관광업의 발전 (The development of tourism)
관광업의 성장은 근무 환경 개선, 교통수단의 발전, 대형 호텔 건설의 결과입니다. (The growth of tourism is a result of improved working conditions, advancements in transportation, and the construction of large hotels.)
핵심 어휘
(1) Wage: 임금 (Wage levels improved with better social and economic conditions.)
(2) Working conditions: 근무 조건 (Working conditions improved as countries developed.)
(3) Time off: 휴가 (Gradually people were given more time off.)
(4) Transport: 교통 (Transportation improved and became faster and cheaper.)
(5) Industrial revolution: 산업 혁명 (England's industrial revolution led to many changes.)
(6) Railways: 철도 (Railways opened up famous seaside resorts.)
(7) Seaside resorts: 해변 휴양지 (Blackpool and Brighton are famous seaside resorts.)
(1) What factors contributed to the growth of tourism? (관광 산업의 성장에 기여한 요인은 무엇인가요?)
(2) How did the industrial revolution affect tourism? (산업 혁명은 관광에 어떤 영향을 미쳤나요?)
(3) What role did railways play in the development of tourism? (철도는 관광 발전에서 어떤 역할을 했나요?)
(4) Which countries are mentioned in the text and why? (텍스트에서 언급된 나라들은 어떤 것들이고 왜 언급되었나요?)
(5) How did air transport affect tourism? (항공 운송은 관광에 어떤 영향을 미쳤나요?)
* suggested answers
(1) 노동 조건의 개선, 교통의 발전, 대형 호텔 건설이 관광업의 성장에 기여했습니다.
(2) 산업 혁명으로 인해 교통이 개선되고 유명한 해변 휴양지가 개장했다.
(3) 철도는 유명한 해변 휴양지를 열었고 대형 호텔 건설을 가능하게 했다.
(4) 영국과 캐나다는 교통 개선과 대형 호텔 건설로 인해 관광이 발전한 국가의 예로 언급되었습니다.
(5) 항공 운송은 더 많은 세계를 개방하여 관광 산업을 더욱 성장시켰습니다.
(1) Improved working conditions, advancements in transportation, and the construction of large hotels contributed to the growth of tourism.
(2) The industrial revolution led to improved transportation and the opening of famous seaside resorts.
(3) Railways opened up famous seaside resorts and enabled the construction of large hotels.
(4) England and Canada are mentioned as examples of countries where tourism developed due to improved transportation and the construction of large hotels.
(5) Air transport opened up more of the world and led to further tourism growth.
(1) England’s industrial revolution led to many of these changes.
(문장의 주어와 동사로 구성되어 변화의 원인을 설명하고 있습니다.)
(이 문장은 산업 혁명이 관광 산업의 발전에 어떻게 영향을 미쳤는지를 설명하는데 중요한 역할을 합니다.)
(2) Later, the arrival of air transport opened up more of the world and led to tourism growth.
(나중에 항공 운송의 출현으로 세계가 더 확장되어 관광 산업이 성장하게 되었습니다.)
(이 문장은 시간 순서에 따라 발전한 교통 수단의 영향을 설명하며, 항공 운송이 관광 산업 성장에 어떻게 기여했는지를 설명하는데 중요합니다.)
(1) England's industrial revolution led to many of these changes.
(This sentence is important as it explains the role of the industrial revolution in influencing the development of the tourism industry by structuring the sentence with a subject and verb that describe the cause of change.)
(2) Later, the arrival of air transport opened up more of the world and led to tourism growth.
(This sentence is important because it explains the influence of transportation advancements over time and how air transport contributed to the growth of the tourism industry.)
Further Study
1. Watch This Video
2. Questions and Answers
1. What is the Coral Triangle?
It is one of the most biodiverse places on the planet and has more life than anywhere else in the world.
2. What are the threats to marine life in Indonesia?
Destructive fishing practices and illegal poaching are threatening entire species.
3. What is the business model devised by Andrew and Marit Miners?
They created a marine protected area that would be sustainably funded by a luxury eco-resort, providing an economic alternative for the hundreds of villagers who rely entirely on the ocean.
4. What is Misool marine protected area?
It is a 465 square mile reserve located in eastern Indonesia where all fishing is banned.
5. Who are the ocean rangers?
Ahmad and his team of ocean rangers are responsible for stopping illegal fishermen in their tracks, working alongside the military police who have the power to make arrests and seize vessels.
6. What is the role of the rangers in the success of the marine protected area?
The success of the marine protected area depends on the rangers stopping illegal fishermen in their tracks.
7. What is the fate of any poachers intercepted by the rangers?
The fate of any poachers intercepted by the rangers will rest in the community's hands.
8. What is the challenge faced by Andrew and Marit in providing an economic alternative for the villagers?
They needed to provide an economic alternative for the hundreds of villagers who rely entirely on the ocean.
9. Who is Ahmad, and what is his role?
Ahmad has been working as a ranger for two years, patrolling the reef and carrying out anti-poaching missions.
10. Why are green and hawksbill turtles vulnerable?
Green and hawksbill turtles are vulnerable when nesting on the beach, and only one in 1,000 sea turtle hatchlings will survive to adulthood.
11. What has been the impact of the marine protected area on animal populations and fish biomass?
The fish biomass has increased in some areas by 600%, and there are now 25 times more sharks inside the reserve than just outside.
12. What is the value of coral reef dive tourism globally?
It is valued at $36 billion annually.
13. What is Andrew and Marit's hope for the future?
They hope that the story of their success may encourage others to start similar ventures, and that Misool becomes the gold standard for private enterprise doing conservation.
14. What has been the impact of the marine protected area on the local community?
Thanks to the marine protected area, the local community is now making more money than they ever did as fishermen, and their way of life has been safeguarded for generations to come.
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