1. 요약
기술의 도입은 비용을 치르게 하며, 전통적인 삶의 방식을 밀어내고 새로운 일자리를 만들지만, 그 중 일부는 위험하고 사람들의 건강과 정신에 부정적인 영향을 미친다.
2. 주제
기술 도입의 비용과 부작용
3. 핵심 어휘
1) cost (비용) (If we adopt technology, we need to pay its costs.)
2) traditional (전통적인) (Thousands of traditional livelihoods have been pushed aside.)
3) progress (진보) (by progress, and the lifestyles around those jobs removed.)
4) hate (싫어하다) (Hundreds of millions of humans today work at jobs they hate.)
5) chronic (만성의) (Sometimes these jobs cause physical pain, disability, or chronic disease.)
6) dangerous (위험한) (Technology creates many new jobs that are certainly dangerous.)
7) mass education (대중 교육) (At the same time, mass education and media train humans.)
8) digital world (디지털 세상) (to seek jobs working in the digital world.)
9) health risk (건강 위험) (the sedentary nature of the best-paying jobs is a health risk)
10) divorce (이혼, 분리) (The divorce of the hands from the head puts a stress on the human mind.)
4. 내용 이해
1) What are the costs of adopting technology? (기술 도입으로 인한 비용이란 무엇인가요?)
2) How does technology affect jobs? (기술이 일자리에 어떤 영향을 미치나요?)
3) What are the negative aspects of jobs related to technology? (기술과 관련된 일자리의 부정적인 측면은 무엇인가요?)
4) How does mass education and media affect people? (대중 교육과 미디어가 인간에게 어떤 영향을 미치나요?)
5) How does the static nature of top-paying jobs affect health? (최고급여 직업의 정적인 특성이 건강에 어떤 영향을 미치나요?)
* Suggested Answers
1) 기술 도입으로 인한 비용은 전통적인 삶의 방식이 사라지는 것, 새로운 위험한 직업이 생기는 것 등이다.
2) 기술은 일자리를 잃게 하거나 새로운 일자리를 창출함으로써 영향을 미칩니다. 그러나 이 새로운 일자리 중 일부는 사람들이 즐기지 않거나 위험할 수 있습니다.
3) 기술과 관련된 일자리의 부정적인 측면으로는 신체적 고통, 장애, 만성질환 등이 있습니다.
4) 대중 교육과 미디어는 인간이 저기술 일자리를 피하고 디지털 세상에서 일하는 직업을 찾도록 교육합니다. 이로 인해 인간의 정신에 스트레스가 생깁니다.
5) 최고급여 직업의 정적인 특성은 신체와 정신 건강에 위험이 됩니다. 앉아서 하는 일이 많아 건강에 좋지 않습니다.
5. 주요 문장 설명
1) If we adopt technology, we need to pay its costs.
-Grammar: This is a conditional sentence, which consists of two clauses: "if we adopt technology" (dependent clause) and "we need to pay its costs" (independent clause). The dependent clause is introduced by the conjunction "if," which signals a condition. The subject "we" in both clauses implies collective responsibility.
-Meaning: This sentence suggests that when technology is introduced and accepted, there are associated costs to be paid, possibly implying the negative consequences of adopting technology.
2) Technology creates many new jobs that are certainly dangerous.
-Grammar: This sentence has a subject ("technology"), a verb ("creates"), and a direct object ("many new jobs"). The adjective "many" modifies "new jobs," indicating a large quantity. The relative pronoun "that" introduces a relative clause ("that are certainly dangerous"), which modifies "new jobs." The adverb "certainly" emphasizes the adjective "dangerous" in the relative clause.
-Meaning: The sentence conveys that technology generates a significant number of new jobs, but these jobs come with a certain level of danger, highlighting the potential risks associated with technology-driven employment.
[Further Study]
1. Watch This Video
2. Questions & Answers
1. What was the initial question posed about technology?
Can it solve all of our biggest social problems?
Can it create problems?
2. What does the speaker personally believe about technology?
Can solve world's biggest social problems within 10 years
Can also harm society
Need new ethical frameworks
3. What industries does the speaker believe need redesigning due to technology?
Economic systems
Education systems
4. What was the speaker's background before working with technology?
Studied physics, switched to history
Worked in nonprofit sector
Worked with Ashoka organization
5. What is Singularity University?
University in Silicon Valley
Focuses on using exponential technologies to solve world's biggest problems
6. What is different about digital technology compared to old technology?
Scales quickly
Easy to iterate and work with
7. What company did the speaker create with their team?
World's first use of drones for transport
8. What is the purpose of Mark Post's hamburger invention?
Grows meat without killing animals
More environmentally friendly
Possibly healthier
9. How did a team improve education in Myanmar using virtual reality?
Recorded classes and teachers
Trained teachers in 21st-century education
128 schools signed up
10. What are the potential negative effects of self-driving cars and AI?
Massive unemployment
11. What are the potential negative effects of the internet?
Difficulty determining true or false news
12. What can drones be used for besides saving lives?
Isis using drones to kill people
13. What did Liz Parrish do with gene therapy?
Reversed aging in herself
14. What is Elon Musk's neural lace?
Reads brainwaves
Helps paralyzed people walk
Beginning of merging minds with machines
15. What is the human revolution the speaker refers to?
Technological revolution leading to fundamental human questions and challenges
16. What questions does the human revolution pose for our generation?
Do you want to live forever?
Do you want to connect your brain to someone else's mind?
What will you do if a robot takes your job?
What will be your purpose?
17. What does the speaker ask those working in technology to consider?
Social implications
Using technology for good
18. What does the speaker ask those who are suspicious of technology to do?
Get involved
Direct how applications work
Make a positive social impact
19. What is the ultimate goal the speaker hopes for?
A world that works for everybody
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