나쁜 습관을 바꾸기와 습관 깨기라는 문구 사용의 문제점
changing bad habits and the problems with using the phrase "break a habit"
"습관을 깨라"라는 문구의 문제점과 나쁜 습관을 바꾸는 데 있어 그 문구가 갖는 의미.
The issues with the phrase "break a habit" and its implications for changing bad habits.
"습관을 깨라"는 문구는 잘못된 기대치를 설정하며 나쁜 습관을 바꾸기 위한 비효율적인 접근 방식입니다.
The phrase "break a habit" sets the wrong expectations and is an ineffective way to approach changing bad habits.
핵심 어휘
(1) Positive habits: 긍정적 습관
(Positive habits exist on a continuum of easy-to-change and hard-to-change.)
(2) Bad habits: 나쁜 습관
(Bad habits also exist on a continuum of easy-to-change and hard-to-change.)
(3) Continuum: 연속체
(Both positive and bad habits exist on a continuum of changeability.)
(4) Break a habit: 습관을 깨다
(The phrase "break a habit" is unhelpful and sets the wrong expectation for changing bad habits.)
(5) Misguides: 잘못 인도하다
(The phrase "break a habit" misguides people about how to get rid of a bad habit.)
(6) Expectation: 기대
(The word "break" sets the wrong expectation for how to change a bad habit.)
(7) Input force: 힘을 가하다
(The word "break" implies applying a lot of force in one moment will eliminate a bad habit.)
(8) Unwanted habit: 원치 않는 습관
(Unwanted habits cannot usually be changed by applying force one time.)
(9) Hard end: 어려운 쪽
(At the "hard" end of the spectrum, people talk about breaking bad habits and battling addiction.)
(10) Nefarious villain: 악랄한 악당
(The phrase "break a habit" portrays an unwanted behavior as a nefarious villain to be aggressively defeated.)
내용 이해
(1) How do positive and bad habits exist on a continuum?
(긍정적 습관과 나쁜 습관은 어떻게 연속체에 존재하나요?)
(2) Why is the phrase "break a habit" unhelpful for changing bad habits?
(습관을 깨는 표현은 나쁜 습관을 바꾸는 데 왜 도움이 되지 않나요?)
(3) What expectation does the word "break" set for changing bad habits?
(나쁜 습관을 바꾸는 데 "깨다"라는 단어는 어떤 기대를 설정하나요?)
(4) What is the problem with the idea of applying force to change unwanted habits?
(원치 않는 습관을 바꾸기 위해 힘을 가하는 것에 대한 문제점은 무엇인가요?)
(5) How does the language used when discussing hard-to-change habits affect our perception of them?
(어려워 바뀌는 습관에 대해 이야기할 때 사용되는 언어가 그것들에 대한 우리의 인식에 어떻게 영향을 미치나요?)
* Suggested Answers
(1) Positive and bad habits exist on a continuum, as they can range from easy-to-change to hard-to-change.
(Reason: The text explains that both types of habits exist on a continuum of changeability.)
(2) The phrase "break a habit" is unhelpful for changing bad habits because it misguides people and sets the wrong expectation for how to get rid of a bad habit.
(Reason: The text explains that the word "break" implies applying a lot of force in one moment, which rarely works.)
(3) The word "break" sets the expectation that a bad habit can be eliminated by applying a lot of force in one moment, which is not an effective approach.
(Reason: The text highlights that applying force one time rarely works for getting rid of unwanted habits.)
(4) The problem with the idea of applying force to change unwanted habits is that it rarely works, as habits usually cannot be changed by applying force one time.
(Reason: The text explains that the approach of applying a lot of force in one moment is not effective for changing habits.)
(5) The language used when discussing hard-to-change habits affects our perception of them by portraying unwanted behaviors as nefarious villains to be aggressively defeated, which may not be the most effective approach.
(Reason: The text points out that such language is used at the "hard" end of the spectrum, implying that it may not be helpful for changing habits.)
주요 문장
(1) "But this kind of language (and the approaches it spawns) frames these challenges
in a way that isn’t helpful or effective."
(This sentence highlights the issue with using the phrase "break a habit"
and how it leads to unhelpful approaches for changing bad habits.)
(2) "The word 'break' sets the wrong expectation for how you get rid of a bad habit."
(This sentence emphasizes the main problem with using the word "break"
when discussing habit change, as it sets the wrong expectations for the process.
Question 1: What was the initial meditation instruction?
- Answer:
- Pay attention to breath
- Bring mind back when it wanders
Question 2: What is the reward-based learning process called?
- Answer:
- Positive and negative reinforcement
Question 3: How does this learning process work?
- Answer:
- See food, eat food, feel good, repeat
- Trigger, behavior, reward
Question 4: How can this learning process lead to bad habits?
- Answer:
- Emotional triggers lead to unhealthy behaviors
- Becomes a habit, like smoking or overeating
Question 5: What is the main cause of obesity and smoking?
- Answer:
- Leading preventable causes of morbidity and mortality
Question 6: What was the approach used in the mindfulness training for quitting smoking?
- Answer:
- Focus on being curious about the experience
- Not forcing themselves to quit
Question 7: What did the smoker discover by being curiously aware while smoking?
- Answer:
- Smoking smells bad and tastes like chemicals
- Moved from knowledge to wisdom
Question 8: What happens when people become disenchanted with their behavior?
- Answer:
- The spell of the bad habit is broken
- They start to change their behavior
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