강사의 따뜻함 또는 차가움에 대한 학생들의 기대가 강사에 대한 상호 작용과 인상에 영향을 미쳤으며, 기대가 행동과 관계에 영향을 미친다는 것을 보여주었습니다.
(Students' expectations of a lecturer's warmth or coldness influenced their interactions and impressions of the lecturer, showing that expectations affect behavior and relationships.)
기대가 인상과 행동에 미치는 영향
(The impact of expectations on impressions and behavior)
어떤 사람의 특성에 대한 사람들의 기대는 그 사람에 대한 인상과 행동, 그리고 그 사람과 형성되는 관계에 큰 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다.
(Thesis statement: People's expectations about a person's characteristics can significantly influence their impressions, behavior, and relationships formed with that person.)
핵심 어휘
(1) Expectations: 기대 (Anticipated outcomes or beliefs about someone or something)
(2) Lecturer: 강사 (A person who gives informative talks or presentations)
(3) Warm: 따뜻한 (Friendly and welcoming in demeanor)
(4) Cold: 차가운 (Unfriendly and unapproachable in demeanor)
(5) Characteristics: 특성 (Distinctive qualities or features of a person or thing)
(6) Assumption: 가정 (A thing that is accepted as true without proof)
(7) Description: 설명 (A representation of something in words)
(8) Impressions: 인상 (An idea or opinion formed about someone or something)
(9) Behavior: 행동 (The way a person acts or conducts oneself)
(10) Relationship: 관계 (The way in which people are connected or interact)
내용 이해
(1) What is the common mistaken assumption people make about others? (사람들이 다른 사람에 대해 흔히 하는 잘못된 가정은 무엇인가요?)
(2) How were the students' expectations manipulated in the study? (연구에서 학생들의 기대감은 어떻게 조작되었나요?)
(3) What did the students do after the guest lecturer led a discussion? (강연자가 토론을 이끈 후 학생들은 무엇을 했나요?)
(4) How did the students' original information about the lecturer affect their impressions of him? (학생들의 강사에 대한 원래 정보가 강사에 대한 인상에 어떻게 영향을 미쳤나요?)
(5) What does this study show about the relationship between expectations and behavior? (이 연구는 기대와 행동 간의 관계에 대해 어떤 것을 보여주나요?)
* Suggested Answers
(1) People commonly assume that if a person has one type of characteristic, they automatically have other characteristics that go along with it.
(사람들은 일반적으로 어떤 사람이 한 가지 특성을 가지고 있다면, 그와 함께하는 다른 특성도 자동으로 가지고 있다고 가정합니다.)
(2) In the study, students were given descriptions of a guest lecturer with half being told he was 'warm' and the other half being told he was 'cold'.
(연구에서, 학생들은 절반은 '따뜻한'이라고 설명된 강사에 대한 설명을 받았고, 다른 절반은 '차가운'이라고 설명되었습니다.)
(3) After the guest lecturer led a discussion, the students were asked to give their impressions of him.
(강연자가 토론을 이끈 후 학생들은 그에 대한 인상을 말해 달라고 요청받았습니다.)
(4) The students' original information about the lecturer affected their impressions of him, with large differences in their opinions depending on whether they were told he was 'warm' or 'cold'.
(학생들의 강사에 대한 원래 정보는 그에 대한 인상에 영향을 미쳤으며, '따뜻한'이라고 들은 학생들과 '차가운'이라고 들은 학생들 사이에 큰 차이가 있었습니다.)
(5) The study shows that different expectations not only affect the impressions people form but also their behavior and the relationships that are formed.
(이 연구는 다양한 기대가 인상을 형성하는 데만 영향을 주는 것이 아니라 행동과 형성되는 관계에도 영향을 준다는 것을 보여줍니다.)
1. Watch This Video
2. Questions and Answers
1. Who was Pygmalion and what did he create?
Pygmalion was an ancient Greek sculptor.
He carved a statue of a woman out of ivory.
2. What happened to the statue Pygmalion made?
Aphrodite, the goddess of love, granted his wish.
She turned the sculpture into a real woman.
3. What is the Pygmalion Effect?
The Pygmalion Effect is when high expectations improve our behaviors and performance.
We do better when there are greater expectations on us.
4. Where can we see the Pygmalion Effect?
In classrooms and homes with teachers and parents.
In workplaces with corporate leaders.
5. What are the four factors of the Pygmalion Effect?
Climate: belief in your capabilities.
Input: access to resources.
Output: opportunities to showcase your work.
Feedback: getting comments to improve.
6. Why is it important to be aware of expectations?
They affect our work and its outcomes.
They can impact others, especially if we are in a position of leadership or influence.
7. How can you use the Pygmalion Effect to your advantage?
Surround yourself with people who have high expectations of you.
Use their belief as a motivator to do better.
8. Why should we avoid using words like "rockstar" and "genius" in the workplace?
These words can create unrealistic expectations.
They might lead to unhealthy pressure or work habits.
9. How can you simulate the Pygmalion Effect on your own?
Believe in your capabilities (Climate).
Access helpful resources (Input).
Find opportunities to show your work (Output).
Ask for feedback to improve (Feedback).
10. What's a good strategy for dealing with other people's expectations?
Try not to depend on others' expectations.
Focus on your own goals and self-improvement.
11. Why is it important to choose the right people to be around?
We are influenced by the people closest to us.
Having supportive people can help us grow and succeed.
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