic index do to your blood sugar?
They slowly release glucose, keeping your blood sugar stable


9. What is insulin and what does it do?
Insulin is a hormone that helps transfer sugar from the blood to tissues for energy


10. What is insulin resistance?
A condition where cells become less responsive to insulin, causing high blood sugar and insulin levels


11. What is metabolic syndrome?
A group of symptoms including high blood sugar, increased waist size, and high blood pressure, increasing the risk of diseases like cardiovascular disease and type II diabetes


12. Why should you be careful with too many carbs in your diet?
Too many carbs can lead to insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome

13. What are some examples of high glycemic index foods?
Crackers, white bread, and soda


14. What are some examples of low glycemic index foods?
Vegetables, fruits, and whole grains


15. What are some examples of foods with the lowest glycemic index?
Eggs, cheese, and meats


16. How are starch and fiber different in their effects on the body?
Starch is easily digested, releasing glucose quickly, while fiber slows down the release of glucose


17. What is resistant starch?
It is starch trapped by fiber, which cannot be easily broken down by the body


18. Why can't the body break down beta bonds in fiber?
The body lacks enzymes to break down the beta bonds in fiber


19. How does insulin sensitivity relate to blood sugar levels?
The more sensitive you are to insulin, the better your body can lower blood sugar levels


20. What is the link between carbohydrate consumption and insulin resistance?
Chronically consuming a lot of carbohydrates may lead to insulin resistance


21. What percentage of the U.S. population has metabolic syndrome?
Approximately 32%


22. What is the main message about carbohydrates and diet?
Be mindful of carbohydrate intake, as too many carbs can lead to health problems like insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome






소집단 유랑에서 농경으로 전환하면서 사람들은 정착하고, 노동을 분담하고, 지역사회에서 보다 효율적으로 조직화할 수 있게 되었습니다.
(The shift from wandering in small groups to farming allowed people to settle down, divide labor, and organize themselves more efficiently in communities.)




구석기 시대에서 정착 공동체로의 전환

(The transition from the Old Stone Age to settled communities)





농경의 발달로 사람들은 정착하고, 함께 일하며, 보다 효율적으로 조직할 수 있게 되었고, 마을과 마을이 성장하게 되었습니다.

(The development of farming enabled people to settle down, work together, and organize themselves more efficiently, leading to the growth of towns and villages.)


핵심 어휘

(1) Old Stone Age: 구석기 시대 (The earliest period of human history)


(2) Wandered: 방랑하다 (To move around without a specific purpose or destination)


(3) Farming: 농사 (The activity of growing crops or raising livestock)


(4) Settle down: 정착하다 (To establish a permanent residence)


(5) Village dwellers: 마을 주민들 (People who live in a village)


(6) Work together: 협력하다 (To cooperate or collaborate in achieving a common goal)


(7) Toolmakers: 도구 제작자들 (People who make tools)


(8) Communities: 공동체들 (Groups of people living together in a specific area)


(9) Organize: 조직하다 (To arrange or structure)


(10) Efficiently: 효율적으로 (Performing a task with minimum wasted effort or resources)



내용 이해

(1) How did people live during the Old Stone Age? 

(구석기 시대에 사람들은 어떻게 살았나요?)


(2) What change allowed people to settle down and form communities? 

(사람들이 정착하고 공동체를 형성할 수 있게 한 변화는 무엇인가요?)


(3) How did working together benefit village dwellers? 

(협력하면 마을 주민들에게 어떤 이점이 있나요?)


(4) What is the significance of dividing labor in communities? 

(공동체에서 노동을 나누는 것의 중요성은 무엇인가요?)


(5) How did the organization of communities contribute to their growth? 

(공동체의 조직이 공동체의 성장에 어떻게 기여하였나요?)



* Suggested Answers:

(1) During the Old Stone Age, people lived in small bands of 20 to 60 people, wandering from place to place in search of food. 

(구석기 시대에 사람들은 20에서 60명의 작은 무리로 식량을 찾아 다니며 살았습니다.)


(2) The development of farming allowed people to settle down and form communities. 

(농사의 발전이 사람들이 정착하고 공동체를 형성할 수 있게 하였습니다.)


(3) Working together benefited village dwellers by allowing them to complete tasks more quickly and efficiently. 

(협력함으로써 마을 주민들은 업무를 더 빠르고 효율적으로 완료할 수 있었습니다.)


(4) The significance of dividing labor in communities is that it allows people to specialize in specific tasks, leading to increased efficiency and productivity. 

(공동체에서 노동을 나누는 것의 중요성은 사람들이 특정 업무에 전문화되게 하여 효율성과 생산성을 높이게 됩니다.)

(5) The organization of communities contributed to their growth by allowing people to divide labor, work together more efficiently, and produce the necessary resources to support larger populations. 

(공동체의 조직은 노동을 나누게 하고, 더 효율적으로 협력하게 하며, 더 큰 인구를 지원하는데 필요한 자원을 생산하게 함으로써 공동체의 성장에 기여하였습니다.)



주요 문장

(1) "Once people began farming, they could settle down near their farms." (사람들이 농사를 시작하면 그들의 농장 근처에 정착할 수 있었다.)

Grammatical explanation (English): The sentence uses a conditional structure ("Once people began farming") to indicate the change that allowed people to settle down and form communities.


Semantic explanation: The sentence highlights the role of farming in the shift from wandering lifestyles to settled communities.

(2) "Living in communities allowed people to organize themselves more efficiently." (공동체에서 살면 사람들이 더 효율적으로 조직할 수 있었다.)

Grammatical explanation (English): This sentence uses a causative structure ("allowed people to") to show the benefit of living in communities.


Semantic explanation: The sentence emphasizes the importance of organization and efficiency in the growth and development of communities.










1. Watch This Video

2. Questions and Answers


1. What was the first major important event in human history?
The shift from the Paleolithic Age to the Neolithic Age


2. When did the shift from the Paleolithic Age to the Neolithic Age occur?
About 10,000 years before the Common Era (B.C.E.)


3. What does Paleolithic mean and what did humans do during this time?
Paleolithic means "Old Stone Age"
Humans were hunter-gatherers and mostly nomadic


4. How many people were in an average Paleolithic group?
Between 20 and 50 people


5. What does egalitarian mean?
It means that there were not many social inequalities in the group


6. What important change happened around 10,000 B.C.E.?
Humans developed agriculture or farming


7. What is another name for the Neolithic Age?
The "New Stone Age"


8. What were some important changes during the Neolithic Era?
Domestication of plants and animals
More reliable food sources
Becoming more sedentary and forming permanent villages
Population growth and social inequalities
Development of more advanced tools


9. What will be the topic of the next video lecture?
The development of modern human civilizations

10. What does "nomadic" mean?
Nomadic means that people moved around a lot to follow their food sources


11. What does "sedentary" mean?
Sedentary means that people did not travel as much and stayed in one place


12. How did agriculture impact human lifestyle in the Neolithic Age?
Agriculture led to:
A more reliable food source
Permanent villages
Population growth
Social inequalities


13. Why did humans domesticate animals in the Neolithic Era?
To have a more reliable food source and help with farming


14. How were the tools different in the Neolithic Era compared to the Paleolithic Era?
Neolithic tools were more advanced and better suited for farming and other tasks


15. What was the main focus of the first Global History video lecture?
The shift from the Paleolithic Age to the Neolithic Age and its importance










인간이 자신의 미래를 설계하는 것과 마찬가지로, 머릿속의 아이디어는 현실이 되기 전에 발전하고, 다듬어지고, 완성됩니다.

(Ideas in our minds are developed, refined, and perfected before becoming a reality, much like how humans design their own future.)




아이디어의 힘과 미래를 창조하는 과정

(The power of ideas and the process of creating one's future)







다양한 물건의 탄생 배경과 같은 아이디어의 형성과 실현은 인간이 자신의 미래를 설계하는 방식과 유사합니다.

(Thesis statement: The formation and realization of ideas, such as those behind the creation of various objects, mirror the way humans design their own future.)




(1) Creator: 창조자 (A person who brings something into existence)


(2) Idea: 생각 (A thought or concept)


(3) Studied: 연구하다 (To examine or investigate)


(4) Refined: 다듬다 (To improve by making small changes)


(5) Perfected: 완벽하게 하다 (To make something completely free from faults or errors)


(6) Physical reality: 물리적 현실 (The tangible existence of something)


(7) Future: 미래 (The time that will come after the present)


(8) Vision: 비전 (A mental image of what the future will or could be like)


(9) Harmony: 조화 (A pleasing arrangement of parts)


(10) Mentally concluded: 정신적으로 결론을 내린 (Having reached a decision or resolution in one's mind)

내용 이해


(1) How do ideas for objects such as houses, cars, and clothing begin? 

(집, 차, 옷과 같은 물건에 대한 아이디어는 어떻게 시작되나요?)


(2) What process do these ideas go through before becoming a reality? 

(이러한 아이디어가 현실이 되기 전에 거치는 과정은 무엇인가요?)


(3) How does this concept relate to the way humans design their own future? 

(이 개념은 인간이 자신의 미래를 설계하는 방식과 어떻게 관련되어 있나요?)


(4) What is the significance of refining and perfecting one's vision of the future? 

(미래에 대한 비전을 다듬고 완벽하게 하는 것의 중요성은 무엇인가요?)


(5) What does it mean to have mentally concluded about the future? 

(미래에 대해 정신적으로 결론을 내린 것은 무슨 의미인가요?)


* Suggested Answers:


(1) Ideas for objects such as houses, cars, and clothing begin as a thought or concept in the mind of their creator. 

(집, 차, 옷과 같은 물건에 대한 아이디어는 창조자의 마음 속에서 생각이나 개념으로 시작됩니다.)

(2) These ideas go through a process of being studied, refined, and perfected before becoming a reality. 

(이러한 아이디어는 현실이 되기 전에 연구되고, 다듬어지고, 완벽하게 만들어지는 과정을 거칩니다.)

(3) This concept relates to the way humans design their own future by illustrating how we develop, refine, and perfect our vision of the future before it becomes a reality. 

(이 개념은 현실이 되기 전에 미래에 대한 우리의 비전을 개발하고, 다듬고, 완벽하게 하는 방식으로 인간이 자신의 미래를 설계하는 방식과 관련되어 있습니다.)

(4) The significance of refining and perfecting one's vision of the future is that it helps ensure that our thoughts, decisions, and actions work in harmony to bring our desired future into existence. 

(미래에 대한 비전을 다듬고 완벽하게 하는 것의 중요성은 우리의 생각, 결정, 행동이 원하는 미래를 실현하기 위해 조화롭게 작용하는 것을 돕기 때문입니다.)

(5) Having mentally concluded about the future means that we have reached a clear understanding or decision in our minds about what we want our future to look like. 

(미래에 대해 정신적으로 결론을 내린 것은 우리가 미래가 어떻게 보이길 원하는지에 대한 마음 속에서 명확한 이해나 결정에 이른 것을 의미합니다.)



주요 문장


(1) "The human being designs his or her own future through much the same process." 

(인간은 이와 비슷한 과정을 통해 자신의 미래를 설계합니다.)

Grammatical explanation (English): This sentence uses a comparative structure ("much the same process") to emphasize the similarity between the process of creating objects and designing one's future.

Semantic explanation: The sentence highlights the main idea that the way humans design their future mirrors the process of forming and realizing ideas for objects.

(2) "Before long, our every thought, decision, and activity are all working in harmony to bring into existence what we have mentally concluded about the future." 
(잠시 후, 우리의 모든 생각, 결정, 활동이 미래에 대해 정신적으로 결론을 내린 것을 실현하기 위해 조화롭게 작용합니다.)

Grammatical explanation (English): This sentence uses a compound subject ("every thought, decision, and activity") to indicate the various elements that contribute to realizing our future vision.

Semantic explanation: The sentence emphasizes the importance of aligning our thoughts, decisions, and actions with our vision to successfully bring our desired future into existence.






1. Watch This Video

2. Questions and Answers


1. What are four simple ways to have super ideas?
Have a problem
Look around
Write down your ideas


2. How did Richard Branson come up with the idea for Virgin Atlantic?
Problem: Stranded in an airport
Solution: Chartered a plane and sold tickets


3. How did Sam Smith's song "Stay With Me" originate?
Problem: Heartbreak
Solution: Wrote a song about it


4. What can we learn from Dr. Jean Carruthers and Botox?
Importance of listening to others
New idea: Botox for reducing wrinkles


5. How did physicist Richard Feynman get an idea that led to a Nobel Prize?
Observed a spinning plate
Developed a theory about the motion of particles


6. Why is it important to write down your ideas?
To capture them before they're forgotten
Example: Larry Page's idea for Google


7. What is the key message for coming up with super ideas?
Be yourself and do simple things
Anyone can have ideas worth sharing

8. What can we learn from Larry Page's experience with the idea for Google?
Importance of recording ideas when inspired
Great ideas can come in unexpected moments


9. What does Marilyn Vos Savant suggest about acquiring wisdom?
To acquire knowledge, study
To acquire wisdom, observe


10. What does Warren Buffett say about observing and ideas?
Trust your eyes more than anything else


11. What is the main takeaway from the TED talk about having super ideas?
You don't need to be a genius or artsy
Use simple methods to come up with great ideas


12. How can individuals develop their own super ideas worth sharing?
Embrace problems and find solutions
Listen and learn from others' experiences
Observe the world around you
Record your ideas when they come to you






진화론의 붉은 여왕 효과는 생태계에서 자신의 위치를 유지하기 위해 종들이 어떻게 지속적으로 적응해야 하는지를 설명합니다.

(The Red Queen Effect in evolution describes how species must continually adapt to maintain their position in their ecosystem.)




진화의 붉은 여왕 효과 (The Red Queen Effect in Evolution)



붉은 여왕 효과는 종들이 같은 자리에 머무르는 것처럼 보이지만 생태계에서 자신의 위치를 유지하기 위해 끊임없이 적응하는 방법을 설명합니다.

(The Red Queen Effect illustrates how species constantly adapt to maintain their position in the ecosystem, despite appearing to stay in the same place.)


핵심 어휘


(1) Through the Looking-Glass: 거울 속으로 (Lewis Carroll's novel)

(2) Red Queen: 빨간 여왕 (Character from the novel)

(3) Evolutionary principle: 진화 원칙 (A concept that explains the mechanism of evolution)

(4) Red Queen Effect: 빨간 여왕 효과 (An evolutionary principle that describes the constant adaptation of species)

(5) Foxes: 여우 (A predator species in the example)

(6) Rabbits: 토끼 (A prey species in the example)

(7) Fastest: 가장 빠른 (Referring to the most adapted individuals within a species)

(8) Generation: 세대 (A group of offspring produced by a species)

(9) Thrive: 번성하다 (To grow or develop successfully)

(10) Adapt: 적응하다 (To change in response to environmental pressures)


내용 이해


(1) What is the main idea of the Red Queen Effect? (빨간 여왕 효과의 주요 개념은 무엇인가요?)


(2) How is the Red Queen Effect demonstrated in the example of foxes and rabbits? (여우와 토끼의 예에서 빨간 여왕 효과는 어떻게 나타나나요?)


(3) What is the significance of the fastest individuals within a species? (종 내에서 가장 빠른 개체의 중요성은 무엇인가요?)


(4) How does the Red Queen Effect relate to adaptation in the context of evolution? (진화 맥락에서 빨간 여왕 효과는 적응과 어떻게 관련이 있나요?)


(5) In the context of the text, what does "thrive" mean? (본문의 맥락에서 "번성하다"는 무슨 의미인가요?)


* Suggested Answers:

(1) The main idea of the Red Queen Effect is that species must continually adapt to maintain their position 

in their ecosystem. 

(빨간 여왕 효과의 주요 개념은 종이 생태계에서 위치를 유지하기 위해 지속적으로 적응해야 한다는 것입니다.)

(2) The Red Queen Effect is demonstrated in the example of foxes and rabbits through the continuous adaptation of each species to survive and reproduce. 

(여우와 토끼의 예에서 빨간 여왕 효과는 각 종이 살아남고 번식하기 위해 지속적으로 적응하는 것을 통해 나타납니다.)

(3) The fastest individuals within a species are significant because they are the most adapted and likely to survive and 

pass on their genes. (종 내에서 가장 빠른 개체는 가장 적응력이 높고 생존 및 유전자 전달 가능성이 높기 때문에 중요합니다.)

(4) The Red Queen Effect relates to adaptation in the context of evolution 

by illustrating the continuous process of species adapting to maintain their position in the ecosystem, even when it seems they're not making progress. 

(빨간 여왕 효과는 종이 생태계에서 위치를 유지하기 위해 진전이 없어 보이는 상황에서도 계속 적응하는 과정을 보여주어 진화 맥락에서 적응과 관련이 있습니다.)

(5) In the context of the text, "thrive" means to grow or develop successfully, often as a result of adaptation. 

(본문의 맥락에서 "번성하다"는 적응의 결과로 종종 성공적으로 성장하거나 발전하는 것을 의미합니다.)



주요 문장

(1) "If foxes evolve to run faster so they can catch more rabbits, then only the fastest rabbits will live long enough to make a new generation of bunnies that run even faster." 
(여우가 더 많은 토끼를 잡기 위해 더 빨리 달리도록 진화한다면, 가장 빠른 토끼만이 더 빨리 달리는 새로운 세대의 토끼를 만들기 위해 충분히 오래 살 것입니다.)

Grammatical explanation (English): This sentence uses a conditional structure ("If...then") to illustrate the adaptive response of rabbits to the increasing speed of foxes.

Semantic explanation: The sentence explains how the Red Queen Effect manifests itself in the continuous adaptation of both foxes and rabbits to maintain their positions in their ecosystem.

(2) "Even though they might run, the two species just stay in place."
(그들이 달릴지라도 두 종은 그냥 제자리에 머물게 됩니다.)

Grammatical explanation (English): This sentence uses a concessive clause ("Even though") to indicate that despite the actions of the species, they don't appear to make progress.

Semantic explanation: The sentence highlights the key concept of the Red Queen Effect – that even with continuous adaptation, species may appear to remain in the same position within their ecosystem.







1. Watch This Video

2. Questions and Answers


1. What is the Red Queen hypothesis?
Inspired by the Red Queen character in "Through the Looking-Glass"
Two entities constantly competing in an evolutionary battle
One party temporarily wins before the other catches up


2. What principles does the Red Queen hypothesis help explain in evolutionary biology?
Existence of sex
Evolution of sexual creatures


3. What is the main idea behind host-virus interactions?
Genetic conflict
Host and virus have different interests


4. What can cause a change in the host-virus interaction?
A single amino acid mutation
Allows virus to gain an advantage


5. Why is there never a perfect equilibrium between the host and the virus?
One party is always losing
Evolutionary advantage in innovation


7. How does the host-virus interaction illustrate the molecular arms race?
Constant, rapid evolution
Immune system and virus compete in a high-stakes battle

8. What happens when the host's immune system recognizes a viral protein?
Host is winning
Virus is detected and targeted


9. What occurs when the virus acquires a mutation that helps it evade the host's immune system?
Host is losing
Virus gains an advantage


10. How does the constant competition between the host and the virus affect the course of an infection?
Rapid evolution and adaptation
Immune system and virus constantly battle


11. What is the significance of understanding the molecular arms race in the context of host-virus interactions?
Offers insights into disease progression
Helps develop new treatment strategies
Provides knowledge for designing better vaccines








작업 시간을 예측하고 작업을 예약하여 시간을 효과적으로 관리하여 자신감을 높이세요.
(Manage time effectively to increase confidence by estimating task lengths and scheduling tasks.)





시간 관리 (Time management)





효과적인 시간 관리는 목표를 달성하고 자신감을 높이는 데 핵심입니다.

(Effective time management is key to achieving goals and increasing confidence.)



핵심 어휘 


(1) Confidence: 자신감 (Gaining confidence from achieving daily goals)


(2) Achieving: 달성하다 (Achieving what you set out to do each day)


(3) Over-optimism: 지나친 낙관주의 (Over-optimism about what can be achieved within a certain time frame)


(4) Estimating: 추정하다 (Estimating the amount of time needed for tasks)


(5) Experience: 경험 (Learning by experience when tasks take more or less time than expected)


(6) Attention: 주의 (Giving attention to fitting the task to the available time)


(7) Significant: 중요한 (Tasks that require a significant amount of time)


(8) Schedule: 일정 (Scheduling time for longer tasks)


(9) Spare moments: 여유로운 시간 (Fitting short tasks into spare moments)


(10) Gear up: 준비를 갖추다 (Preparing for a task)

내용 이해

(1) Why is effective time management important for confidence? (왜 효과적인 시간 관리가 자신감에 중요한가요?)

(2) What is the problem with over-optimism? (지나친 낙관주의의 문제점은 무엇인가요?)


(3) How can estimating task durations help with time management? (작업 기간을 추정하는 것이 시간 관리에 어떻게 도움이 되나요?)


(4) What should you consider when scheduling tasks? (작업을 예약할 때 고려해야 할 사항은 무엇인가요?)


(5) What does "gear up" mean in the context of the text? (본문에서 "준비를 갖추다"는 어떤 의미인가요?)


* Suggested Answers:

(1) Effective time management helps achieve daily goals, which increases confidence. (효과적인 시간 관리는 일일 목표를 달성하는 데 도움이 되어 자신감을 향상시킵니다.)

(2) Over-optimism can lead to unrealistic expectations of what can be achieved in a certain time frame. (지나친 낙관주의는 일정 기간 내에 달성할 수 있는 것에 대한 현실적이지 않은 기대를 초래할 수 있습니다.)


(3) Estimating task durations helps you allocate appropriate time for tasks and avoid overbooking. (작업 기간을 추정하면 작업에 적절한 시간을 배정하고 과다 예약을 피할 수 있습니다.)


(4) Consider the length of tasks and available time, fitting longer tasks into scheduled blocks and short tasks into spare moments. (작업 길이와 사용 가능한 시간을 고려하여 긴 작업을 예약된 블록에 맞추고 짧은 작업을 여유로운 시간에 집어넣으세요.)

(5) In the text, "gear up" means to prepare or get ready for a task. (본문에서 "준비를 갖추다"는 작업을 위해 준비하거나 대비하는 것을 의미합니다.)


주요 문장


(1) "Make a practice of estimating the amount of time needed alongside items on your 'things to do' list." (할 일 목록에 있는 항목과 함께 필요한 시간을 추정하는 연습을 만드십시오.)

Grammatical explanation (Korean): "Make a practice of"는 "~하는 연습을 만들다"라는 의미입니다. 여기에서는 시간 추정 연습을 만드는 것을 말합니다.

Semantic explanation: 이 문장은 시간 관리를 향상시키기 위해 할 일 목록에 있는 항목마다 필요한 시간을 추정하는 연습을 하라고 조언합니다.

(2) "Give attention also to fitting the task to the available time." (사용 가능한 시간에 작업을 맞추는 것에도 주의를 기울여야 합니다.)

Grammatical explanation (Korean): "Give attention to"는 "~에 주의를 기울이다"라는 의미입니다. 여기서는 사용 가능한 시간에 작업을 맞추는 것에 주의를 기울이는 것을 말합니다.

Semantic explanation: 이 문장은 시간 관리를 효과적으로 하려면 사용 가능한 시간에 작업을 맞추는 것에 주의를 기울여야 함을 나타냅니다.






1. Watch This Video

2. Questions and Answers


1. What happened to NASA's Pathfinder spacecraft in 1997?
Landed on Mars
Sent images to Earth
Stopped transmitting


2. Why did Pathfinder stop transmitting?
A bug in its scheduler


3. What does a scheduler do in an operating system?
Tells the CPU how long to work on each task
Decides when to switch tasks


4. What is the problem with prioritizing your work too much?
Takes time away from doing work
Quadratic-time algorithm: more work, much more time needed


5. How did Linux programmers solve a similar problem?
Used priority "buckets"
Spent more time making progress


6. What can we learn from computer scheduling about interruptions?
Context switches have a cost
Productivity and responsiveness are in tension


7. How can we minimize interruptions?
Group them together
Check notifications and emails at specific intervals


8. What is interrupt coalescing?
Grouping interruptions based on how long they can wait
Improves efficiency and battery life

9. What benefit did interrupt coalescing bring to laptops in 2013?
Massive improvement in battery life
Allowed systems to enter a low-power state


10. How can adopting interrupt coalescing help us in daily life?
Reclaim our attention
Provide more rest and focus





시차적응과 시차가 스포츠 팀에 미치는 영향
(Jet lag and its effects on sports teams.)




시차적응이 스포츠 팀의 경기력에 미치는 영향

(Jet lag and its effects on sports teams' performance)




시차적응은 여행 방향에 따라 스포츠 팀의 경기력에 다르게 영향을 미치며, 일반적으로 서쪽으로 여행하는 것이 동쪽으로 여행하는 것보다 적응하기가 더 쉽습니다.

(Jet lag affects sports teams' performance differently based on the direction of travel, with westward travel generally being easier to adapt to than eastward travel.)



핵심 어휘


1) Jet lag: 시차로 인한 피로감 (Jet lag affects sports teams' performance.)


2) Biological clocks: 생물학적 시계 (Biological clocks can be reset at different rates.)


3) Westward: 서쪽으로 (Westward travel is generally easier for overcoming jet lag.)


4) Eastward: 동쪽으로 (Eastward travel is generally harder for overcoming jet lag.)


5) Performance: 성능 (Jet lag affects the performance of sports teams.)




Evidence: 증거 (There is evidence that eastward travel is tougher than westward travel.)



(1) What is the main topic of the text? (텍스트의 주요 주제는 무엇입니까?)


(2) How does the direction of travel affect jet lag? (여행 방향이 시차 피로감에 어떤 영향을 미치나요?)


(3) Which sports teams are mentioned in the text? (텍스트에 언급된 스포츠 팀은 무엇입니까?)


(4) What do studies say about the east-west difference in jet lag? (연구에서 시차 피로감에 대한 동서 차이에 대해 어떻게 말하고 있나요?)


(5) How does jet lag affect the performance of sports teams? (시차 피로감이 스포츠 팀의 성능에 어떤 영향을 미치나요?)


* Suggested Answers: 

(1) The main topic of the text is jet lag and its effects on sports teams' performance. 

(Reason: The text discusses the impact of jet lag on sports teams and the east-west difference.)

텍스트의 주요 주제는 시차로 인한 시차적응과 스포츠 팀의 경기력에 미치는 영향입니다.

(이유: 이 글은 시차가 스포츠 팀에 미치는 영향과 동서 차이에 대해 논의하고 있습니다.)

(2) The direction of travel affects jet lag by making it generally easier to overcome when flying westward compared to eastward. 

(Reason: The text states that westward travel is easier for adapting to jet lag.)

여행 방향은 일반적으로 동쪽으로 비행할 때보다 서쪽으로 비행할 때 시차 극복이 더 쉬워 시차에 영향을 미친다.

(이유: 텍스트에 따르면 서쪽으로 여행하는 것이 시차 적응에 더 쉽다고 명시되어 있습니다.)

(3) Professional baseball and college football teams are mentioned in the text. (Reason: The text specifically discusses the performance of these teams in relation to jet lag.)

텍스트에 프로야구와 대학 축구 팀이 언급되어 있습니다.

(이유: 텍스트에서 시차 적응과 관련하여 이러한 팀의 성적을 구체적으로 논의하고 있습니다.)

(4) Studies say that the east-west difference in jet lag is sizable enough to impact the performance of sports teams, with teams flying westward performing significantly better than those flying eastward. (Reason: The text cites studies that support this conclusion.)

연구에 따르면 시차의 동서 차이는 스포츠 팀의 성적에 영향을 미칠 만큼 충분히 크며, 서쪽으로 비행하는 팀이 동쪽으로 비행하는 팀보다 훨씬 좋은 성적을 거둔다고 합니다.

(이유: 본문에서는 이러한 결론을 뒷받침하는 연구를 인용하고 있습니다.)


(5) Jet lag affects the performance of sports teams by making it harder for teams flying eastward to perform well compared to teams flying westward. (Reason: The text provides evidence of this effect on sports teams.)
시차는 동쪽으로 비행하는 팀이 서쪽으로 비행하는 팀에 비해 좋은 성적을 내기 어렵게 함으로써 스포츠 팀의 성과에 영향을 미친다.

(이유: 텍스트는 시차가 스포츠 팀에 미치는 영향에 대한 증거를 제시합니다.)



(1) "This east­-west difference in jet lag is sizable enough to have an impact on the performance of sports teams."

(이 문장에서 "이"는 대명사로써 동서 시차 차이를 가리킨다. "sizable enough"의 의미는 "크기가 충분히 커서"이다.) (Semantic explanation: This sentence emphasizes the significance of the east-west difference in jet lag, which affects sports teams' performance.)


(2) "Studies have found that teams flying westward perform significantly better than teams flying eastward in professional baseball and college football."

(이 문장에서 "studies have found"는 과거 분사구조로, 연구결과를 소개하고 있다. "significantly better"의 의미는 "상당히 더 잘"이다.)

(Semantic explanation: This sentence provides evidence from studies to support the claim that the direction of travel impacts sports teams' performance.






1. Watch This Video

2. Questions and Answers.


Question 1: What is jet lag?
Answer: Jet lag is a condition that messes up your sleep cycle due to time differences when you travel long distances.


Question 2: What causes jet lag?
Rapid long distance travel
Time zone differences


Question 3: Can you completely avoid jet lag?
Answer: No, but you can reduce its effects with some tips.


Question 4: What should you do before traveling to reduce jet lag?
Book flights that arrive before 10 p.m.
Get plenty of rest
Adjust your sleep schedule to the new time zone


Question 5: How can you reduce jet lag during your flight?
Drink lots of water
Stretch and stay active
Sleep if it's your normal sleep time, use eye masks and earplugs


Question 6: What should you do after arriving at your destination to reduce jet lag?
Don't sleep until it's a normal time in the new time zone
Set an alarm to avoid oversleeping


Question 7: What is the personal best tip for reducing jet lag?
Answer: Always sleep on the plane, whether flying overnight or during the day.

Question 8: Why is sleeping on the plane helpful for reducing jet lag?
Answer: Sleeping on the plane helps you use your time effectively and feel better when you arrive at your destination.


Question 9: What is the main purpose of this video?
Answer: The video aims to provide a quick summary of jet lag and tips on how to reduce its side effects.


Question 10: How can you support the video creator?
Press the like button
Share the video with others



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