주제: 대학에서의 학습 전략 적응하기 (Adapting learning strategies in college)
주제문: 숙련된 학습자는 다양한 전략을 사용하며 언제 적용해야 하는지 알고 있습니다.
(1) approach, (접근법) (They may approach every course the same way.)
(2) rubber-stamp, (통과시키다) (Using the rubber-stamp approach.)
(3) appropriate, (적절한) (Appropriate dress for different occasions.)
(4) skillful, (숙련된) (Skillful learners know that "putting on the same clothes" won't work.)
(5) flexible, (유연한) (They are flexible learners.)
(6) strategy, (전략) (They have different strategies.)
(7) multiple-choice, (객관식) (Study for multiple-choice tests differently.)
(1) What is the rubber-stamp approach? (고무도장 접근법이란 무엇인가요?)
(2) Why is it important to be a flexible learner? (유연한 학습자가 되는 것이 왜 중요한가요?)
(3) How do skillful learners differ from others? (숙련된 학습자들이 다른 학습자들과 어떻게 다른가요?)
(4) What are the two types of tests mentioned? (언급된 두 가지 시험 유형은 무엇인가요?)
* Suggested Answers:
(1) Rubber-Stamp approach: Treating every learning task the same.
(2) Flexible learners adapt to different situations.
(3) Skillful learners use various strategies and know when to apply them.
(4) Multiple-choice and essay tests.
(1) 러버 스탬프 접근 방식: 모든 학습 과제를 동일하게 취급합니다.
(2) 유연한 학습자는 다양한 상황에 적응합니다.
(3) 숙련된 학습자는 다양한 전략을 사용하며 언제 적용해야 하는지 알고 있습니다.
(4) 객관식 및 주관식 시험.
(1) Skillful learners know that “putting on the same clothes” won’t work for every class.
(숙련된 학습자들은 모든 수업에 같은 옷을 입는 것이 통하지 않는다는 것을 안다.)
(주어와 동사가 명사절 that절로 이루어진 3형식 문장. "숙련된 학습자들은 안다"의 관계를 설명하고, 목적어와 관련된 정보를 제공하는 목적어 구문 "모든 수업에 같은 옷을 입는 것이 통하지 않는다는 것"을 설명)
(2) They know that you study for multiplechoice tests differently than you study for essay tests.
(그들은 객관식 시험을 에세이 시험과는 다르게 공부한다는 것을 안다.)
(This sentence highlights the need for adapting learning strategies based on the type of test being taken.)
Further Study
1. Watch This Video
2. Questions and Answers
1. What factors determine helpful learning strategies?
The goal of the task
Whether the learner needs to remember, evaluate, or create information
2. What do effective learning strategies help learners with?
Encoding information
Retrieving information
Sometimes both
3. How do good learning strategies relate to the ease of learning?
Strategies that make learning seem easier may not be effective
Strategies that are more difficult are often more effective for long-term learning
4. What is the concept of "desirable difficulties"?
Learning strategies that are active and effortful make learning seem difficult but are more effective
5. What characteristics do effective learning strategies share?
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