경력 및 기술 분야에서 성장과 발전을 위해 관련성을 유지하는 것의 중요성.
(Importance of staying relevant for growth and development in career and technology.)
관련성을 유지하고 업계의 변화에 적응하는 것의 중요성. (The importance of remaining relevant and adapting to changes in the industry.)
관련성을 유지하고 업계의 발전을 수용하는 사람은 커리어에서 성공할 가능성이 높은 반면, 그렇지 않은 사람은 정체와 실패의 위험을 감수해야 합니다.
(Those who stay relevant and embrace advances in their industry are more likely to excel in their careers, while those who don't risk stagnation and failure.)
핵심 어휘
(1) Relevance: 적절성 (Brands that fail to grow and develop lose their relevance.)
(2) Plateau: 정체기 (Appears to have hit a plateau in his or her career.)
(3) Ambitious: 야심찬 (Assuming he or she did not make an ambitious move.)
(4) Victim: 희생자 (This individual is a victim of having failed to stay relevant.)
(5) Embrace: 받아들이다 (Embrace the advances in his or her industry.)
(6) Impact: 영향력 (Think about the impact personal computing technology had.)
(7) Executive leadership: 경영진 리더십 (First wave of executive leadership exposed to the technology.)
(8) Integrate: 통합하다 (Able to integrate it into their work styles.)
(9) Resistant: 저항하는 (Those who were resistant many times found few opportunities.)
(10) Update: 최신화하다 (Failure to stay relevant and update their skills.)
내용 이해
(1) Why is staying relevant important in one's career?
(왜 적절성을 유지하는 것이 커리어에서 중요한가요?)
(2) What happens to individuals who fail to stay relevant?
(적절성을 유지하지 못한 사람들에게 어떤 일이 일어날까요?)
(3) How did personal computing technology impact the first wave of executive leadership?
(개인용 컴퓨터 기술은 경영진 리더십의 첫 번째 물결에 어떤 영향을 미쳤나요?)
(4) What benefits do those who embrace advances in their industry experience?
(자신의 산업에서 발전을 받아들이는 사람들은 어떤 혜택을 경험하나요?)
(5) What happens to those who are resistant to change?
(변화에 저항하는 사람들에게 어떤 일이 일어날까요?)
* Suggested Answers
(1) Staying relevant is important in one's career because it allows them to adapt to changes and remain competitive.
(Reason: The text discusses how individuals who stay relevant are more successful in their careers.)
(2) Individuals who fail to stay relevant may experience stagnation in their careers, miss opportunities, or even lose their jobs.
(Reason: The text provides examples of individuals who failed to stay relevant and faced negative consequences.)
(3) Personal computing technology had a significant impact on the first wave of executive leadership, as those who embraced the technology were able to integrate it into their work styles and excel.
(Reason: The text describes how technology impacted executive leadership.)
(4) Those who embrace advances in their industry can experience benefits such as increased opportunities, improved skills, and career advancement.
(Reason: The text discusses the positive outcomes for those who embrace advances in their industry.)
(5) Those who are resistant to change may find fewer opportunities to advance their careers and, in some cases, may be let go or forced into early retirement.
(Reason: The text mentions the consequences faced by those who resist change.)
주요 문장
(1) Those who embraced the technology were able to integrate it into their work styles and excel.
(문장에서 동사 "embrace"는 변화를 받아들이는 것을 의미하며, 이것이 어떻게 그들의 업무 스타일에 통합되고 성공하는지를 보여준다.)
(이 문장은 기술을 받아들이는 사람들이 어떻게 성공하는지를 설명함으로써 중요하다.)
(2) Those who were resistant many times found few opportunities to advance their careers and in many cases were ultimately let go through early retirement for failure to stay relevant and update their skills.
(문장에서 "resistant"는 변화에 저항하는 것을 의미하며, 이로 인해 그들이 어떻게 기회를 놓치고 결국 일찍 은퇴하게 되는지 보여준다.)
(이 문장은 변화에 저항하는 사람들이 어떤 부정적인 결과를 겪게 되는지를 설명함으로써 중요하다.)
1. Watch This Video
2. Questions and Answers
Question 1: Who is Claude C. Hopkins and how did he change people's habits?
- Claude C. Hopkins was an advertiser who had trouble selling a brand of toothpaste.
- He tapped into neuroscience and the power of habits to convince people that brushing their teeth should be a daily routine.
Question 2: What is a habit?
- A habit is an automatic behavior or task that is done subconsciously.
Question 3: How are habits formed in the brain?
- New neural pathways are formed when a behavior is repeated.
- The more a brain circuit fires, the easier it becomes for the brain to do the task without conscious thought.
Question 4: What are the three key ingredients of a habit, as described by Claude Hopkins?
- A cue, a behavior, and a reward.
Question 5: How does rewarding a behavior create a craving?
- Once a habit and a reward are tied together in the brain, the reward neurons start firing even before the behavior is done, causing a craving.
Question 6: Can the brain change its structure to form new habits?
- Yes, the brain is flexible and its chemistry constantly changes in response to various activities.
- Over time, if the same behaviors are repeated, the physical structure of the brain changes and creates new neural pathways.
Question 7: What is essential for making a habit?
- Repetition is essential for making a habit, as it creates new neural pathways in the brain.
Question 8: Why are bad habits hard to break?
- Bad habits are hard to break because they have woven new neural networks into the brain, which don't go away overnight.
Question 9: What is the recommended strategy for changing a habit?
- It is usually best to try and replace bad behavior with a new behavior instead of just trying to erase the pattern altogether.
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