교과서 본문


Lesson 3 The Ig Nobel Prize

“What happens when you walk backward while you are carrying a cup of coffee?” 

Han Jiwon, a Korean high school student, did research on this topic in 2015. 

Is this research project good enough to win a Nobel Prize? 

Maybe not. But how about an Ig Nobel Prize? 

He won one in 2017 for this fun research.
The Ig Nobel Prizes are awarded for discoveries that “first make one laugh and then think.” 

They were started in 1991 by AIR magazine to increase people’s interest in science by honoring the unusual and the imaginative.

The prizes are presented by real Nobel winners in Sanders Theater at Harvard University. 

The room is usually filled with people who are eager to cheer for the brave scientists with their “laughable” research.
The U.K. Navy won the Ig Nobel Prize for Peace in 2000. 

To save money, the Navy made its sailors shout, “Bang!” instead of using real bombs. 

Is that funny enough for you to laugh out loud?
Andre Geim also won an award that year. 

He succeeded in floating a live frog in the air by using magnets. 

“In my experience, if people don’t have a sense of humor, 

they are usually not very good scientists,” he said when he accepted his award.
If that still does not bring a smile to your face, how about this? 

In 2005, Gauri Nanda won the Ig Nobel Prize in Economics for inventing an alarm clock. 

It keeps running away until the sleeper finally gets out of bed.

Not only the winners’ fun studies but also the ceremony for the Ig Nobel Prizes makes people laugh. 

There are a number of interesting things that keep people from getting bored. 

The opening and closing speeches are just two words each: “Welcome. Welcome.” and “Goodbye. Goodbye.” 

If someone talks for too long, an eight-year-old girl called Miss Sweetie Poo shouts repeatedly, “Please stop! I’m bored.” 

Each winner receives ten trillion Zimbabwean dollars, which is worth less than one U.S. dollar. 

Throwing paper planes is another fun tradition.

The Ig Nobel Prize ceremony ends with the words, “If you didn’t win a prize—and if you did—better luck next year!” 

The winners do not receive lots of money. 

And the awards are not great honors like the Nobel Prizes. 

But the Ig Nobel Prizes make science a lot more fun!


교과서 본문 해석

Lesson 3 이그노벨상

"당신이 커피 한 잔을 들고 가면서 뒤로 걸을 때 무슨 일이 일어날까?" 

한국의 한 고등학생인 한지원은 2015년에 이 주제에 관해 연구했다. 

이 연구 과제는 노벨상을 받을 정도로 훌륭할까? 

아마도 아닐 것이다. 하지만 이그노벨상은 어떤가? 

그는 이 재미있는 연구로 2017년에 상을 탔다.
이그노벨상은 '먼저 웃기고 나서 다음에 생각하게 하는’ 발견에 수여된다. 

그것은 특이하고 창의적인 사람들을 높이 평가함으로써 과학에 대한 사람들의 흥미를 늘리기 위해 AIR 잡지에 의해 1991년에 시작되었다.

그 상들은 하버드 대학의 Sanders 극장에서 진짜 노벨상 수상자들에 의해 수여된다. 

그 방은 대개 '웃기는’ 연구를 한 용감한 과학자들을 열렬히 격려하고자 하는 사람들로 가득 찬다.
영국 해군은 2000년에 이그노벨 평화상을 탔다. 

돈을 아끼기 위해, 해군에서는 선원들에게 진짜 폭탄을 사용하는 대신에 “쾅!"이라고 소리치게 했다. 

그것은 당신이 큰 소리로 웃을 정도로 우스운가?
Andre Geim도 그해에 상을 탔다. 

그는 자석을 이용해서 살아있는 개구리를 공중에 띄우는 데 성공했다. 

그는 상을 받을 때, “내 경험상, 사람들이 유머 감각이 없다면, 그들은 대개 매우 훌륭한 과학자가 아니다.”라고 말했다.
그것이 아직도 당신의 얼굴에 미소를 띠게 하지 않는다면, 이것은 어떤가? 

2005년에 Gauri Nanda는 자명종을 발명해서 이그노벨 경제학상을 받았다. 

그것은 잠자는 사람이 결국 침대 밖으로 나올 때까지 계속 도망을 다닌다.

수상자들의 재미있는 연구뿐만 아니라 이그노벨상 시상식도 또한 사람들을 웃게 만든다. 

사람들이 지루해하지 않도록 하는 재미있는 것들이 많이 있다. 

개회사와 폐회사는 단지 두 마디이다: “환영합니다. 환영합니다.”와 “안녕. 안녕.” 

만일 누군가가 너무 오랫동안 말을 하면, Miss Sweetie Poo라고 하는 여덟 살짜리 여자아이가 “제발 멈춰요! 지루해요.” 라고 계속 외친다. 

각 수상자는 10조의 짐바브웨 달러를 받는데, 그것은 미국의 1달러보다 가치가 낮다. 

종이비행기를 날리는 것은 또 다른 재미있는 전통이다.

이그노벨상 시상식은 “만일 당신이 상을 타지 못했다면—그리고 만일 탔다면—내년에는 더 많은 행운이 있기를!”이라는 말로 끝이 난다. 

수상자들은 많은 상금을 받지 않는다. 

그리고 그 상은 노벨상같이 훌륭한 영광은 아니다. 

하지만 이그노벨상은 과학을 훨씬 더 재미있게 만든다!




본문 어휘

English Word Korean Translation (English Definition)
research 연구 (systematic investigation into a particular subject)
prize (a reward given in recognition of one's achievement)
discovery 발견 (the action or process of discovering or being discovered)
unusual 이상한 (not habitually or commonly occurring or done)
imaginative 상상력이 풍부한 (having or showing creativity or inventiveness)
ceremony 시상식 (a formal religious or public occasion)
laugh 웃다 (make the spontaneous sounds and movements of the face and body that are the instinctive expressions of lively amusement)
economics 경제학 (the branch of knowledge concerned with the production, consumption, and transfer of wealth)
alarm clock 알람 시계 (a clock with a device that can be made to sound at the time set in advance, used to wake someone up)
winner 우승자 (a person or thing that wins something)
tradition 전통 (the transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation)


내용이해 문제 (chatgpt로 제작)

1) What is the Ig Nobel Prize awarded for?
a) Discoveries that cause fear
b) Discoveries that make one sad and then think
c) Discoveries that first make one laugh and then think
d) Discoveries that first make one cry and then laugh
e) Discoveries that make one dance

2) Who started the Ig Nobel Prizes?
a) Harvard University
b) Sanders Theater
c) AIR magazine
d) The U.K. Navy
e) Gauri Nanda

3) What is a synonym for the word "imaginative" in the text?
a) Traditional
b) Boring
c) Creative
d) Conventional
e) Usual

4) What is the meaning of the word "laughable" as used in the text?
a) Serious
b) Humorous
c) Horrible
d) Unbelievable
e) Impossible

5) What did the U.K. Navy do to win the Ig Nobel Prize for Peace in 2000?
a) They used real bombs.
b) They made their sailors shout, “Bang!” instead of using real bombs.
c) They developed a new type of bomb.
d) They eliminated all their bombs.
e) They shouted "Peace!"

6) What did Gauri Nanda invent to win the Ig Nobel Prize in Economics?
a) A bomb
b) A running clock
c) An alarm clock that runs away until the sleeper gets out of bed
d) A new economic theory
e) A frog

7) The Ig Nobel Prize ceremony ends with which words?
a) “Welcome. Welcome.”
b) “Goodbye. Goodbye.”
c) “Please stop! I’m bored.”
d) “If you didn’t win a prize—and if you did—better luck next year!”
e) “Bang!”

8) Fill in the blank: Each winner receives ten trillion ___________ dollars.
a) American
b) British
c) Australian
d) Zimbabwean
e) Canadian

9) Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a fun tradition in the Ig Nobel Prizes ceremony?
a) Throwing paper planes
b) Presenting real Nobel winners
c) An eight-year-old girl called Miss Sweetie Poo shouting, “Please stop! I’m bored.”
d) Having a clown perform
e) The opening and closing speeches being two words each

10) What does "brave" mean in the context of the scientists mentioned in the text?
a) Adventurous
b) Courageous
c) Scared
d) Weak
e) Unadventurous

11) Which of the following is a correct paraphrase of the sentence: "The room is usually filled with people who are eager to cheer for the brave scientists with their 'laughable' research."?
a) The room is always empty of people who want to cheer for the brave scientists with their serious research.
b) The room is usually crowded with people who are excited to applaud the courageous scientists and their humorous research.
c) The room is never filled with people who want to boo the cowardly scientists with their laughable research.
d) The scientists are always eager to cheer for the people with their laughable research.
e) The room is filled with people who want to discourage the scientists with their humorous research.

12) The statement "Not only the winners’ fun studies but also the ceremony for the Ig Nobel Prizes makes people laugh." can also be written as:
a) The winners’ serious studies and the ceremony for the Nobel Prizes makes people laugh.
b) Neither the winners’ fun studies nor the ceremony for the Ig Nobel Prizes makes people laugh.
c) Both the winners' humorous studies and the ceremony of the Ig Nobel Prizes induce laughter.
d) The winners’ fun studies, but not the ceremony for the Ig Nobel Prizes, makes people laugh.
e) The winners’ fun studies are the only thing that makes people laugh at the Ig Nobel Prizes.

13) According to Andre Geim, what is the characteristic of a good scientist?
a) Having a high IQ
b) Being very serious
c) Having a sense of humor
d) Being able to invent an alarm clock
e) Being able to float frogs in the air

14) Which of these words is NOT jumbled correctly (Answer word in the brackets):
a) Prize (Zerip)
b) Welcome (Lewcome)
c) Goodbye (Dyogobe)
d) Bored (Derbo)
e) Laugh (Hugla)

15) Based on the text, which of the following statements is NOT true?
a) The Ig Nobel Prizes were started by AIR magazine.
b) The prizes are presented by real Nobel winners at Harvard University.
c) Every winner of the Ig Nobel Prize receives a lot of money.
d) Andre Geim won an award for floating a live frog in the air using magnets.
e) Each winner receives ten trillion Zimbabwean dollars.



1) c) Discoveries that first make one laugh and then think
2) c) AIR magazine
3) c) Creative
4) b) Humorous
5) b) They made their sailors shout, “Bang!” instead of using real bombs.
6) c) An alarm clock that runs away until the sleeper gets out of bed
7) d) “If you didn’t win a prize—and if you did—better luck next year!”
8) d) Zimbabwean
9) d) Having a clown perform
10) b) Courageous
11) b) The room is usually crowded with people who are excited to applaud the courageous scientists and their humorous research.
12) c) Both the winners' humorous studies and the ceremony of the Ig Nobel Prizes induce laughter.
13) c) Having a sense of humor
14) a) Prize (Zerip)
15) c) Every winner of the Ig Nobel Prize receives a lot of money.




본문 요약

Han Jiwon, a Korean high school student, won the Ig Nobel Prize in 2017 for researching what happens when you walk backward while carrying a cup of coffee. The Ig Nobel Prizes are awarded for discoveries that “first make one laugh and then think.” They were started in 1991 by AIR magazine to increase people’s interest in science by honoring the unusual and the imaginative. The prizes are presented by real Nobel winners in Sanders Theater at Harvard University. The room is usually filled with people who are eager to cheer for the brave scientists with their “laughable” research. The U.K. Navy won the Ig Nobel Prize for Peace in 2000 for making its sailors shout “Bang!” instead of using real bombs to save money. The ceremony is filled with interesting traditions, such as throwing paper planes and an eight-year-old girl called Miss Sweetie Poo shouting repeatedly, “Please stop! I’m bored.” Each winner receives ten trillion Zimbabwean dollars, which is worth less than one U.S. dollar. The Ig Nobel Prizes make science a lot more fun and are intended to celebrate the unusual and honor the imaginative.

교과서 본문

#IgNobelPrize #Science #Humor #Discovery #AIRMagazine #HarvardUniversity #AndreGeim #Magnetism #GauriNanda #Inventions #AlarmClock #Economics #UKNavy #PeacePrize #ZimbabweanDollars #MissSweetiePoo #PaperPlanes #NobelPrize #FunResearch #Education #LaughterInScience #Ceremony #Tradition #ScientificHumor

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