1940~1950년대 사회 변화로 인한 아이디어 판매 방식의 변화.
( Shift in selling ideas during 1940s-1950s due to societal changes.)
산업 사회에서 판매와 마케팅의 진화.
(The evolution of selling and marketing in industrial societies.)
1940년대와 1950년대에 산업 사회가 더욱 풍요로워지고 경쟁이 치열해지며 지리적으로 분산되면서 마케팅 혁명으로 이어진 1940년대와 1950년대에 판매에 대한 아이디어가 크게 변화했습니다.
(The major shift in the idea of selling occurred during the 1940s and 1950s, when industrial societies became more affluent, competitive, and geographically spread out, leading to a marketing revolution.)
(1) affluent - 부유한 (Industrial societies became more affluent during the 1940s and 1950s.)
(2) competitive - 경쟁력 있는 (The market became more competitive during this period.)
(3) geographically - 지리적으로 (Societies became more geographically spread out.)
(4) relations - 관계 (Businesses had to develop closer relations with buyers and clients.)
(5) essential - 필수적인 (It became essential to deliver products that customers wanted.)
(6) modernization - 현대화 (The modernization of society led to a marketing revolution.)
(7) revolution - 혁명 (The marketing revolution changed the way businesses approached selling.)
(8) production - 생산 (The production process had to adapt to the new market reality.)
(9) demand - 수요 (Production would create its own demand.)
(10) diverse - 다양한 (Businesses had to meet the diverse needs of customers.)
(1) When did the major philosophical shift in selling occur? (판매의 주요 철학적 변화가 언제 발생했나요?)
(2) What are three factors that contributed to this shift? (이 변화에 기여한 세 가지 요인은 무엇인가요?)
(3) Why did businesses have to develop closer relations with buyers and clients? (왜 기업들은 구매자와 고객과 더 밀접한 관계를 형성해야 했나요?)
(4) How did the marketing revolution change the focus of businesses? (마케팅 혁명이 기업의 초점을 어떻게 바꾸었나요?)
(5) What was the new approach to production during this period? (이 기간 동안 생산에 대한 새로운 접근 방식은 무엇이었나요?)
* Suggested Answers
(1) The major philosophical shift in selling occurred during the 1940s and 1950s.
판매에 대한 주요 철학적 변화는 1940년대와 1950년대에 일어났다.
(2) The three factors were affluence, competition, and geographic spread.
세 가지 요인은 풍요, 경쟁, 지리적 확산이었다.
(3) Businesses had to develop closer relations to better understand and meet customer needs.
(Reason: The text emphasizes the importance of meeting customers' desires.)
기업들은 고객의 요구를 더 잘 이해하고 충족시키기 위해 더 긴밀한 관계를 발전시켜야 했다.
(이유: 본문에서 고객의 욕구 충족의 중요성을 강조하고 있습니다.)
(4) The marketing revolution changed the focus of businesses to meeting the diverse needs of customers.
마케팅 혁명으로 인해 기업의 초점이 고객의 다양한 요구를 충족시키는 것으로 바뀌었다.
(5) The new approach to production involved creating products that customers actually wanted.
(Reason: The text highlights the importance of delivering products that customers wanted.)
생산에 대한 새로운 접근 방식에는 고객이 실제로 원하는 제품을 만드는 것이 포함되었다.
(이유: 본문은 고객이 원하는 제품을 제공하는 것의 중요성을 강조하고 있습니다.)
(1) The major philosophical shift in the idea of selling came when industrial societies became more affluent, more competitive, and more geographically spread out during the 1940s and 1950s.
(주요 철학적 변화는 산업사회가 1940년대와 1950년대에 더 부유하고, 경쟁력이 높아지며 지리적으로 더 퍼져 나갈 때 발생했다.)
The sentence contains a dependent clause introduced by "when," which provides a time frame for the shift, and three adjectives describing the changes in industrial societies (affluent, competitive, geographically spread out).
(2) The modernization of society led to a marketing revolution that strengthened the view that production would create its own demand. (사회의 현대화로 인해 생산이 자체적인 수요를 창출할 것이라는 견해를 강화시키는 마케팅 혁명이 일어났다.)
The sentence uses the past tense to describe the causal relationship between the modernization of society and the marketing revolution. The relative clause introduced by "that" specifies the effect of the marketing revolution on the view of production and demand.
1. Watch This Video
2. Questions and Answers
Question 1: What was the Market Revolution?
- Answer: The Market Revolution was a process during the first half of the 19th century where the United States shifted from producing goods mainly for themselves to producing goods for sale to others, setting the foundation for the modern commercial industrial economy.
Question 2: What new technology helped the Market Revolution?
- Answer:
- New transportation (better roads, canals)
- Communication improvements (telegraph)
Question 3: What role did factories play in the Market Revolution?
- Answer: Factories gathered workers in one place and divided tasks among them, making production faster and more efficient, which helped drive the growth of the American economy.
Question 4: What was the American system of manufacturing?
- Answer: The American system of manufacturing focused on the mass-production of interchangeable parts.
Question 5: What did the Limited Liability Corporation do?
- Answer: It allowed investors to finance business ventures without being personally responsible for losses beyond their own investment.
Question 6: How did the Market Revolution change work and leisure time?
- Answer:
- People started working outside of their homes
- Work was regulated by clocks instead of seasons or daylight
Question 7: How did the concept of manifest destiny influence the growth of the United States?
- Answer: Manifest destiny was the belief that it was a God-given right for Americans to spread across the North American continent, leading to rapid migration and territorial expansion.
Question 8: How did the Transcendentalists respond to the Market Revolution?
- Answer: Transcendentalists, like Emerson and Thoreau, tried to redefine freedom in a changing world by arguing that freedom resided in an individual's power to remake themselves and possibly the world.
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