
평판은 즉각적인 대가를 기대하지 않고 다른 사람을 도울 때 우리의 행동에 영향을 미치며, 우리의 행동이 향후 받는 도움에 영향을 미칠 수 있다는 것을 알고 있습니다.
(Reputation influences our actions as we help others without expecting immediate returns, knowing our actions can impact future help received.)




평판의 힘과 그것이 우리의 행동에 미치는 영향

(The power of reputation and its effect on our actions)




평판은 우리의 행동이 미래의 도움을 결정할 수 있고 다른 사람들에게 관찰될 가능성에 의해 형성되기 때문에 즉각적인 보상을 기대하지 않고도 다른 사람을 돕도록 장려합니다.

(Reputation encourages us to help others without expecting immediate returns, as our actions can determine future assistance and are shaped by the possibility of being observed by others.)



핵심 어휘

(1) Reputation: 명성 (The power of reputation)


(2) Help: 도움 (We help others without expecting an immediate return)


(3) Charitable: 자선심 많은 (You are a good, charitable guy)


(4) Chance: 기회 (Boost your chance of being helped)


(5) Indirect reciprocity: 간접 상호 작용 (Indirect reciprocity now means something like)


(6) Example: 본보기 (My good example will encourage others)


(7) Behavior: 행동 (Our behavior is endlessly shaped)


(8) Observing: 관찰 (Somebody else might be watching us)


(9) Consequences: 결과 (Our actions have consequences)


(10) Future: 미래 (We live in the shadow of the future)



내용 이해

(1) How does reputation influence our willingness to help others? 

(명성이 다른 사람들을 돕는 우리의 기꺼움에 어떻게 영향을 미치나요?)


(2) What is the concept of indirect reciprocity? 

(간접 상호 작용이란 무엇인가요?)


(3) How does the possibility of being observed affect our behavior? 

(관찰될 가능성이 우리의 행동에 어떤 영향을 미치나요?)


(4) Why are we often troubled by the thought of what others may think of our deeds? 

(왜 우리는 종종 다른 사람들이 우리의 행위에 대해 어떻게 생각할지에 대한 생각에 괴로워하나요?)


(5) How do our actions influence the help we might receive in the future? 

(우리의 행동이 미래에 받을 수 있는 도움에 어떻게 영향을 미치나요?)




* Suggested Answers

(1) A good reputation increases the likelihood of receiving help in the future, encouraging us to help others. 

(좋은 명성은 미래에 도움을 받을 확률을 높여 다른 사람들을 돕도록 격려합니다)


(2) Indirect reciprocity is the idea that if we help others, our good example will encourage others to do the same, and eventually, someone will help us. 

(간접 상호 작용은 다른 사람들을 돕는다면, 우리의 좋은 본보기가 다른 사람들에게도 동일한 행동을 하도록 격려하고 결국에는 누군가가 우리를 도와줄 것이라는 생각입니다)


(3) The possibility of being observed makes us more likely to act in a socially acceptable or positive manner. 

(관찰될 가능성은 우리가 사회적으로 받아들여지거나 긍정적인 방식으로 행동할 가능성을 높입니다)


(4) We are often troubled by the thought of what others may think of our deeds because our reputation and social standing can be affected by their perception of our actions. 

(우리는 종종 다른 사람들이 우리의 행위에 대해 어떻게 생각할지에 대한 생각에 괴로워하는데, 이는 우리의 명성과 사회적 지위가 그들이 우리의 행동에 대한 인식에 영향을 받기 때문입니다)


(5) Our actions influence the help we might receive in the future by determining our reputation; if we are known for being helpful and kind, others are more likely to assist us when needed. 

(우리의 행동은 명성을 결정함으로써 미래에 받을 수 있는 도움에 영향을 미치며, 도움이 되고 친절한 것으로 알려진다면 다른 사람들이 필요할 때 우리를 도와줄 가능성이 높아집니다)



주요 문장

(1) "If, thanks to endless chat and intrigue, the world knows that you are a good, charitable guy, then you boost your chance of being helped by someone else at some future date." 

(끊임없는 대화와 흥미로운 이야기 덕분에 세상이 당신이 좋은 사람이고 자선심이 많다는 것을 알게 되면, 언젠가 미래에 다른 사람에게 도움을 받을 기회가 증가합니다.) 

(명성이 좋으면 미래에 도움을 받을 기회가 높아진다는 뜻)



(2) "We all behave differently when we know we live in the shadow of the future." (우리 모두 미래의 그림자에서 산다는 것을 알고 있을 때 다르게 행동합니다.) 

(우리의 행동이 미래에 영향을 미친다는 것을 알고 있어서 행동이 달라진다는 뜻)







논쟁에 참여하면 잘못된 신념이 드러나고 사고의 조정이 필요할 수 있습니다.

(Engaging in arguments can reveal weak beliefs and call for adjustments in our thinking.)




논쟁에 참여할 때의 위험과 이점
(The risks and benefits of engaging in arguments)




논쟁에 참여하면 약한 신념, 무시된 신념에 대한 설득력 있는 이유 또는 반대 견해의 강력한 이유를 발견하여 우리 자신의 신념을 조정해야 할 수 있습니다.

(Engaging in arguments can lead to the discovery of weak beliefs, compelling reasons for dismissed beliefs, or equally strong reasons from opposing views, requiring adjustments in our own beliefs.)



핵심 어휘


(1) Engaging: 참여하는 (Engaging in argument carries certain significant risks)


(2) Argument: 논쟁 (When we argue, we exchange and examine reasons)


(3) Believing: 믿음 (Toward believing what our best reasons say)


(4) Reasons: 이유들 (We exchange and examine reasons with a view)


(5) Unsupported: 뒷받침되지 않은 (Our beliefs are not well supported)


(6) Compelling: 강력한 (The support of highly compelling reasons)


(7) Disagree: 동의하지 않다 (Reasons offered by those with whom we disagree)


(8) Adjustment: 조정 (An adjustment in our belief is called for)


(9) Revise: 수정하다 (We must revise our belief)


(10) Suspend: 중단하다 (Suspend belief altogether)



내용 이해

(1) What are some possible outcomes when engaging in an argument? 

(논쟁에 참여할 때 일어날 수 있는 몇 가지 가능한 결과는 무엇인가요?)


(2) Why is it important to examine our reasons during an argument? 

(논쟁 중에 이유를 검토하는 것이 중요한 이유는 무엇인가요?)


(3) How can discovering compelling reasons for a dismissed belief be beneficial? 

(거부된 믿음에 대한 강력한 근거를 발견하는 것이 어떻게 도움이 될까요?)


(4) What should we do when we find that our reasons are not well supported? 

(우리의 이유가 잘 지지되지 않았음을 발견하면 어떻게 해야 합니까?)


(5) In what situations might it be necessary to adjust our beliefs? 

(어떤 상황에서 믿음을 조정해야 할 필요가 있을까요?)



* Suggested Answers


(1) Discovering weak beliefs, compelling reasons for dismissed beliefs, or equally strong opposing reasons. 

(약한 믿음, 거부된 믿음에 대한 강력한 이유, 또는 동등한 강도의 반대 이유를 발견)


(2) To determine if our beliefs are well supported and justified. 

(우리의 믿음이 잘 지지되고 정당화되어 있는지 확인하기 위해)


(3) It allows us to reconsider and possibly adopt a more accurate belief. 

(더 정확한 믿음을 재고하고 채택할 수 있게 해줍니다)


(4) We should revise, replace, or suspend our belief. 

(우리는 믿음을 수정하거나 대체하거나 중단해야 합니다)


(5) When we discover weak beliefs, compelling reasons for dismissed beliefs, or equally strong opposing reasons. 

(약한 믿음, 거부된 믿음에 대한 강력한 이유, 또는 동등한 강도의 반대 이유를 발견할 때)



주요 문장


(1) "When we argue, we exchange and examine reasons with a view toward believing what our best reasons say we should believe." 


(논쟁할 때 우리는 믿어야 할 최선의 이유가 말해주는 것을 믿기 위한 시각으로 이유를 교환하고 검토한다.) 

(논쟁하는 동안 이유를 검토하고 교환하는 것이 중요하다는 뜻)


(2) "In any of these situations, an adjustment in our belief is called for; we must change what we believe, or revise it, or replace it, or suspend belief altogether." 

(이러한 상황에서는 믿음의 조정이 필요하며, 믿는 것을 바꾸거나 수정하거나 대체하거나 완전히 믿음을 중단해야 한다.) 

(약한 믿음이나 강력한 반박 이유가 발견되었을 때 믿음을 조정할 필요가 있다는 뜻)







창의적인 인재를 관리하려면 공감, 적응력, 개인화된 접근 방식이 필요합니다.
(Managing creative individuals requires empathy, adaptability, and a personalized approach.)




창의적인 개인 관리

(Management of creative individuals)




개인적 유대감, 동정심, 개별화된 관리 스타일은 모든 사람으로부터 일관된 록스타 수준의 성과를 이끌어내는 데 핵심적인 요소입니다.

(Personal connection, compassion, and an individualized management style are key to drawing consistent, rock star‑level work out of everyone.)



핵심 어휘

(1) Creative: 창조적인 (Creative people have diverse personalities)


(2) Maturity: 성숙도 (They have varying levels of maturity)


(3) Sensitivity: 감수성 (They have varying levels of sensitivity)


(4) Motivated: 동기부여된 (They're each motivated by different things)


(5) Empathy: 공감 (Managing people is about empathy and adaptability)


(6) Adaptability: 적응성 (Managing people is about empathy and adaptability)


(7) Personalities: 개성 (Be aware of their unique personalities)


(8) Promotion: 승진 (Telling them they aren't getting that deserved promotion)


(9) Vacation: 휴가 (Vincent is given a few extra vacation days)


(10) Compassion: 동정심 (Personal connection and compassion are key)


내용 이해

(1) What are some important qualities needed for managing creative people? 

(창조적인 사람들을 관리하기 위해 필요한 몇 가지 중요한 특성은 무엇입니까?)


(2) How can you make difficult news more acceptable to different individuals? 

(어떻게 하면 어려운 소식을 다른 개인들에게 좀 더 받아들일 수 있는 것으로 만들 수 있습니까?)


(3) Why is it important to consider a person's mindset when delivering news? 

(소식을 전할 때 사람의 마음가짐을 고려하는 것이 중요한 이유는 무엇입니까?)


(4) What is the main goal of using an individualized management style? 

(개별화된 관리 스타일을 사용하는 주요 목표는 무엇입니까?)


(5) How does personal connection and compassion contribute to effective management? 

(개인적인 관계와 동정심이 효과적인 관리에 어떻게 기여합니까?)



* Suggested Answers

(1) Empathy, adaptability, and awareness of unique personalities. 

(공감, 적응성, 개성 인식)


(2) By offering different incentives or considering their individual circumstances. 

(다른 인센티브를 제공하거나 개인의 상황을 고려함으로써)


(3) It helps to tailor the message in a way that will be better received by the individual. 

(메시지를 개인이 더 잘 받아들일 수 있는 방식으로 맞춤화하는데 도움이 됩니다)


(4) To draw consistent, rock star-level work out of everyone. 

(모든 사람으로부터 지속적인 최고 수준의 업무를 이끌어내기 위해)


(5) They create a supportive environment and show understanding, which encourages employees to perform at their best. 

(지원하는 환경을 조성하고 이해를 보여줌으로써 직원들이 최선을 다할 수 있도록 돕습니다.)


주요 문장

(1) "Managing people is about being aware of their unique personalities." 

(사람들을 관리하는 것은 그들의 고유한 개성을 인식하는 것입니다.) 

(사람들 관리에 있어 그들의 독특한 개성을 알고 있는 것이 중요하다는 뜻)


(2) "Personal connection, compassion, and an individualized management style are key to drawing consistent, rock star‑level work out of everyone." 

(개인적 연결, 동정심, 개별화된 관리 스타일이 모두에서 일관된 최고 수준의 작업을 이끌어내는 데 중요하다.)

(효과적인 관리를 위해 개인적 연결, 동정심, 개별화된 관리 스타일이 중요하다는 뜻)




Question 1: What are the main reasons people are not creative at work?

  • Answer:
    • Too many distractions
    • No time
    • Being too focused
    • Feeling stressed

Question 2: What are the key factors that help Lisa, an entrepreneur, have her best ideas in the garage?

  • Answer:
    • Her inspiring team
    • A creative atmosphere
    • The understanding that creativity is necessary for their startup

Question 3: What does Vincent realize about creativity in the workplace?

  • Answer:
    • It depends more on people and their energy than on the environment

Question 4: What are the four key elements behind Lisa's creativity that Vincent identified?

  • Answer:
    • Surrounding yourself with like-minded people
    • Allowing time to not focus
    • Demanding creativity
    • Having a common purpose

Question 5: How does surrounding yourself with like-minded people help with creativity?

  • Answer:
    • It builds trust and encourages honest feedback and daring ideas

Question 6: Why is it important to have time to not focus for creativity?

  • Answer:
    • It helps to widen the horizon and see problems from different perspectives

Question 7: How can having a common purpose help with creativity?

  • Answer:
    • People are more likely to help each other have great ideas if they share the same goal




아이들이 왼쪽/오른쪽보다 위/아래, 앞/뒤를 더 잘 이해하는 이유에 대해 설명
(Explanation of why children understand up/down, front/back better than left/right.)



유아의 공간 방향에 대한 이해 

(Understanding of spatial directions in young children)



아이들은 왼쪽/오른쪽과 달리 위/아래 및 앞/뒤 방향을 진화적 관련성 때문에 더 쉽게 이해합니다.

(Children find it easier to comprehend up/down and front/back directions due to their evolutionary relevance, as opposed to left/right.)




핵심 어휘

(1) puzzled - 혼란스러운

(The child was puzzled by the question.)


(2) distinguish - 구별하다

(She could not distinguish between the two colors.)


(3) vertical - 수직의

(The vertical line goes up and down.)


(4) horizontal - 수평의

(The horizontal line goes from left to right.)


(5) dimension - 차원

(The space has three dimensions.)


(6) sensory - 감각의

(Sensory organs help us perceive the world.)


(7) mechanisms - 기구

(The clock has complex mechanisms inside.)


(8) perception - 인식

(His perception of reality was altered.)


(9) axis - 축

(The Earth rotates around its axis.)


(10) inverted - 뒤집힌

(The image was inverted on the screen.)



내용 이해

(1) Why do children find it easier to understand up/down and front/back directions? 

(어린이들이 왜 위/아래, 앞/뒤 방향을 이해하는 것이 더 쉬운 것일까요?) 


(2) What two dimensions have had a strong influence on our evolution? 

(어떤 두 가지 차원이 우리의 진화에 큰 영향을 미쳤나요?) 


(3) How do these dimensions affect our perception? 

(이 차원들이 우리의 인식에 어떻게 영향을 미치나요?) 


(4) Why is the left-right axis less relevant in nature? 

(왼쪽-오른쪽 축이 자연에서 왜 덜 중요한가요?) 


(5) When can we tell left and right have been inverted in a scene? 

(장면에서 왼쪽과 오른쪽이 뒤집혔음을 어떻게 알 수 있나요?)


* Suggested Answers

(1) Children find it easier to understand up/down and front/back directions due to their evolutionary relevance. 

(Reason: Evolutionary influences make these directions more instinctive.) 


(2) The vertical dimension as defined by gravity and the front/back dimension as defined by the positioning of sensory and feeding mechanisms have had a strong influence on our evolution. 

(Reason: These dimensions are crucial for survival.) 


(3) These dimensions affect our perception of vertical versus horizontal, far versus close, and the search for dangers from above or below. 

(Reason: They shape our understanding of the environment.) 


(4) The left-right axis is less relevant in nature because threats are equally dangerous from both sides.

(Reason: There's no evolutionary advantage to distinguish left from right.) 


(5) We can tell left and right have been inverted in a scene only when we observe man-made objects, such as cars or street signs. 

(Reason: These objects have a designated orientation.)



주요 문장


(1) But that same child may have no difficulty in determining the directions of up and down or back and front. 

(그러나 이 아이는 위아래나 앞뒤 방향을 결정하는 데 어려움이 없을 수 있다.) 

(Subject-Verb-Object 구조) (아이가 위아래와 앞뒤 방향을 이해하는 데 어려움이 없음을 설명) 



(2) A bear is equally dangerous from its left or the right side, but not if it is upside down. 

(곰은 왼쪽이나 오른쪽에서 동일하게 위험하지만, 거꾸로 있는 경우는 그렇지 않다.) 

(Subject-Verb-Object 구조) (자연에서 왼쪽-오른쪽 축이 덜 중요한 이유 설명)




Question 1: What is visual spatial relations?

  • Answer:
    • It is a skill that helps understand the position of objects in space

Question 2: What are some examples of spatial relations problems?

  • Answer:
    • Right-left confusion
    • Not knowing if an object is over or under a table
    • Not understanding the concept of in or out

Question 3: What are some activities to help kids learn spatial relations?

  • Answer:
    • Hide and seek game
    • Obstacle course
    • Participating in chores
    • Block or Lego games
    • Checkers or chess
    • Origami and crafts

Question 4: How can ball games help improve spatial relations?

  • Answer:
    • They help with targeting and understanding distance

Question 5: What is a graphistisia game?

  • Answer:
    • A game where a shape or letter is drawn on a child's hand, and they have to identify it

Question 6: Why are mazes helpful for teaching spatial relations?

  • Answer:
    • They help children navigate through complex paths

Question 7: How does coloring in complex pictures improve spatial relation skills?

  • Answer:
    • It helps children understand boundaries and stay within them

Question 8: How can cutting with scissors help teach visual spatial relations?

  • Answer:
    • It helps children follow specific lines while cutting

Question 9: Why are spatial relation skills important?

  • Answer:
    • They are needed for daily activities like dressing, reading, writing, and driving




창의성이 생산성에 미치는 영향 (Creativity's effects on productivity)





창의성이 생산성에 미치는 영향

The impact of creativity on productivity





창의성은 문제의 성격과 접근 방식에 따라 생산성을 높이거나 낮출 수 있습니다.

Creativity can either increase or decrease productivity, depending on the nature of the problem and the approach taken.



핵심 어휘


(1) Creativity: 창의성 (Creativity can lead to innovative solutions)


(2) Technique: 기술 (New techniques can make work more efficient)


(3) Productivity: 생산성 (Creativity can have an effect on productivity)


(4) Speciation: 종분화 (Darwin's approach to the speciation problem)


(5) Deliberation: 심사숙고 (A long period of data collection and deliberation)


(6) Publication counts: 게재 건수 (Publication counts as a measure of productivity)


(7) Polymerase chain reaction (PCR): 중합효소 연쇄 반응 (Development of PCR)


(8) Amplify: 증폭 (Amplify small pieces of DNA)


(9) Substitute: 대체 (Substitute steps that are less likely to fail)


(10) Steps: 단계 (Reduce the number of steps)



내용 이해

(1) How does creativity affect productivity?

(창의성은 생산성에 어떤 영향을 미치는가?)


(2) What is Charles Darwin's approach to the speciation problem? 

(찰스 다윈의 종분화 문제에 대한 접근 방식은 무엇인가?)


(3) How might creativity decrease productivity? 

(창의성이 어떻게 생산성을 감소시킬 수 있는가?)


(4) What is the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and how does it relate to productivity? 

(중합효소 연쇄 반응(PCR)은 무엇이며 생산성과 어떤 관련이 있는가?)


(5) How can reducing the number of steps or substituting steps increase productivity? 

(단계 수를 줄이거나 단계를 대체함으로써 생산성이 어떻게 향상되는가?)



* Suggested Answers


(1) Creativity can either increase or decrease productivity, depending on the nature of the problem and the approach taken. 

(Reason: The text explains that creativity can lead to innovative solutions or focusing on difficult problems, affecting productivity.)


(2) Darwin chose a difficult and tangled problem, speciation, which led him into a long period of data collection and deliberation. 

(Reason: The text mentions Darwin's approach to the speciation problem as an example of creativity leading to decreased productivity.)


(3) Creativity might decrease productivity when effort is focused on difficult problems that do not allow for quick attacks or simple experiments. 

(Reason: The text explains that creativity can lead to tackling complex problems, which can lower publication counts.)


(4) PCR is a technique that amplifies small pieces of DNA in a short time. 

It's an example of creativity that increases productivity 

by reducing the number of steps or substituting steps that are less likely to fail. 


(Reason: The text presents PCR as an example of creativity that improves productivity.)


(5) Reducing the number of steps or substituting steps can increase productivity 

by making the process more efficient and less prone to failure. 

(Reason: The text states that this type of creativity reduces the chances 

of failure and streamlines the process.)



주요 문장

(1) "Creativity can have an effect on productivity." 

(창의성은 생산성에 영향을 줄 수 있다.) 

(This sentence conveys the main topic of the text, which is the relationship between creativity and productivity.)



(2) "We can see an example in the development of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) 

which enables us to amplify small pieces of DNA in a short time." 

(우리는 DNA의 작은 조각을 단시간에 증폭할 수 있는 중합효소 연쇄 반응 (PCR)의 개발 예를 볼 수 있다.) 

(This sentence provides a clear example of how creativity can increase productivity.)


Explanation of the Key Sentences:
(1) In the sentence "Creativity can have an effect on productivity," the subject is "creativity," the verb is "can have," and the object is "an effect on productivity." The sentence is a simple declarative sentence that states the main topic of the text. The sentence is grammatically correct and effectively communicates the relationship between creativity and productivity.

(2) The sentence "We can see an example in the development of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) which enables us to amplify small pieces of DNA in a short time" is a complex sentence with a dependent clause ("which enables us to amplify small pieces of DNA in a short time"). The main clause ("We can see an example in the development of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)") has the subject "we," the verb "can see," and the object "an example in the development of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)." The dependent clause acts as an adjective modifying the noun "polymerase chain reaction (PCR)." This sentence provides a clear example of how creativity can increase productivity, making it semantically important to the text.




Question 1: What is the main idea of the book "The Origin of Species"?

  • Answer:
    • Species can arise through natural processes

Question 2: What is the relationship between the domestic pigeon and the wild rock pigeon?

  • Answer:
    • Domestic pigeon is descended from the rock pigeon
    • They have many similarities

Question 3: What is the example given for two similar wild species in South America?

  • Answer:
    • Two species of rhea

Question 4: Why are the two species of rhea similar?

  • Answer:
    • They have a common ancestor

Question 5: How do these principles apply to domestic animals and plants?

  • Answer:
    • Traits are selected over time
    • This leads to different breeds and varieties

Question 6: What is the difference between breeds, varieties, subspecies, and species?

  • Answer:
    • The difference is not clear
    • The terms are used arbitrarily

Question 7: What natural processes are responsible for the origin of species?

  • Answer:
    • The same processes that give rise to breeds and varieties in domestic animals and plants



물고기와 전기 기관의 전기 통신에 관한 텍스트
electric communication in fish and electric organs


물고기의 전기적 의사소통과 전기 기관의 역할.

Electric communication in fish and the role of electric organs.



물고기의 전기 통신은 특수한 전기 기관에 의해 촉진되며, 신호는 간섭을 최소화하기 위해 짧은 거리에서 작동하여 다양할 수 있습니다.

Electric communication in fish is facilitated by special electric organs, and the signals can vary, working over short distances to minimize interference.




핵심 어휘

(1) Electric organ: 전기기관 

(Special electric organs produce electric signals in fish.)


(2) Muscle cells: 근세포 

(Electric current is created in ordinary muscle cells when they contract.)


(3) Current intensity: 전류 강도 

(The total current intensity in electric organs is larger than in ordinary muscles.)


(4) Electric communication: 전기적 소통 

(Electric communication is mainly known in fish.)


(5) Electric field: 전기장 

(An electric field is created around the fish when the electric organ discharges.)


(6) Electric signals: 전기적 신호 

(Fish can vary the signals by changing the form of the electric field or the frequency of discharging.)


(7) Short range: 짧은 범위 

(The system only works over short distances, about one to two meters.)


(8) Interference: 간섭 

(The short range of the system decreases the risk of interference.)


(9) Species: 종 

(The species using the signal system often live in large groups with several other species.)


(10) Discharging: 방전 

(The frequency of discharging varies the electric signals in fish.)

내용 이해

(1) How do fish produce electric signals? 

(어떻게 물고기는 전기적 신호를 생성하나요?)


(2) How does the electric organ compare to ordinary muscle cells in terms of current intensity? 

(전류 강도 측면에서 전기 기관은 일반 근육세포와 어떻게 비교되나요?)


(3) How do fish vary their electric signals? (물고기는 전기적 신호를 어떻게 다양화하나요?)


(4) What is the range of the electric communication system in fish? 

(물고기의 전기적 소통 시스템의 범위는 어느 정도인가요?)


(5) How does the short range of the system help minimize interference? 

(시스템의 짧은 범위가 간섭을 최소화하는 데 어떻게 도움이 되나요?)




* Suggested Answers

(1) Fish produce electric signals using special electric organs. 

(Reason: The text states that electric signals are produced in special electric organs.)


(2) The electric organ has a larger total current intensity than ordinary muscle cells. 

(Reason: The text explains that the muscle cells in electric organs are connected in larger chunks, making the total current intensity larger.)


(3) Fish vary their electric signals by changing the form of the electric field or the frequency of discharging. 

(Reason: The text describes how fish can vary the signals they produce.)


(4) The range of the electric communication system in fish is about one to two meters. 

(Reason: The text provides the short range of the system.)


(5) The short range of the system helps minimize interference by decreasing the risk of multiple fish sending out signals at the same time. 

(Reason: The text explains that the short range is an advantage for species living in large groups.)

주요 문장

(1) "Electric communication is mainly known in fish." 

(전기적 소통은 주로 생선에서 알려져 있다.) 

(Semantics: 이 문장은 전기적 소통이 생선에서 주로 알려진 현상임을 강조한다.)


(2) "The fish varies the signals by changing the form of the electric field or the frequency of discharging." (생선은 전기장의 형태를 변경하거나 방전 빈도를 바꿔 신호를 다양화한다.) 


(Grammar: 이 문장은 복합문으로, 주어 "The fish"와 동사 "varies" 및 목적어 "the signals"가 포함되어 있다. 부사구 "by changing the form of the electric field or the frequency of discharging"는 동사 "varies"를 수식한다.

Semantics: 이 문장은 생선이 어떻게 전기 신호를 조절하여 전기적 소통을 수행하는지 설명한다.






1. Who was Alexander von Humboldt and what did he see in 1800?

Alexander von Humboldt was an explorer.

He saw electric eels leaping out of water to defend themselves against horses.


2. What do fish use electrical signals for underwater?



Finding and stunning prey (rare cases)


3. How many species of fish can generate and detect electrical signals?

Nearly 350 species


4. What are the two groups of electric fish?

Weakly electric fish

Strongly electric fish


5. What is an electrocyte?

A disc-shaped cell in the electric organ of some fish


6. What do electroreceptors do?

Allow fish to sense electrical fields and changes caused by surroundings or other fish


7. What is special about the Peter’s elephantnose fish?

It has a schnauzenorgan with many electroreceptors

Helps judge distances, detect shapes and sizes, and determine if insects are dead or alive


8. What is the most powerful strongly electric fish?

Electric knife fish, also known as the electric eel


9. How does the electric eel hunt its prey?

First, it emits strong pulses to find prey

Second, it releases high-voltage discharges to immobilize prey


10. How many volts can electric catfish and electric rays produce?

Electric catfish: 350 volts

Electric rays: 220 volts


11. Why don't electric fish electrocute themselves?

It's a mystery, but possible reasons include:

Their size helps them withstand shocks

Current passes out of their bodies quickly

Special proteins may shield the electric organs







인간의 의사 결정에서 이성과 감정의 역할에 대해 논의
(discussing the role of reason and emotion in human decision-making)








인간의 의사 결정에서 이성과 감정의 상호 작용.

(The interplay of reason and emotion in human decision-making.)







인간은 이성의 피조물일 뿐만 아니라 감정의 피조물이며, 우리의 의사 결정은 두 가지 측면을 모두 기반으로 합니다.

(Human beings are not solely creatures of reason but also of emotion, and our decisions are based on both aspects.)





(1) Creatures of reason: 이성적인 존재 

(An incorrect assumption is that humans are solely creatures of reason.)


(2) Emotion: 감정 

(Humans are also creatures of emotion, and emotions play a role in decision-making.)


(3) Reason: 이성 

(We cannot get by on reason alone since it eventually leads to a feeling.)


(4) Values: 가치 

(Values, feelings, and emotions exist before we begin to reason and influence our decisions.)


(5) Deep-seated: 깊이 자리잡은 

(Deep-seated values, feelings, and emotions are rarely a result of reasoning.)


(6) Influence: 영향 

(Values, feelings, and emotions can be influenced by reasoning.)


(7) Goal: 목표 

(When choosing between two options, one's goal plays a part in the decision-making process.)


(8) Reasons: 이유 

(Reasons for a decision must be based on something, such as values or emotions.)


(9) Non-reason: 비이성적인 것 

(Reasons are ultimately based on non-reason elements like values, feelings, or emotions.)


(10) Decision-making: 의사결정 

(The process of making decisions is influenced by both reason and emotion.)



내용 이해

(1) What is the incorrect assumption about humans as creatures of reason? 

(이성적인 존재로서 인간에 대한 잘못된 가정은 무엇인가요?)


(2) How do emotions play a role in human decision-making? 

(감정은 인간의 의사결정에서 어떻게 역할을 하는가요?)



(3) What is the relationship between deep-seated values, feelings, and emotions and reasoning? 

(깊이 자리잡은 가치, 감정, 그리고 감정과 추론 사이의 관계는 무엇인가요?)


(4) Can reasoning influence values, feelings, and emotions? 

(추론이 가치, 감정, 그리고 감정에 영향을 줄 수 있나요?)


(5) How do reasons ultimately connect to non-reason elements like values, feelings, or emotions? 

(이유가 결국 비이성적인 것들인 가치, 감정 또는 감정과 어떻게 연결되나요?)



* Suggested Answers

(1) The incorrect assumption about humans as creatures of reason is that we solely rely on reason in decision-making, ignoring the role of emotions. 


(Reason: The text states that humans are creatures of both reason and emotion.)


(2) Emotions play a role in human decision-making by serving as the basis for reasons and influencing our choices. 


(Reason: The text explains that reasons are ultimately based on non-reason elements like values, feelings, or emotions.)


(3) The relationship between deep-seated values, feelings, and emotions and reasoning is that they exist before we begin to reason and can be influenced by reasoning.


(Reason: The text describes the relationship between these elements and reasoning.)


(4) Yes, reasoning can influence values, feelings, and emotions. 


(Reason: The text states that values, feelings, and emotions can be influenced by reasoning.)

(5) Reasons ultimately connect to non-reason elements like values, feelings, or emotions by serving as the foundation upon which reasons are based.

In decision-making, reasons need a basis, which is provided by these non-reason elements.


(Reason: The text emphasizes that reasons are ultimately based on non-reason elements.)




주요 문장

(1) "We cannot get by on reason alone since any reason always eventually leads to a feeling." 

(이성만으로는 충분하지 않다. 왜냐하면 어떤 이유든 결국 감정으로 이어지기 때문이다.) 

(This sentence highlights the importance of emotions in decision-making and the limitations of relying solely on reason.)


(2) "You should be able to see by now that reasons are ultimately based on non‑reason such as values, feelings, or emotions." 

(지금쯤이면 이유가 결국 비이성적인 것들인 가치, 감정 또는 감정에 기초한다는 것을 알 수 있어야 한다.) 

(This sentence emphasizes that reasons are connected to non-reason elements, showing the interplay between reason and emotion in decision-making.)






Question 1: What happened to Phineas Gage?

  • Answer:
    • Metal rod shot through his head
    • Lost part of his ventromedial prefrontal cortex
    • Couldn't control emotions or make rational decisions

Question 2: Who was Antonio Damasio, and what did he discover?

  • Answer:
    • Nerve scientist
    • Studied patient with brain tumor in same area as Phineas Gage
    • Found emotions and decisions are intrinsically intertwined

Question 3: Why do humans use emotions in decision-making?

  • Answer:
    • Emotion is a shortcut for decision-making
    • Makes life more efficient
    • Helps avoid analyzing never-ending list of variables

Question 4: What was the problem with old-school advertising research?

  • Answer:
    • Couldn't measure emotion
    • Relied on asking people how they feel

Question 5: How does Spark Neuro measure emotion?

  • Answer:
    • Measures brain and biometric activity
    • Quantifies emotion in real time

Question 6: Why is measuring emotion important for advertising?

  • Answer:
    • Emotion is critical for persuasion
    • Impossible to make decisions without emotional input






나쁜 습관을 바꾸기와 습관 깨기라는 문구 사용의 문제점

changing bad habits and the problems with using the phrase "break a habit"







"습관을 깨라"라는 문구의 문제점과 나쁜 습관을 바꾸는 데 있어 그 문구가 갖는 의미.

The issues with the phrase "break a habit" and its implications for changing bad habits.







"습관을 깨라"는 문구는 잘못된 기대치를 설정하며 나쁜 습관을 바꾸기 위한 비효율적인 접근 방식입니다.

The phrase "break a habit" sets the wrong expectations and is an ineffective way to approach changing bad habits.




핵심 어휘

(1) Positive habits: 긍정적 습관 

(Positive habits exist on a continuum of easy-to-change and hard-to-change.)


(2) Bad habits: 나쁜 습관 

(Bad habits also exist on a continuum of easy-to-change and hard-to-change.)


(3) Continuum: 연속체 

(Both positive and bad habits exist on a continuum of changeability.)


(4) Break a habit: 습관을 깨다 

(The phrase "break a habit" is unhelpful and sets the wrong expectation for changing bad habits.)


(5) Misguides: 잘못 인도하다 

(The phrase "break a habit" misguides people about how to get rid of a bad habit.)


(6) Expectation: 기대 

(The word "break" sets the wrong expectation for how to change a bad habit.)


(7) Input force: 힘을 가하다 

(The word "break" implies applying a lot of force in one moment will eliminate a bad habit.)


(8) Unwanted habit: 원치 않는 습관 

(Unwanted habits cannot usually be changed by applying force one time.)


(9) Hard end: 어려운 쪽 

(At the "hard" end of the spectrum, people talk about breaking bad habits and battling addiction.)


(10) Nefarious villain: 악랄한 악당 

(The phrase "break a habit" portrays an unwanted behavior as a nefarious villain to be aggressively defeated.)




내용 이해

(1) How do positive and bad habits exist on a continuum? 

(긍정적 습관과 나쁜 습관은 어떻게 연속체에 존재하나요?)


(2) Why is the phrase "break a habit" unhelpful for changing bad habits? 

(습관을 깨는 표현은 나쁜 습관을 바꾸는 데 왜 도움이 되지 않나요?)


(3) What expectation does the word "break" set for changing bad habits? 

(나쁜 습관을 바꾸는 데 "깨다"라는 단어는 어떤 기대를 설정하나요?)


(4) What is the problem with the idea of applying force to change unwanted habits? 

(원치 않는 습관을 바꾸기 위해 힘을 가하는 것에 대한 문제점은 무엇인가요?)


(5) How does the language used when discussing hard-to-change habits affect our perception of them? 

(어려워 바뀌는 습관에 대해 이야기할 때 사용되는 언어가 그것들에 대한 우리의 인식에 어떻게 영향을 미치나요?)


* Suggested Answers


(1) Positive and bad habits exist on a continuum, as they can range from easy-to-change to hard-to-change. 


(Reason: The text explains that both types of habits exist on a continuum of changeability.)

(2) The phrase "break a habit" is unhelpful for changing bad habits because it misguides people and sets the wrong expectation for how to get rid of a bad habit. 


(Reason: The text explains that the word "break" implies applying a lot of force in one moment, which rarely works.)

(3) The word "break" sets the expectation that a bad habit can be eliminated by applying a lot of force in one moment, which is not an effective approach. 


(Reason: The text highlights that applying force one time rarely works for getting rid of unwanted habits.)

(4) The problem with the idea of applying force to change unwanted habits is that it rarely works, as habits usually cannot be changed by applying force one time. 


(Reason: The text explains that the approach of applying a lot of force in one moment is not effective for changing habits.)

(5) The language used when discussing hard-to-change habits affects our perception of them by portraying unwanted behaviors as nefarious villains to be aggressively defeated, which may not be the most effective approach. 


(Reason: The text points out that such language is used at the "hard" end of the spectrum, implying that it may not be helpful for changing habits.)



주요 문장

(1) "But this kind of language (and the approaches it spawns) frames these challenges 

in a way that isn’t helpful or effective." 


(This sentence highlights the issue with using the phrase "break a habit" 

and how it leads to unhelpful approaches for changing bad habits.)


(2) "The word 'break' sets the wrong expectation for how you get rid of a bad habit." 


(This sentence emphasizes the main problem with using the word "break" 

when discussing habit change, as it sets the wrong expectations for the process.







Question 1: What was the initial meditation instruction?

  • Answer:
    • Pay attention to breath
    • Bring mind back when it wanders

Question 2: What is the reward-based learning process called?

  • Answer:
    • Positive and negative reinforcement

Question 3: How does this learning process work?

  • Answer:
    • See food, eat food, feel good, repeat
    • Trigger, behavior, reward

Question 4: How can this learning process lead to bad habits?

  • Answer:
    • Emotional triggers lead to unhealthy behaviors
    • Becomes a habit, like smoking or overeating

Question 5: What is the main cause of obesity and smoking?

  • Answer:
    • Leading preventable causes of morbidity and mortality

Question 6: What was the approach used in the mindfulness training for quitting smoking?

  • Answer:
    • Focus on being curious about the experience
    • Not forcing themselves to quit

Question 7: What did the smoker discover by being curiously aware while smoking?

  • Answer:
    • Smoking smells bad and tastes like chemicals
    • Moved from knowledge to wisdom

Question 8: What happens when people become disenchanted with their behavior?

  • Answer:
    • The spell of the bad habit is broken
    • They start to change their behavior


인간적 과정과 합리적 과정 및 그 결과의 차이
(human and rational processes and their differences in outcomes)




인간적 과정과 합리적 과정의 차이점과 실제 상황에서의 그 의미.

(The differences between human and rational processes and their implications in real-life situations.)



본능, 직관 및 기타 변수를 포함하는 인간의 프로세스는 종종 엄격하게 이성적인 프로세스보다 실제 상황에서 더 나은 결과를 낳습니다.

(Human processes, which involve instinct, intuition, and other variables, often yield better outcomes in real-life situations than strictly rational processes.)

핵심 어휘

(1) Human processes: 인간의 과정 

(Human processes involve instinct, intuition, and other variables that don’t necessarily reflect the book.)


(2) Rational processes: 합리적 과정 

(A process is rational if it always does the right thing based on the current information.)


(3) Performance measure: 성과 지표 

(Rational processes are based on an ideal performance measure.)


(4) Instinct: 본능 

(Human processes involve instinct, intuition, and other variables.)


(5) Intuition: 직관 

(Human processes involve instinct, intuition, and other variables.)


(6) Traffic laws: 교통 법규 

(The rational way to drive a car is to always follow the laws.)


(7) Pedestrian crossing signs: 횡단 보도 표지판 

(Pedestrian crossing signs vary depending on the country.)


(8) Self-driving car: 자율 주행 자동차 

(To be successful, a self-driving car must act humanly, rather than rationally.)


(9) Humanly: 인간다운 방식으로 

(A self-driving car must act humanly, rather than rationally, to be successful.)


(10) Outcome: 결과 

(Human processes differ from rational processes in their outcome.)




내용 이해

(1) What is the main difference between human and rational processes? 

(인간의 과정과 합리적 과정의 주요 차이점은 무엇인가요?)


(2) What factors contribute to human processes? 

(인간의 과정에 기여하는 요인은 무엇인가요?)


(3) How do rational processes relate to performance measures? 

(합리적 과정은 성과 지표와 어떻게 관련되어 있나요?)


(4) What is the rational way to drive a car? (자동차를 운전하는 합리적인 방법은 무엇인가요?)


(5) Why must a self-driving car act humanly rather than rationally? 

(자율 주행 자동차가 왜 합리적으로 행동하는 것이 아니라 인간다운 방식으로 행동해야 하나요?)




* Suggested Answers

(1) The main difference between human and rational processes is that human processes involve instinct, intuition, and other variables, while rational processes always do the right thing based on current information. 

(Reason: The text explains this difference in the first few sentences.)


(2) Factors that contribute to human processes include instinct, intuition, and other variables that don’t necessarily reflect a predetermined set of rules or data. 

(Reason: The text mentions these factors as part of human processes.)


(3) Rational processes relate to performance measures by always doing the right thing based on current information, given an ideal performance measure. 

(Reason: The text defines rational processes in relation to performance measures.)


(4) The rational way to drive a car is to always follow traffic laws. 

(Reason: The text provides this as an example of a rational process.)

(5) A self-driving car must act humanly rather than rationally because traffic isn't rational and other drivers don't always follow the laws precisely. Acting humanly allows the self-driving car to adapt and navigate real-world situations more effectively. 

(Reason: The text explains that following traffic laws precisely can lead to getting stuck and implies that human-like behavior is necessary for successful navigation.)



주요 문장

(1) "Human processes involve instinct, intuition, and other variables that don’t necessarily reflect the book and may not even consider the existing data." 

(This sentence highlights the characteristics of human processes that differentiate them from rational processes.)


(2) "To be successful, a self‑driving car must therefore act humanly, rather than rationally." 

(This sentence provides an example of why human processes can be more effective in real-life situations than strictly rational processes.





Question 1: What happened in the first round of the game show?

  • Answer:
    • Earned $1000
    • Landed on bonus space
    • Had to choose between $500 guaranteed bonus or coin flip for $1000 bonus


Question 2: What was the second round's choice after landing on the penalty space?

  • Answer:
    • Choose between $500 loss or coin flip
    • Coin flip: heads, lose nothing; tails, lose $1000


Question 3: Why do people choose differently in the first and second rounds even if the odds are the same?

  • Answer:
    • Loss aversion
    • Losing feels twice as bad as gaining the same thing


Question 4: What are heuristics?

  • Answer:
    • Problem-solving approaches
    • Based on experience and intuition, not careful analysis


Question 5: What's an example of a situation where heuristics can be bad?

  • Answer:
    • Situations involving probability
    • Choosing between sequences of die rolls


Question 6: What is the conjunction fallacy?

  • Answer:
    • Expecting more green rolls
    • Brains trick us into picking the less likely option


Question 7: What is the anchoring effect?

  • Answer:
    • Clearly wrong information still affects estimates
    • Used in marketing and negotiations


Question 8: Why do we have heuristics if they can lead to wrong decisions?

  • Answer:
    • Effective for quick decisions
    • Helped survival with limited information


Question 9: How can we be aware of our brain's heuristics?

  • Answer:
    • Pause for a second
    • Consider intuitive answer might not be right








환경 조건과 유기체의 인식

(Environmental conditions and the perception of organisms)



환경 조건에 대한 인식과 다양한 유기체의 관점을 이해하는 것의 중요성.

(Perception of environmental conditions and the importance of understanding different organisms' perspectives.)



생태학자들은 모든 유기체가 우리와 같은 방식으로 환경을 감지한다고 가정해서는 안 되며, 다른 유기체가 보는 것처럼 세상을 보려고 노력해야 합니다.

(Ecologists should not assume that all organisms sense the environment in the way we do and should try to see the world as others see it.)


핵심 어휘

(1) Environmental conditions: 환경 조건 

(It seems natural to describe certain environmental conditions as 'extreme', 'harsh', 'benign' or 'stressful'.)


(2) Extreme: 극한 

(It may seem obvious when conditions are 'extreme': the midday heat of a desert, the cold of an Antarctic winter.)


(3) Benign: 온화한 

(Emotive words like harsh and benign should be used by ecologists only with care.)


(4) Salinity: 염도 

(The salinity of the Great Salt Lake is an example of an extreme condition for humans.)


(5) Physiological characteristics: 생리적 특성 

(These conditions are extreme for us, given our particular physiological characteristics and tolerances.)


(6) Tolerances: 내성 

(Our perception of extreme conditions is based on our physiological characteristics and tolerances.)


(7) Ecologist: 생태학자 

(It is lazy and dangerous for the ecologist to assume that all other organisms sense the environment in the way we do.)


(8) Environment: 환경 

(Ecologists should try to gain a worm's-eye or plant's-eye view of the environment.)


(9) Perception: 인식 

(Different organisms perceive their environment differently, based on their adaptations and characteristics.)


(10) Adaptation: 적응 

(Species adapt to their environment in various ways, making certain conditions not extreme for them.)

내용 이해

(1) What are some examples of extreme environmental conditions for humans? 

(인간에게 극한 환경 조건의 예시는 무엇인가요?)


(2) How do our physiological characteristics and tolerances affect our perception of environmental conditions? 

(생리적 특성과 내성이 환경 조건에 대한 인식에 어떻게 영향을 미치나요?)


(3) Why is it dangerous for ecologists to assume that all organisms sense the environment in the way we do? 

(생태학자들이 모든 생물체가 우리와 같은 방식으로 환경을 인지한다고 가정하는 것이 왜 위험한가요?)


(4) What should ecologists do instead of assuming all organisms perceive the environment as we do? 

(생태학자들은 우리와 같은 방식으로 환경을 인지한다고 가정하는 대신 무엇을 해야 하나요?)


(5) How do adaptations affect an organism's perception of environmental conditions? 

(적응은 생물체의 환경 조건에 대한 인식에 어떻게 영향을 미치나요?)



* Suggested Answers


(1) Some examples of extreme environmental conditions for humans include the midday heat of a desert, the cold of an Antarctic winter, and the salinity of the Great Salt Lake. 

(Reason: The text provides these examples.)


(2) Our physiological characteristics and tolerances affect our perception of environmental conditions by determining which conditions we consider extreme or harsh. 

(Reason: The text discusses this in relation to our perception of extreme conditions.)

(3) It is dangerous for ecologists to assume that all organisms sense the environment in the way we do because it may lead to misunderstandings about the needs and adaptations of other organisms. 

(Reason: The text emphasizes the importance of understanding different organisms' perspectives.)

(4) Instead of assuming all organisms perceive the environment as we do, ecologists should try to gain a worm's-eye or plant's-eye view of the environment and see the world as other organisms see it. 


(Reason: The text suggests this as a more accurate approach for ecologists.)

(5) Adaptations affect an organism's perception of environmental conditions by allowing them to thrive in conditions that may be considered extreme for others. For example, cacti do not perceive desert conditions as extreme because they have evolved to survive in such environments. 

(Reason: The text uses the examples of cacti and penguins to illustrate this point.)


주요  문장

(1) "To a cactus there is nothing extreme about the desert conditions in which cacti have evolved; nor are the icy lands of Antarctica an extreme environment for penguins." 


(This sentence highlights the differences in perception of extreme conditions among various organisms due to their adaptations.)


(2) "It is lazy and dangerous for the ecologist to assume that all other organisms sense the environment in the way we do." 

(This sentence emphasizes the importance of considering different organisms' perspectives when studying the environment.)





1. Watch This Video

2. Questions and Answers


Question 1: What is biodiversity and why is it important?


Ecosystem, species, and genetic diversity

Makes ecosystems strong and resilient

Question 2: What are the three intertwined features of biodiversity?


Ecosystem diversity

Species diversity

Genetic diversity

Question 3: Why is the Amazon rainforest considered one of the most biodiverse regions on Earth?


Complex ecosystems

Many species

Genetic variety

Question 4: How do species in the Amazon rainforest support each other?


Provide food and shelter

Disperse seeds

Recycle nutrients

Question 5: Why is genetic diversity important for individual species?


Helps cope with changes

Reduces vulnerability

Question 6: What happens when a species with low genetic diversity disappears?


Knot untied in biodiversity net

Part of the net disintegrates

Question 7: What is a keystone organism, and why are coral reefs an example?


Important for other species' survival

Provide habitats and support many species

Question 8: How does the loss of biodiversity affect humans?


Threatens our well-being

Risks unraveling Earth's safety net



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