인간의 의사 결정에서 이성과 감정의 역할에 대해 논의
(discussing the role of reason and emotion in human decision-making)
인간의 의사 결정에서 이성과 감정의 상호 작용.
(The interplay of reason and emotion in human decision-making.)
인간은 이성의 피조물일 뿐만 아니라 감정의 피조물이며, 우리의 의사 결정은 두 가지 측면을 모두 기반으로 합니다.
(Human beings are not solely creatures of reason but also of emotion, and our decisions are based on both aspects.)
(1) Creatures of reason: 이성적인 존재
(An incorrect assumption is that humans are solely creatures of reason.)
(2) Emotion: 감정
(Humans are also creatures of emotion, and emotions play a role in decision-making.)
(3) Reason: 이성
(We cannot get by on reason alone since it eventually leads to a feeling.)
(4) Values: 가치
(Values, feelings, and emotions exist before we begin to reason and influence our decisions.)
(5) Deep-seated: 깊이 자리잡은
(Deep-seated values, feelings, and emotions are rarely a result of reasoning.)
(6) Influence: 영향
(Values, feelings, and emotions can be influenced by reasoning.)
(7) Goal: 목표
(When choosing between two options, one's goal plays a part in the decision-making process.)
(8) Reasons: 이유
(Reasons for a decision must be based on something, such as values or emotions.)
(9) Non-reason: 비이성적인 것
(Reasons are ultimately based on non-reason elements like values, feelings, or emotions.)
(10) Decision-making: 의사결정
(The process of making decisions is influenced by both reason and emotion.)
내용 이해
(1) What is the incorrect assumption about humans as creatures of reason?
(이성적인 존재로서 인간에 대한 잘못된 가정은 무엇인가요?)
(2) How do emotions play a role in human decision-making?
(감정은 인간의 의사결정에서 어떻게 역할을 하는가요?)
(3) What is the relationship between deep-seated values, feelings, and emotions and reasoning?
(깊이 자리잡은 가치, 감정, 그리고 감정과 추론 사이의 관계는 무엇인가요?)
(4) Can reasoning influence values, feelings, and emotions?
(추론이 가치, 감정, 그리고 감정에 영향을 줄 수 있나요?)
(5) How do reasons ultimately connect to non-reason elements like values, feelings, or emotions?
(이유가 결국 비이성적인 것들인 가치, 감정 또는 감정과 어떻게 연결되나요?)
* Suggested Answers
(1) The incorrect assumption about humans as creatures of reason is that we solely rely on reason in decision-making, ignoring the role of emotions.
(Reason: The text states that humans are creatures of both reason and emotion.)
(2) Emotions play a role in human decision-making by serving as the basis for reasons and influencing our choices.
(Reason: The text explains that reasons are ultimately based on non-reason elements like values, feelings, or emotions.)
(3) The relationship between deep-seated values, feelings, and emotions and reasoning is that they exist before we begin to reason and can be influenced by reasoning.
(Reason: The text describes the relationship between these elements and reasoning.)
(4) Yes, reasoning can influence values, feelings, and emotions.
(Reason: The text states that values, feelings, and emotions can be influenced by reasoning.)
(5) Reasons ultimately connect to non-reason elements like values, feelings, or emotions by serving as the foundation upon which reasons are based.
In decision-making, reasons need a basis, which is provided by these non-reason elements.
(Reason: The text emphasizes that reasons are ultimately based on non-reason elements.)
주요 문장
(1) "We cannot get by on reason alone since any reason always eventually leads to a feeling."
(이성만으로는 충분하지 않다. 왜냐하면 어떤 이유든 결국 감정으로 이어지기 때문이다.)
(This sentence highlights the importance of emotions in decision-making and the limitations of relying solely on reason.)
(2) "You should be able to see by now that reasons are ultimately based on non‑reason such as values, feelings, or emotions."
(지금쯤이면 이유가 결국 비이성적인 것들인 가치, 감정 또는 감정에 기초한다는 것을 알 수 있어야 한다.)
(This sentence emphasizes that reasons are connected to non-reason elements, showing the interplay between reason and emotion in decision-making.)
Question 1: What happened to Phineas Gage?
- Answer:
- Metal rod shot through his head
- Lost part of his ventromedial prefrontal cortex
- Couldn't control emotions or make rational decisions
Question 2: Who was Antonio Damasio, and what did he discover?
- Answer:
- Nerve scientist
- Studied patient with brain tumor in same area as Phineas Gage
- Found emotions and decisions are intrinsically intertwined
Question 3: Why do humans use emotions in decision-making?
- Answer:
- Emotion is a shortcut for decision-making
- Makes life more efficient
- Helps avoid analyzing never-ending list of variables
Question 4: What was the problem with old-school advertising research?
- Answer:
- Couldn't measure emotion
- Relied on asking people how they feel
Question 5: How does Spark Neuro measure emotion?
- Answer:
- Measures brain and biometric activity
- Quantifies emotion in real time
Question 6: Why is measuring emotion important for advertising?
- Answer:
- Emotion is critical for persuasion
- Impossible to make decisions without emotional input
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