

사회적 증거는 행동에 영향을 미치며, 집단주의 사회는 타인의 행동에 더 많은 영향을 받습니다.
(Social proof influences behavior; collectivist societies more affected by others' actions.)


적절한 행동을 결정하는 요인으로서의 사회적 증거, 그리고 그것이 집단주의 사회와 개인주의 사회에 미치는 영향

(Social proof as a factor in determining appropriate behavior, and its impact on collectivist vs. individualist societies)



개인은 종종 적절한 행동을 결정하기 위해 사회적 증거 또는 다른 사람의 행동을 사용하며, 집단주의 사회에서는 동료의 행동에 더 많은 영향을 받는다.

(Individuals often use social proof, or the behavior of others, to determine appropriate actions, with collectivist societies being more influenced by the actions of their peers.)



1. 핵심 어휘

(1) Social proof: 사회적 증거

(Social proof can influence people's decisions)


(2) Appropriate behavior: 적절한 행동

(Appropriate behavior varies across cultures)


(3) Situation: 상황

(The situation can determine the best course of action)


(4) Referent others: 참고 대상

(People compare themselves to referent others)


(5) Compliance tactics: 순응 전략

(Compliance tactics can be used to persuade people)


(6) Collectivistically oriented: 집단주의 지향적

(Collectivistically oriented societies prioritize group harmony)


(7) Individualized self: 개별화된 자아

(The individualized self is focused on personal identity)


(8) Subsequent behavior: 후속 행동

(Subsequent behavior is influenced by past actions)


(9) Persuasive: 설득력 있는

(Persuasive messages can change people's opinions)


(10) Collectivistic society: 집단주의 사회

(Collectivistic societies value group cohesion)

2. 내용 이해

(1) What is the principle of social proof?

(사회적 증거의 원리는 무엇입니까?)


(2) How do people validate their opinions and decisions?

(사람들은 어떻게 자신의 의견과 결정의 정확성을 확인합니까?)


(3) What is the main difference between collectivistically oriented nations and individualistic societies?

(집단주의 지향적 국가와 개인주의 사회의 주요 차이점은 무엇입니까?)


(4) How do compliance tactics relate to social proof?

(순응 전략이 사회적 증거와 어떻게 관련되어 있습니까?)


(5) What evidence is provided to support the claim about collectivistic and individualistic societies?

(집단주의와 개인주의 사회에 대한 주장을 뒷받침하는 증거는 무엇입니까?)


3. Suggested Answers

(1) The principle of social proof is that individuals determine appropriate behavior for themselves in a situation by examining the behavior of others, especially similar others.

(Reason: The text defines the principle of social proof.)


(2) People validate their opinions and decisions through social comparison with referent others.

(Reason: The text explains that social comparison with referent others is the method used.)


(3) The main difference between collectivistically oriented nations and individualistic societies is that the former places a higher value on group harmony, while the latter focuses on personal identity.

(Reason: The text highlights the difference in priorities between these societies.)


(4) Compliance tactics that employ information about the responses of referent others relate to social proof, as they take advantage of the tendency for people to behave as their friends and peers have behaved.

(Reason: The text discusses how compliance tactics use social proof.)


(5) The evidence provided is a study showing that advertisements promoting group benefits were more persuasive in Korea (a collectivistic society) than in the United States (an individualistic society).

(Reason: The text cites this study as evidence supporting the claim about collectivistic and individualistic societies.)


4. 주요 문장

According to the principle of social proof, one way individuals determine appropriate behavior for themselves in a situation is to examine the behavior of others there — especially similar others. 


(This sentence introduces the concept of social proof and explains how it helps individuals determine their actions. The sentence has a subject "one way individuals determine appropriate behavior" and a predicate "is to examine the behavior of others.")


Some evidence in this regard comes from a study showing that advertisements that promoted group benefits were more persuasive in Korea (a collectivistic society) than in the United States (an individualistic society). 


(This sentence provides evidence supporting the claim that collectivist societies are more influenced by the actions of their peers. The sentence has a subject "some evidence" and a predicate "comes from a study showing that advertisements that promoted group benefits were more persuasive in Korea than in the United States.")







각색에 대한 린다 허천의 견해와 젊은 성인 독자들에게 각색이 갖는 의미에 대한 텍스트를 분석하세요.
Linda Hutcheon's view on adaptations and their significance for young adult readers




각색에 대한 린다 허천의 관점과 젊은 성인에게 적응이 갖는 중요성. 

 Linda Hutcheon's perspective on adaptations and their importance for young adults.




각색은 이전 작품을 생생하게 살리고, 젊은 성인 독자들에게 과거와 현재를 모두 아우르며, 역사에 대한 기념비이자 독자의 생생한 경험을 반영하는 기능을 할 수 있습니다.

(Linda Hutcheon's perspective on adaptations and their importance for young adults. Thesis Statement: Adaptations can keep prior works alive, engaging young adult readers with both past and present, and functioning as both monuments to history and reflections of the reader's lived experience.)






1. 핵심 어휘

(1) Adaptation: 적응 

(Linda Hutcheon argues that an adaptation is not vampiric.) 


(2) Vampiric: 흡혈귀 같은 

(Adaptations do not draw the lifeblood from their source works.) 


(3) Afterlife: 여생 

(Adaptations may give prior works an afterlife they would not have had otherwise.) 


(4) Alive: 살아있는 

(The idea of an afterlife of texts keeps works alive.) 


(5) Inspiration: 영감 

(Adaptations use what comes before as inspiration for what comes now.) 


(6) Young adults: 청소년 

(Adaptations for young adults have added benefits.) 


(7) Engaging: 관심을 끄는 

(Adaptations engage young adult readers with both past and present.) 


(8) Monuments: 기념물 

(Adaptations function as monuments to history.) 


(9) Flesh: 살 

(Adaptations reflect the reader's lived experience.) 


(10) Old-fashioned: 구식의 

(Adaptations help prevent works from being perceived as old-fashioned or irrelevant.)


2. 내용 이해

(1) What is Linda Hutcheon's view on adaptations?

(린다 허천의 각색에 대한 견해는 무엇인가?)


(2) How do adaptations give prior works an afterlife?

(각색은 이전 작품에 어떻게 여생을 제공하는가?)


(3) What benefits do adaptations for young adults have?

(청소년을 위한 각색이 어떤 이점을 가지고 있는가?)


(4) How do adaptations function as both monuments to history and reflections of the reader's lived experience?

(각색은 어떻게 역사의 기념물과 독자의 경험을 반영하는 기능을 모두 수행하는가?)


(5) Why are adaptations important for young adults?

(청소년에게 각색이 왜 중요한가?)

3. Suggested Answers

(1) Linda Hutcheon views adaptations as non-vampiric, arguing that they do not drain the lifeblood from their source works but rather keep them alive and give them an afterlife.


(Reason) The text describes Hutcheon's refusal to see adaptation as vampiric and her belief in the afterlife of texts.

(2) Adaptations give prior works an afterlife by using them as inspiration for new works, thus keeping them alive and relevant for new audiences. 


(Reason) The text discusses the idea of the afterlife of texts and how adaptations keep works alive by drawing inspiration from them.

(3) Adaptations for young adults engage them with both past and present, functioning as monuments to history and reflections of the reader's lived experience. 


(Reason) The text highlights the added benefits of adaptations for young adults, emphasizing their role in connecting young readers with history and their own experiences.

(4) Adaptations function as both monuments to history and reflections of the reader's lived experience by incorporating elements from the original work while also connecting with the contemporary context and experiences of the reader. 


(Reason) The text describes adaptations as serving a dual purpose, both preserving historical elements and resonating with the reader's personal experiences.

(5) Adaptations are important for young adults because they help bridge the gap between past and present, allowing young readers to engage with historical works while also connecting with their own experiences, making the adapted works more relevant and accessible. 


(Reason) The text emphasizes the significance of adaptations for young adults, outlining how they facilitate engagement with history and personal experiences.


4. 주요 문장


(1) It may, on the contrary, keep that prior work alive, giving it an afterlife it would never have had otherwise.

(그렇지 않으면 결코 가질 수 없는 여생을 주어 이전 작품을 살아있게 유지할 수 있다.)


(Grammatical explanation) The sentence uses an independent clause with a modal verb (may) followed by an adverbial phrase (on the contrary) and two gerunds (keep, giving) to express the positive effects of adaptations.


(Semantic explanation) This sentence highlights the key idea that adaptations can keep prior works alive and give them an afterlife, contrary to the notion of them being vampiric.

(2) Adaptations for young adults, in particular, have the added benefit of engaging the young adult reader with both then and now, past and present. 

(특히 청소년을 위한 적응은 과거와 현재, 그때와 지금 모두를 청소년 독자와 관련시키는 추가적인 이점이 있다.) 


(Grammatical explanation) The sentence uses a noun phrase (Adaptations for young adults) followed by an adverb (in particular) and an independent clause with a verb (have) and an object (the added benefit) with a gerund phrase (engaging the young adult reader) and two parallel prepositional phrases (with both then and now, past and present). 


(Semantic explanation) The sentence emphasizes the special benefits of adaptations for young adult readers, as they engage them with both past and present, making the works more relatable and relevant.





존 로크의 사상과 그것이 사회에 미친 영향

(John Locke's ideas and their impact on society)



존 로크의 경험론적 철학과 그것이 새로운 사회 형성에 미친 영향.

(John Locke's empiricist philosophy and its impact on the formation of new societies.)





인간을 형성하는 경험에 대한 존 로크의 강조는 다른 사회를 형성하려는 사람들에게 낙관적인 틀을 제공했습니다.

(John Locke's emphasis on experience shaping human beings provided an optimistic framework for those trying to form a different society.)




1.  핵심 어휘

(1) Empiricist: 경험주의자 

(John Locke was an empiricist philosopher.)


(2) Tabula rasa: 공백의 판 

(Locke believed that the mind was a tabula rasa at birth.)


(3) Experience: 경험 

(Experience shapes who we are and who we become.)


(4) Character: 성격 

(Different experiences lead to different characters in human beings.)


(5) Influence: 영향 

(The influence of Locke's ideas was profound.)


(6) Colonies: 식민지 

(Locke's ideas influenced new colonies in America.)


(7) Feudal: 봉건 제도의 

(European culture was based on the feudal system.)


(8) Innate: 선천적인 

(The feudal system tended to emphasize innate characteristics.)


(9) Society: 사회 

(Locke's ideas contributed to the formation of a new society.)


(10) Optimistic framework: 낙관적 틀 

(Locke's ideas provided an optimistic framework for a different society.)

2. 내용 이해

(1) Who is John Locke and what is his philosophy about? 

(존 로크은 누구이며 그의 철학은 무엇에 관한 것인가?)


(2) What does tabula rasa mean? 

(타뷸라 라사는 무엇을 의미하는가?)


(3) How did Locke's ideas influence new colonies in America? 

(로크의 생각이 미국의 신규 식민지에 어떤 영향을 미쳤나?)


(4) How was European culture different from the new society that Locke's ideas contributed to forming? 

(로크의 생각이 기여한 신사회는 유럽 문화와 어떻게 다른가?)


(5) What optimistic framework did Locke's ideas provide for those trying to form a different society? 

(로크의 생각이 다른 사회를 형성하려는 사람들에게 어떤 낙관적 틀을 제공했나?)

3. Suggested Answers

(1) John Locke was an empiricist philosopher who believed that the human mind was a tabula rasa at birth and that experience shapes who we are and who we become.


(Reason) The text introduces John Locke as an empiricist philosopher and explains his belief in the tabula rasa and the importance of experience in shaping human beings.

(2) Tabula rasa means a blank slate, representing the idea that the human mind is empty at birth and waiting to be written on by experience.


(Reason) The text provides a definition of tabula rasa and explains its connection to Locke's belief about the human mind at birth.

(3) Locke's ideas influenced new colonies in America by providing an optimistic framework for those trying to form a different society, based on the importance of experience rather than innate characteristics.


(Reason) The text explains the impact of Locke's ideas on new colonies in America, stating that they provided an optimistic framework for the formation of a different society.

(4) European culture was based on the feudal system, which emphasized innate characteristics and predetermined social positions, while the new society that Locke's ideas contributed to forming valued experience as the primary determinant of an individual's character and place in society.


(Reason) The text contrasts European culture's reliance on the feudal system with the new society influenced by Locke's ideas, which prioritized experience over innate traits.

(5) Locke's ideas provided an optimistic framework for those trying to form a different society by emphasizing the importance of experience in shaping individuals, thus allowing for social mobility and the possibility of change based on one's experiences.


(Reason) The text explains that Locke's emphasis on experience as a determinant of character provided an optimistic foundation for creating a new society.




4. Key Sentences 
(1) Locke believed that our experience shapes who we are and who we become. 

(록은 우리의 경험이 우리가 누구인지와 우리가 되고자 하는 것을 형성한다고 믿었다.)


(Grammatical explanation) The sentence uses a subject (Locke) with a past tense verb (believed) and an object complement clause (that our experience shapes...).


(Semantic explanation) This sentence explains Locke's main philosophical belief that experience is the primary factor in determining an individual's character.

(2) The new society was to operate on a different basis from that of European culture, which was based on the feudal system. 

(신사회는 유럽 문화와 다른 기반으로 운영되어야 했으며, 유럽 문화는 봉건 제도를 기반으로 했다.)


(Grammatical explanation) This sentence uses a passive voice structure (The new society was to operate...) and contrasts the new society with European culture using a relative clause (which was based on the feudal system).


(Semantic explanation) The sentence highlights the difference between the new society influenced by Locke's ideas and the European culture based on the feudal system, emphasizing the importance of experience over innate characteristics in the new society.







요약 :


지식 추구가 지혜나 교양을 보장하지는 않으며, 무지는 진정한 배움을 방해합니다.
(The pursuit of knowledge doesn't guarantee wisdom or education; ignorance hinders true learning.)





지식에 대한 탐구와 지혜 및 교육과의 관계

(The quest for knowledge and its relationship with wisdom and education)





지식 추구가 지혜나 교육을 보장하지 않으며, 무지는 진정한 학습을 방해할 수 있다.
(The pursuit of knowledge doesn't guarantee wisdom or education, and ignorance can hinder true learning.)



핵심 어휘


(1) Quest: 탐구

(The quest for knowledge in the material world is a never-ending pursuit.)


(2) Thoroughly: 철저하게

(A thoroughly schooled person is not necessarily an educated person.)


(3) Overemphasis: 과도한 강조

(Our overemphasis on competition makes looking good more important than being good.)


(4) Criticized: 비판받다

(The fear of being thought a fool and criticized is one of the greatest enemies of true learning.)


(5) Vastness: 광대함

(It is from the vastness of our ignorance that our sense of wonder grows.)


(6) Investigate: 조사하다


(We do not know enough to even question, let alone investigate, our ignorance.)


(7) Facilitate: 용이하게 하다

(All one can do with and for someone else is to facilitate learning.)


(8) Prone to: ~하기 쉬운

(We are prone to becoming the blind leading the blind.)


(9) Selfsame: 똑같은

(It is from the vastness of this selfsame ignorance that our sense of wonder grows.)


(10) Discover: 발견하다

(Help the person to discover the wonder of their ignorance.)


내용 이해


(1) What is the difference between a schooled person, an educated person, and a wise person?

(학교에서 배운 사람, 교육받은 사람, 그리고 지혜로운 사람의 차이점은 무엇인가요?)


(2) How does the fear of being criticized affect true learning?

(비판받을 두려움이 진정한 학습에 어떤 영향을 미치나요?)


(3) What can someone do to help facilitate learning for another person?

(다른 사람의 학습을 돕기 위해 무엇을 할 수 있나요?)


(4) Why is the vastness of our ignorance important for our sense of wonder?

(우리의 무지의 광대함이 왜 경이감에 중요한가요?)


(5) According to the passage, what is the main enemy of true learning?

(이 글에 따르면, 진정한 학습의 주요 적은 무엇인가요?)




* Suggested Answers


(1) A schooled person has undergone formal schooling, while an educated person has a broader understanding of various subjects and can think critically.

A wise person has deep insight and good judgment gained from experience.

(Reason: These distinctions are made within the passage.)


(2) The fear of being criticized discourages people from asking questions, exploring new ideas, and learning from their mistakes, which hinders true learning.

(Reason: The passage states that the fear of being thought a fool and criticized is one of the greatest enemies of true learning.)

(3) To help facilitate learning for another person, one can provide guidance, support, and encouragement to help them discover the wonder of their ignorance and stimulate their curiosity. 

(Reason: The passage mentions that all one can do for someone else is to facilitate learning by helping the person discover the wonder of their ignorance.)

(4) The vastness of our ignorance is important for our sense of wonder because it highlights the immense scope of knowledge still left to discover and learn, sparking curiosity and motivation to explore new subjects and ideas. 

(Reason: The passage suggests that it is from the vastness of our ignorance that our sense of wonder grows.)

(5) According to the passage, the main enemy of true learning is the fear of being thought a fool and criticized. 

(Reason: The passage explicitly identifies this fear as one of the greatest enemies of true learning.)







오늘날 잘 사는 삶에 대한 메시지는 행동과 소비자 선택에 영향을 미치는 것은 노인이 아닌 광고입니다.
(Today's messages on living well come from ads, not elders, influencing behavior and consumer choices.)


광고가 행복과 삶의 만족도에 대한 인식에 미치는 영향
(The influence of advertising on our perception of happiness and life satisfaction)


원로들의 과거 지혜와는 달리, 오늘날의 좋은 삶에 대한 메시지는 우리의 행동을 조종하고 소비를 조장하는 광고에 의해 주도되고 있으며, 종종 우리를 실망스럽게 만듭니다.

(In contrast to past wisdom from elders, today's messages on living a good life are driven by advertising, aiming to manipulate our behavior and encourage consumerism, often leaving us disappointed.)


핵심 어휘

(1) Elders: 연장자들 (Elders passed on their wisdom.)


(2) Advertising: 광고 (Advertising influences our choices.)


(3) Economy: 경제 (The economy relies on consumerism.)


(4) Fulfillment: 충족감 (Products promise lasting fulfillment.)


(5) Messaging: 메시지 (Messaging impacts our behavior.)


(6) Inferior: 열등한 (Ads make us feel inferior.)


(7) Pharmacy: 약국 (People buy whitening strips at a pharmacy.)


(8) Correlating: 상관관계를 가지는 (No correlation between tooth shade and life satisfaction.)


(9) Accoutrements: 장신구 (We buy items in pursuit of happiness.)


(10) Disappointed: 실망한 (We feel disappointed by the lack of satisfaction.)


내용 이해

(1) What was the source of wisdom in the past? 

(과거에는 어떤 것이 지혜의 원천이었나요?)


(2) Who mostly sends us messages on how to live a good life today? 

(오늘날 좋은 삶을 사는 방법에 대한 메시지를 주로 누가 보내나요?)


(3) Why do advertisers want us to feel unsatisfied with our lives? 

(광고인들이 우리가 삶에 불만족을 느끼길 원하는 이유는 무엇인가요?)


(4) How does advertising influence our behavior? 

(광고는 어떻게 우리의 행동에 영향을 미치나요?)


(5) What is the result of buying items in search of happiness? 

(행복을 찾기 위해 물건을 구입하면 어떤 결과가 발생하나요?)



* Suggested Answers

(1) Elders. 

(In the past, wisdom was passed down from older generations.)


(2) Advertising executives. 

(Today, messages about living well are mostly sent by advertisers to sell products.)


(3) To encourage consumerism. 

( Advertisers want us to feel unsatisfied so that we will buy products to seek fulfillment.)


(4) It manipulates our emotions and desires. 

(Advertising makes us feel inferior or unsatisfied, influencing us to buy products to feel better.)


(5) Disappointment. 

(We often feel disappointed when the products we buy do not bring us the life satisfaction we expect.)


주요 문장

(1) Today, the majority of the messages we receive about how to live a good life come not from Granny’s long experience of the world, but from advertising executives hoping to sell us products. 


(오늘날 좋은 삶을 사는 방법에 대한 메시지는 할머니의 오랜 세상 경험에서가 아니라, 제품을 팔기를 바라는 광고 대표들로부터 옵니다.)


(Semantic explanation: This sentence highlights the shift from traditional wisdom to advertising as the primary source of messages about living well.)

(2) We exist in a fog of messaging designed explicitly to influence our behavior. 

(우리는 행동에 명확한 영향을 미치도록 설계된 메시지 안개 속에서 살아갑니다.) 


(Grammatical explanation: "We exist" is the subject and predicate, "in a fog of messaging" is a prepositional phrase describing where we exist, and "designed explicitly to influence our behavior" is a participial phrase modifying "messaging.") 


(Semantic explanation: This sentence emphasizes that advertising messages are specifically designed to manipulate our behavior.)







이슬람 세계는 유럽의 암흑기 동안 과학적 발전을 주도하여 현대 과학의 토대를 마련했습니다.
(Islamic world led in scientific advancements during Europe's Dark Ages, creating a foundation for modern science.)






암흑기 과학 발전에서 이슬람 세계의 역할

(The role of the Islamic world in scientific development during the Dark Ages)






기원 8세기에서 12세기 동안 이슬람 세계는 과학에 상당한 공헌을 하여 현대 과학 발전의 토대를 마련했습니다.

(During the 8th to 12th century CE, the Islamic world made significant contributions to science, laying the foundation for modern scientific advancements.)




핵심 어휘


(1) Dark Ages: 암흑 시대 (Europe suffered the Dark Ages)


(2) Islamic world: 이슬람 세계 (science in the Islamic world)


(3) antecedent: 선행자 (antecedent to modern science)


(4) resources: 자원 (granted scientific institutions resources)


(5) observatories: 천문대 (libraries, observatories, and hospitals)


(6) scholars: 학자들 (trained generations of scholars)


(7) algorithm: 알고리즘 (algorithm, alchemy, alcohol, alkali, algebra)


(8) Galileo: 갈릴레오 (appeared in Europe - with Galileo, Kepler, and Newton)


(9) Kepler: 케플러 (Galileo, Kepler, and, a bit later, Newton)


(10) Newton: 뉴턴 (Galileo, Kepler, and, a bit later, Newton)


내용 이해

(1) During which centuries did the Islamic world make significant contributions to science? 

(이슬람 세계가 과학에 중요한 기여를 한 시기는 언제인가요?)


(2) How did Muslim rulers support scientific institutions? 

(이슬람 지도자들은 과학 기관을 어떻게 지원했나요?)


(3) In which geographical areas were great schools for scholars established? 

(어느 지역에 학자들을 위한 위대한 학교들이 설립되었나요?)


(4) What are some examples of scientific terms that owe their origins to Islamic science?

 (이슬람 과학의 기원에 빚진 과학 용어의 예시는 무엇인가요?)


(5) Which European scientists emerged after the Islamic golden age of science? 

(이슬람 과학의 황금 시대 이후에 등장한 유럽의 과학자들은 누구인가요?)




* Suggested Answers


(1) The Islamic world made significant contributions to science from the 8th to the 12th century CE. 

(Reason: The text states that science was found almost exclusively in the Islamic world during this period.)


(2) Muslim rulers supported scientific institutions by granting them tremendous resources, such as libraries, observatories, and hospitals. 

(Reason: The text mentions these resources as examples of the support provided by Muslim rulers.)


(3) Great schools for scholars were established in the cities covering the Arabic Near East, Northern Africa, and even into Spain. 

(Reason: The text lists these areas as locations where generations of scholars were trained.)


(4) Examples of scientific terms that owe their origins to Islamic science include algorithm, alchemy, alcohol, alkali, and algebra. 

(Reason: The text provides these examples as words that begin with the prefix "al.")


(5) European scientists who emerged after the Islamic golden age of science include Galileo, Kepler, and Newton. 

(Reason: The text mentions these scientists as the ones who appeared in Europe after the Islamic golden age of science.)



주요 문장

(1) This science was not exactly like our science today, but it was surely antecedent to it and was nonetheless an activity aimed at knowing about the world. 

(이 과학은 현재의 과학과는 정확히 같지 않았지만, 그것의 선행자였으며 세계에 대한 지식을 추구하는 활동이었다.) 

(Grammatical explanation in Korean: 이 문장은 현재의 과학과 이슬람 세계의 과학 사이의 관계를 설명한다. "but"는 두 개의 대조되는 개념을 연결한다.) 

(Semantic explanation: 이 문장은 이슬람 세계의 과학이 현대 과학의 기초를 만들었음을 강조한다.)


(2) Almost every word in the modern scientific lexicon that begins with the prefix "al" owes its origins to Islamic science — algorithm, alchemy, alcohol, alkali, algebra. 

(현대 과학 어휘에서 'al' 접두사로 시작하는 거의 모든 단어는 이슬람 과학의 기원을 빚진다 — 알고리즘, 연금술, 알코올, 알칼리, 대수학.) 

(Grammatical explanation in Korean: 이 문장은 과학 용어의 예시를 제공하며, "—"은 예시 목록을 시작한다.) 

(Semantic explanation: 이 문장은 이슬람 과학이 현대 과학 용어에 얼마나 큰 영향을 미쳤는지를 보여준다.




에너지 하베스팅은 일상적인 인간과 동물의 움직임과 상호 작용에서 발생하는 소량의 에너지를 수집하는 것으로, 일반적으로 환경으로 손실됩니다.

(Energy harvesting involves collecting small amounts of energy generated by daily human and animal movements and interactions, which is usually lost to the environment.)


에너지 하베스팅

(Energy harvesting)




에너지 하베스팅은 일상적인 인간과 동물의 활동에서 발생하는 소량의 에너지 중 낭비되는 에너지를 휴대용 배터리와 같은 장치에 저장하여 수집하고 활용하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

(Energy harvesting aims to collect and utilize small amounts of energy generated by daily human and animal activities that are often wasted, by storing it in devices like portable batteries.)



핵심 어휘

(1) Energy: 에너지 (Energy is created by the movement of people)


(2) Movement: 움직임 (Movement of people and animals)


(3) Interactions: 상호작용 (Interactions of people with their surroundings)


(4) Dispersed: 분산된 (In very dispersed environments)


(5) Collect: 수집하다 (Collect energy)


(6) Energy harvesting: 에너지 수확 (Nature of energy harvesting)


(7) Generated: 생성된 (Energy is generated)


(8) Wasted: 낭비된 (Energy is often wasted)


(9) Practical use: 실용적인 용도 (Put to some practical use)


(10) Portable batteries: 휴대용 배터리 (Store energy in portable batteries)


내용 이해

(1) What types of energy are considered in the context of energy harvesting? 

(에너지 수확과 관련하여 어떤 종류의 에너지가 고려되나요?)

(2) Why is most of the energy generated by daily human and animal activities wasted? 

(일상적인 인간과 동물의 활동으로 발생하는 대부분의 에너지가 왜 낭비되나요?)

(3) What is the general idea behind energy harvesting? 

(에너지 수확의 일반적인 아이디어는 무엇인가요?)

(4) How can the collected energy be utilized in a practical way? 

(수집된 에너지를 실용적인 방식으로 어떻게 활용할 수 있나요?)

(5) What kind of devices are currently being used to store the harvested energy? 

(수확된 에너지를 저장하는 데 어떤 종류의 기기가 현재 사용되고 있나요?)



* Suggested Answers

(1) Energy generated by daily human and animal movements and interactions with their surroundings is considered in the context of energy harvesting. 

(에너지 수확과 관련하여 일상적인 인간과 동물의 움직임 및 그들의 주변 환경과의 상호작용으로 발생하는 에너지가 고려됩니다)


(2) Most of the energy generated by daily activities is wasted because it is in very small amounts or dispersed environments, making it difficult to collect and utilize. 

(일상 활동으로 발생하는 에너지의 대부분은 매우 작은 양이거나 분산된 환경에 있어서 수집하고 활용하기 어렵기 때문에 낭비됩니다)


(3) The general idea behind energy harvesting is to collect and utilize small amounts of energy generated and often wasted during daily activities, putting it to practical use. 

(에너지 수확의 일반적인 아이디어는 일상 활동 중 생성되고 종종 낭비되는 작은 양의 에너지를 수집하고 활용하여 실용적인 용도로 사용하는 것입니다.)

(4) The collected energy can be utilized in a practical way by storing it in devices like portable batteries, which can then be used to power electronic devices or other applications. 

(수집된 에너지는 휴대용 배터리와 같은 기기에 저장하여 전자 기기나 기타 응용 프로그램에 전원을 공급하는 데 사용함으로써 실용적인 방식으로 활용할 수 있습니다.)

(5) Portable batteries are currently being used to store the harvested energy, allowing for efficient use and storage of the collected energy. 

(휴대용 배터리가 현재 수확된 에너지를 저장하는 데 사용되어 수집된 에너지의 효율적인 사용 및 저장을 가능하게 합니다.)


주요 문장

(1) Virtually all of that energy is lost to the local environment, and historically there have been no efforts to gather it. 

(그러한 에너지의 대부분은 현지 환경에 손실되며, 역사적으로 그것을 모으려는 노력이 없었습니다.) - 

In this sentence, the author describes the problem of energy waste and the lack of historical efforts to harvest it. The grammar structure shows the relationship between the energy loss and the absence of attempts to collect it.

(2) The broad idea of energy harvesting is that there are many places at which small amounts of energy are generated — and often wasted — and when collected, this can be put to some practical use. 

(에너지 수확의 광범위한 개념은 작은 양의 에너지가 생성되고 종종 낭비되는 많은 장소가 있으며, 수집되면 이를 실용적인 용도로 사용할 수 있다는 것입니다.) -

This sentence explains the main concept of energy harvesting, highlighting the potential benefits of collecting and utilizing the small amounts of energy that are often wasted. The grammar structure emphasizes the relationship between generating and wasting energy and its potential practical use.







정보를 재사회화하면 다른 사람과 상호작용할 때 뇌가 정보를 더 효과적으로 다르게 처리하기 때문에 사고 과정이 향상됩니다.
(Re-socializing information enhances our thinking process, as the brain processes information differently and more effectively when interacting with others.)





정보 재사회화와 그 이점

(Re-socializing information and its benefits)





뇌는 다른 사람과의 사회적 상호작용에서 다르게 그리고 더 효과적으로 기능하기 때문에 우리가 처리하는 정보를 재사회화하면 사고에 도움이 됩니다.

(Our thinking benefits from re-socializing the information we process, as the brain functions differently and more effectively in social interactions with other human beings.)




핵심 어휘

(1) Re-socialize: 재사회화하다 (Re-socialize the information)


(2) Internalized: 내면화된 (Internalized conversation)


(3) Social exchanges: 사회적 교환 (Social exchanges on paper)


(4) Interactions: 상호작용 (Turning interactions into social encounters)


(5) Brain processes: 두뇌 처리 과정 (Brain processes information differently)


(6) Imitating: 모방 (Imitating them)


(7) Debating: 토론 (Debating them)


(8) Synchronizing: 동기화 (Synchronizing and cooperating with them)


(9) Inherently: 본질적으로 (Inherently social creatures)


(10) Train of thought: 사고의 흐름 (Our train of thought)



내용 이해

(1) How does the brain process information in social interactions differently from internalized conversations? 

(사회적 상호작용에서 내면화된 대화와 다르게 두뇌가 정보를 어떻게 처리하나요?)


(2) What types of written forms can be considered social exchanges? 

(어떤 종류의 서면 양식이 사회적 교환으로 간주될 수 있나요?)


(3) What are some examples of social encounters that can enhance our thinking? 

(생각을 향상시킬 수 있는 사회적 만남의 예는 무엇인가요?)


(4) Why are humans considered inherently social creatures? 

(인간이 본질적으로 사회적 생물로 간주되는 이유는 무엇인가요?)


(5) How does re-socializing information benefit our thinking process? 

(정보를 재사회화하는 것이 우리의 사고 과정에 어떤 이점을 가져다주나요?)



* Suggested Answers

(1) In social interactions, the brain processes information differently and often more effectively, as it involves interaction with other human beings, which stimulates various cognitive functions. 

(사회적 상호작용에서 두뇌는 다른 사람과의 상호작용이 포함되어 있어 다양한 인지 기능을 자극하기 때문에 정보를 다르게 그리고 종종 더 효과적으로 처리합니다)


(2) Exams, evaluations, profiles, case studies, essays, and proposals can be considered social exchanges as they involve questions, stories, and arguments addressed to an imagined listener or interlocutor. 

(시험, 평가, 프로필, 사례 연구, 에세이, 제안은 상상된 청취자 또는 대화 상대에게 주소된 질문, 이야기, 논쟁이 포함되어 있기 때문에 사회적 교환으로 간주될 수 있습니다)


(3) Examples of social encounters that can enhance our thinking include imitating others, debating with them, exchanging stories, synchronizing and cooperating with them, and teaching or being taught by them. 

(생각을 향상시킬 수 있는 사회적 만남의 예로는 다른 사람들을 모방하거나, 그들과 토론하거나, 이야기를 교환하거나, 그들과 동기화하고 협력하거나, 그들에게 가르치거나 가르침을 받는 것이 포함됩니다)

(4) Humans are considered inherently social creatures because our brains have evolved to rely on social interactions for learning, communication, and survival, making social connections vital to our well-being and cognitive development. 

(인간은 학습, 의사소통 및 생존을 위해 사회적 상호작용에 의존하는 두뇌가 진화했기 때문에 본질적으로 사회적 생물로 간주됩니다. 이로 인해 사회적 연결은 우리의 건강과 인지 발달에 매우 중요합니다)

(5) Re-socializing information benefits our thinking process by stimulating cognitive functions and promoting better understanding, as our brains process information differently and more effectively when other human beings are involved in the interaction.

(정보를 재사회화하는 것은 상호작용에 다른 사람들이 참여할 때 두뇌가 정보를 다르게 그리고 더 효과적으로 처리하기 때문에 인지 기능을 자극하고 더 나은 이해를 촉진함으로써 우리의 사고 과정에 이점을 가져다줍니다)



주요 문장


(1) "The continual patter we carry on in our heads is in fact a kind of internalized conversation."

(우리 머릿속에 계속되는 패턴은 사실 내면화된 대화의 일종입니다)

(머릿속에서 진행되는 계속되는 패턴이 내면화된 대화라는 뜻)


(2) "Research demonstrates that the brain processes the 'same' information differently, and often more effectively, when other human beings are involved."

(연구에 따르면 두뇌는 다른 사람들이 관여할 때 '같은' 정보를 다르게, 그리고 종종 더 효과적으로 처리합니다)

(다른 사람들이 관여할 때 두뇌가 정보를 다르게 처리하고 종종 더 효과적이라는 뜻)








정서적 현실주의는 사람들이 감정을 세상에 대한 정보로 해석하게 만들어 의사 결정과 경험을 인식하는 방식에 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다.
(Affective realism can cause people to interpret feelings as information about the world, which may affect decision-making and the way we perceive our experiences.)



정서적 현실주의와 그것이 의사 결정에 미치는 영향

(Affective realism and its influence on decision-making)



정서적 현실주의는 원인을 알지 못한 채 감정을 경험하고 그 감정을 세상에 대한 정보로 취급하기 때문에 직감에 근거한 의사 결정으로 이어질 수 있습니다.

(Affective realism can cause people to interpret feelings as information about the world, which may affect decision-making and the way we perceive our experiences.)




핵심 어휘

(1) Affect: 정서 (Experience affect without knowing the cause)


(2) Information: 정보 (Treat affect as information)


(3) Decisions: 결정 (How people make decisions)


(4) Gut feelings: 직감 (Based on gut feelings)


(5) Affective realism: 정서적 현실주의 (This phenomenon is called affective realism)


(6) Experience: 경험 (Your experience of the world)


(7) Happiness: 행복 (Report more happiness on sunny days)


(8) Interview: 면접 (Interview on a sunny day)


(9) Body budget: 신체 예산 (Change in her body budget)


(10) Perception: 인식 (Perceive experiences)


내용 이해

(1) What is affective realism?

(정서적 현실주의란 무엇인가요?)


(2) How does affective realism influence decision-making? 

(정서적 현실주의는 결정 과정에 어떤 영향을 미치나요?)


(3) How does weather affect people's reported happiness and life satisfaction? 

(날씨는 사람들이 보고하는 행복과 삶의 만족도에 어떤 영향을 미치나요?)


(4) What is the relationship between affective realism and job or college interviews? 

(정서적 현실주의와 취업이나 대학 면접 간의 관계는 무엇인가요?)


(5) How can understanding affective realism help you in your interactions with others? 

(정서적 현실주의를 이해하는 것이 남들과의 상호 작용에서 어떻게 도움이 되나요?)



* Suggested Answers

(1) Affective realism is a phenomenon where people experience supposed facts about the world that are created in part by their feelings. 

(정서적 현실주의는 사람들이 감정에 의해 부분적으로 창조된 세계에 대한 추정 사실을 경험하는 현상입니다)


(2) Affective realism influences decision-making by causing people to rely on gut feelings when making decisions, treating emotions as information about the world. 

(정서적 현실주의는 감정을 세계에 대한 정보로 취급하여 결정을 내릴 때 직감에 의존하게 함으로써 결정 과정에 영향을 미칩니다)


(3) People report more happiness and life satisfaction on sunny days, but only when they are not explicitly asked about the weather. 

(사람들은 날씨에 대해 명시적으로 묻지 않을 때만 맑은 날에 더 많은 행복과 삶의 만족도를 보고합니다)


(4) The relationship between affective realism and job or college interviews is that interviewers tend to rate applicants more negatively when it is rainy, suggesting that affective realism can influence the perception of applicants during interviews. (정서적 현실주의와 취업이나 대학 면접 간의 관계는 비가 오는 날 면접관들이 지원자를 더 부정적으로 평가하는 경향이 있다는 것으로, 정서적 현실주의가 면접 중 지원자에 대한 인식에 영향을 미칠 수 있다는 것을 나타냅니다)


(5) Understanding affective realism can help in your interactions with others by reminding you that people's reactions may be influenced by their emotions, which may not necessarily have anything to do with you. This understanding can lead to better communication and empathy in relationships. 

(정서적 현실주의를 이해하는 것은 사람들의 반응이 그들의 감정에 영향을 받을 수 있으며, 이것이 반드시 당신과 관련이 있는 것은 아니라는 것을 상기시켜주므로, 남들과의 상호 작용에서 도움이 됩니다. 이런 이해는 관계에서 더 나은 의사소통과 공감을 이끌어낼 수 있습니다)


주요 문장

(1) "This phenomenon is called affective realism, because we experience supposed facts about the world that are created in part by our feelings." 

(이 현상은 정서적 현실주의라고 불리며, 감정에 의해 부분적으로 창조된 세계에 대한 추정 사실을 경험하기 때문입니다)

(감정에 기인한 세계에 대한 추정 사실을 경험한다는 뜻)


(2) "When you apply for a job or college or medical school, make sure you interview on a sunny day, because interviewers tend to rate applicants more negatively when it is rainy." 

(취업이나 대학 또는 의대 지원시, 맑은 날 면접을 볼 것을 확실히 하세요. 비가 오는 날 면접관들이 지원자를 더 부정적으로 평가하는 경향이 있기 때문입니다) 

(날씨가 면접관의 지원자에 대한 평가에 영향을 미칠 수 있다는 뜻)>)




정서적 현실주의는 사람들이 감정을 세상에 대한 정보로 해석하게 만들어 의사 결정과 경험을 인식하는 방식에 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다.
(Affective realism can cause people to interpret feelings as information about the world, which may affect decision-making and the way we perceive our experiences.)



정서적 현실주의와 그것이 의사 결정에 미치는 영향

(Affective realism and its influence on decision-making)




정서적 현실주의는 원인을 알지 못한 채 감정을 경험하고 그 감정을 세상에 대한 정보로 취급하기 때문에 직감에 근거한 의사 결정으로 이어질 수 있습니다.

(Affective realism can lead to decisions based on gut feelings, as we experience emotions without knowing their cause, and consequently treat those feelings as information about the world.)



1. 핵심 어휘

(1) Affect: 정서 (Experience affect without knowing the cause)


(2) Information: 정보 (Treat affect as information)


(3) Decisions: 결정 (How people make decisions)


(4) Gut feelings: 직감 (Based on gut feelings)


(5) Affective realism: 정서적 현실주의 (This phenomenon is called affective realism)


(6) Experience: 경험 (Your experience of the world)


(7) Happiness: 행복 (Report more happiness on sunny days)


(8) Interview: 면접 (Interview on a sunny day)


(9) Body budget: 신체 예산 (Change in her body budget)


(10) Perception: 인식 (Perceive experiences)

2. 내용 이해

(1) What is affective realism?

(정서적 현실주의란 무엇인가요?)


(2) How does affective realism influence decision-making? 

(정서적 현실주의는 결정 과정에 어떤 영향을 미치나요?)


(3) How does weather affect people's reported happiness and life satisfaction? 

(날씨는 사람들이 보고하는 행복과 삶의 만족도에 어떤 영향을 미치나요?)


(4) What is the relationship between affective realism and job or college interviews? 

(정서적 현실주의와 취업이나 대학 면접 간의 관계는 무엇인가요?)


(5) How can understanding affective realism help you in your interactions with others? 

(정서적 현실주의를 이해하는 것이 남들과의 상호 작용에서 어떻게 도움이 되나요?)


3. Suggested Answers

(1) Affective realism is a phenomenon where people experience supposed facts about the world

that are created in part by their feelings. 

(정서적 현실주의는 사람들이 감정에 의해 부분적으로 창조된 세계에 대한 추정 사실을 경험하는 현상입니다)


(2) Affective realism influences decision-making by causing people to rely on gut feelings when making decisions, treating emotions as information about the world.

(정서적 현실주의는 감정을 세계에 대한 정보로 취급하여 결정을 내릴 때 직감에 의존하게 함으로써 결정 과정에 영향을 미칩니다)


(3) People report more happiness and life satisfaction on sunny days, but only when they are not explicitly asked about the weather. 

(사람들은 날씨에 대해 명시적으로 묻지 않을 때만 맑은 날에 더 많은 행복과 삶의 만족도를 보고합니다)


(4) The relationship between affective realism and job or college interviews is that interviewers tend to rate applicants more negatively when it is rainy, suggesting that affective realism can influence the perception of applicants during interviews. (정서적 현실주의와 취업이나 대학 면접 간의 관계는 비가 오는 날 면접관들이 지원자를 더 부정적으로 평가하는 경향이 있다는 것으로, 정서적 현실주의가 면접 중 지원자에 대한 인식에 영향을 미칠 수 있다는 것을 나타냅니다)


(5) Understanding affective realism can help in your interactions with others by reminding you that people's reactions may be influenced by their emotions, which may not necessarily have anything to do with you. This understanding can lead to better communication and empathy in relationships. 

(정서적 현실주의를 이해하는 것은 사람들의 반응이 그들의 감정에 영향을 받을 수 있으며, 이것이 반드시 당신과 관련이 있는 것은 아니라는 것을 상기시켜주므로, 남들과의 상호 작용에서 도움이 됩니다. 이런 이해는 관계에서 더 나은 의사소통과 공감을 이끌어낼 수 있습니다)


4. 주요 문장

(1) "This phenomenon is called affective realism, because we experience supposed facts about the world that are created in part by our feelings." 

(이 현상은 정서적 현실주의라고 불리며, 감정에 의해 부분적으로 창조된 세계에 대한 추정 사실을 경험하기 때문입니다) 

(감정에 기인한 세계에 대한 추정 사실을 경험한다는 뜻)


(2) "When you apply for a job or college or medical school, make sure you interview on a sunny day, because interviewers tend to rate applicants more negatively when it is rainy." 

(취업이나 대학 또는 의대 지원시, 맑은 날 면접을 볼 것을 확실히 하세요. 비가 오는 날 면접관들이 지원자를 더 부정적으로 평가하는 경향이 있기 때문입니다) 

(날씨가 면접관의 지원자에 대한 평가에 영향을 미칠 수 있다는 뜻

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