탄수화물은 좋은 탄수화물과 나쁜 탄수화물로 분류되며, 복합 탄수화물은 유익하고 오래 지속되는 에너지를 제공하는 반면, 단순 당은 쉽게 분해되어 지방으로 저장될 수 있습니다.
(Carbohydrates are categorized as good or bad, with complex carbohydrates being beneficial and providing long-lasting energy, while simple sugars are easily broken down and may be stored as fat.)
좋은 탄수화물과 나쁜 탄수화물
(Good and bad carbohydrates)
복합 탄수화물은 분해가 어렵고 지속적인 에너지를 제공하기 때문에 신체에 좋은 반면, 단순 당은 쉽게 분해되어 지방으로 저장될 수 있기 때문에 덜 유익합니다.
(Complex carbohydrates are good for the body as they are harder to break down and provide sustained energy, while simple sugars are less beneficial as they are easily broken down and may lead to fat storage.)
(1) Carbohydrates: 탄수화물 (Organic compounds consisting of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen that provide energy)
(2) Simple sugars: 단순당 (Monosaccharides or disaccharides that are easily broken down and absorbed)
(3) Complex carbohydrates: 복합 탄수화물 (Polysaccharides that are more difficult to break down and provide sustained energy)
(4) Nutrients: 영양소 (Substances that provide nourishment and are essential for growth and the maintenance of life)
(5) Vitamins: 비타민 (Organic compounds needed in small amounts for proper bodily functions)
(6) Minerals: 미네랄 (Inorganic elements that are essential for various bodily functions)
(7) Break down: 분해하다 (To decompose or separate into smaller components)
(8) Fuel: 연료 (A substance that provides energy)
(9) Structure: 구조 (The arrangement of parts in a complex system)
(10) Stored: 저장되다 (To keep or retain something for future use)
내용 이해
(1) What are complex carbohydrates, and why are they considered good for the body? (복합 탄수화물은 무엇이며, 왜 몸에 좋다고 여겨지나요?)
(2) How do complex carbohydrates differ from simple sugars in terms of structure? (복합 탄수화물과 단순당은 구조적으로 어떻게 다른가요?)
(3) What happens to the nutrients trapped in complex carbohydrate chains? (복합 탄수화물 사슬에 갇힌 영양소는 어떻게 되나요?)
(4) Why are simple sugars considered bad carbohydrates? (단순당이 나쁜 탄수화물로 간주되는 이유는 무엇인가요?)
(5) What does the body do with simple sugars that it cannot use? (몸이 사용하지 못하는 단순당은 어떻게 처리하나요?)
* Suggested Answers
(1) Complex carbohydrates are polysaccharides that are difficult to break down, and they provide sustained energy and release other nutrients into the body.
(복합 탄수화물은 분해하기 어려운 다당류로, 지속적인 에너지를 제공하고 다른 영양소를 몸에 공급합니다.)
(2) Complex carbohydrates have a more intricate structure than simple sugars, which makes them harder to break down.
(복합 탄수화물은 단순당보다 더 복잡한 구조를 가지고 있어 분해하기가 더 어렵습니다.)
(3) As complex carbohydrates slowly break down, the trapped nutrients are released into the body, providing nourishment.
(복합 탄수화물이 천천히 분해되면서 갇힌 영양소들이 몸에 공급되어 영양을 제공합니다.)
(4) Simple sugars are considered bad carbohydrates because they are easily broken down and hold few nutrients for the body, other than the sugars from which they are made.
(단순당은 구조가 간단하여 쉽게 분해되고, 그것으로부터 만들어진 당 외에는 몸에 거의 영양소를 제공하지 않기 때문에 나쁜 탄수화물로 간주됩니다.)
(5) The body converts simple sugars that it cannot use into fat and stores it in the body.
(몸이 사용하지 못하는 단순당을 지방으로 변환하여 몸에 저장합니다.)
(1) "Complex carbohydrates are the good carbohydrates for your body."
(복합 탄수화물은 몸에 좋은 탄수화물입니다.)
Grammatical explanation : The sentence uses a subject-complement structure to describe complex carbohydrates as beneficial for the body.
Semantic explanation: The sentence emphasizes the positive effects of complex carbohydrates on the body.
(2) "Your body breaks down these carbohydrates rather quickly and what it cannot use is converted to fat and stored in the body."
(당신의 몸은 이러한 탄수화물을 매우 빨리 분해하고 사용하지 못하는 것은 지방으로 변환되어 몸에 저장됩니다.)
Grammatical explanation (English): The sentence uses a cause and effect structure to explain the consequences of consuming simple sugars.
Semantic explanation: The sentence explains that the body rapidly breaks down simple sugars and may convert them to fat if not used, highlighting the drawbacks of consuming such carbohydrates.
1. Watch This Video
2. Questions and Answers
1. What are carbohydrates?
Carbohydrates are sugars or molecules that your body breaks down to make sugars
2. What are the two main types of carbohydrates?
Simple carbohydrates (simple sugars) and complex carbohydrates
3. What are some examples of simple sugars?
Glucose, fructose, and galactose
4. What are complex carbohydrates with three to ten linked sugars called?
5. What are complex carbohydrates with more than ten linked sugars called?
6. What is the glycemic index?
A measure of how much a food raises the sugar level in your blood
7. What do foods with a high glycemic index do to your blood sugar?
They quickly release a lot of glucose, raising your blood sugar
8. What do foods with a low glycemic index do to your blood sugar?
They slowly release glucose, keeping your blood sugar stable
9. What is insulin and what does it do?
Insulin is a hormone that helps transfer sugar from the blood to tissues for energy
10. What is insulin resistance?
A condition where cells become less responsive to insulin, causing high blood sugar and insulin levels
11. What is metabolic syndrome?
A group of symptoms including high blood sugar, increased waist size, and high blood pressure, increasing the risk of diseases like cardiovascular disease and type II diabetes
12. Why should you be careful with too many carbs in your diet?
Too many carbs can lead to insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome
13. What are some examples of high glycemic index foods?
Crackers, white bread, and soda
14. What are some examples of low glycemic index foods?
Vegetables, fruits, and whole grains
15. What are some examples of foods with the lowest glycemic index?
Eggs, cheese, and meats
16. How are starch and fiber different in their effects on the body?
Starch is easily digested, releasing glucose quickly, while fiber slows down the release of glucose
17. What is resistant starch?
It is starch trapped by fiber, which cannot be easily broken down by the body
18. Why can't the body break down beta bonds in fiber?
The body lacks enzymes to break down the beta bonds in fiber
19. How does insulin sensitivity relate to blood sugar levels?
The more sensitive you are to insulin, the better your body can lower blood sugar levels
20. What is the link between carbohydrate consumption and insulin resistance?
Chronically consuming a lot of carbohydrates may lead to insulin resistance
21. What percentage of the U.S. population has metabolic syndrome?
Approximately 32%
22. What is the main message about carbohydrates and diet?
Be mindful of carbohydrate intake, as too many carbs can lead to health problems like insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome
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