

정서적 가치 평가와 그 결과에 영향을 받는 의사 결정.
(Decision-making influenced by affective valuation and its consequences.)




정서적 평가가 의사 결정에 미치는 영향

(The impact of affective valuation on decision-making)




정서적 평가는 때때로 확률과 정량적 특징에 대한 평가를 가려 합리적인 의사결정을 방해할 수 있습니다.
(Affective valuation can sometimes hinder rational decision-making by overshadowing the evaluation of probabilities and quantitative features.)





1. 핵심 어휘

(1) Attribute: 속성 

(An attribute of decision-making)


(2) Affective valuation: 정서적 가치 평가 

(Influencing decision costs and benefits)


(3) Probabilities: 확률 

(Evaluating probabilities in decision-making)


(4) Rational: 합리적 

(A rational attribute to substitute)


(5) Costs and benefits: 비용과 혜택 

(Assessing costs and benefits in decision-making)


(6) Analytic processing: 분석적 처리 

(Supplementing affective valuation)


(7) Adjustment: 조절 

(Adjusting to analytic processing)


(8) Insensitive: 둔감한 

(Insensitive to probabilities)


(9) Quantitative features: 양적 특성 

(Considering quantitative features in decisions)


(10) Swamped: 압도된 

(Swamped by affective evaluation)


2. 내용 이해

(1) What is affective valuation and how does it impact decision-making?

(정서적 가치 평가는 무엇이며 의사결정에 어떻게 영향을 미치나요?)


(2) Why can affective valuation sometimes be a rational attribute to substitute? 

(정서적 가치 평가가 때로는 대체하는 합리적 속성이 될 수 있는 이유는 무엇인가요?)


(3) When does a problem arise with affective valuation in decision-making? 

(의사결정에서 정서적 가치 평가와 관련된 문제가 언제 발생하나요?)


(4) How can sole reliance on affective valuation make people insensitive to probabilities and quantitative features? 

(정서적 가치 평가에만 의존하면 사람들이 확률과 양적 특성에 둔감해지는 이유는 무엇인가요?)


(5) What was the result of the study mentioned in the text? 

(텍스트에 언급된 연구의 결과는 무엇인가요?)

3. Suggested Answers

(1) Affective valuation is an emotional assessment of the prospect at hand. It impacts decision-making by potentially overshadowing rational evaluation of costs, benefits, and probabilities. 

(Reason: Mentioned in the text)


(2) Affective valuation can be a rational attribute to substitute because it conveys useful signals about the costs and benefits of outcomes. 

(Reason: Mentioned in the text)


(3) A problem arises with affective valuation in decision-making when it is not supplemented by any analytic processing and adjustment at all. 

(Reason: Mentioned in the text)


(4) Sole reliance on affective valuation makes people insensitive to probabilities and quantitative features because their thinking becomes swamped by the emotional evaluation of the situation. 

(Reason: Mentioned in the text)


(5) The study demonstrated that people's evaluation of a situation where they might receive a shock is insensitive to the probability of receiving the shock because their thinking is swamped by affective evaluation. 

(Reason: Mentioned in the text)



4. 주요 문장

(1) A large body of research in decision science has indicated that one attribute that is regularly substituted for an explicit assessment of decision costs and benefits is an affective valuation of the prospect at hand. 

(큰 연구 규모의 의사 결정 과학에서 의사 결정 비용과 이익의 명시적 평가를 정기적으로 대체하는 한 가지 속성은 손에 잡히는 전망의 정서적 가치 평가입니다.) 

(Semantic explanation: This sentence introduces the main concept of affective valuation and its role in decision-making.)

(2) One study demonstrated that people’s evaluation of a situation where they might receive a shock is insensitive to the probability of receiving the shock because their thinking is swamped by affective evaluation of the situation. 

(한 연구에서 사람들이 전기 충격을 받을 수 있는 상황에 대한 평가가 상황의 정서적 평가에 의해 사고가 압도되기 때문에 전기 충격을 받을 확률에 둔감하다는 것을 보여주었습니다.) 

(Semantic explanation: This sentence illustrates the consequences of solely relying on affective valuation in decision-making, highlighting the insensitivity to probabilities.)



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