요약 :


지식 추구가 지혜나 교양을 보장하지는 않으며, 무지는 진정한 배움을 방해합니다.
(The pursuit of knowledge doesn't guarantee wisdom or education; ignorance hinders true learning.)





지식에 대한 탐구와 지혜 및 교육과의 관계

(The quest for knowledge and its relationship with wisdom and education)





지식 추구가 지혜나 교육을 보장하지 않으며, 무지는 진정한 학습을 방해할 수 있다.
(The pursuit of knowledge doesn't guarantee wisdom or education, and ignorance can hinder true learning.)



핵심 어휘


(1) Quest: 탐구

(The quest for knowledge in the material world is a never-ending pursuit.)


(2) Thoroughly: 철저하게

(A thoroughly schooled person is not necessarily an educated person.)


(3) Overemphasis: 과도한 강조

(Our overemphasis on competition makes looking good more important than being good.)


(4) Criticized: 비판받다

(The fear of being thought a fool and criticized is one of the greatest enemies of true learning.)


(5) Vastness: 광대함

(It is from the vastness of our ignorance that our sense of wonder grows.)


(6) Investigate: 조사하다


(We do not know enough to even question, let alone investigate, our ignorance.)


(7) Facilitate: 용이하게 하다

(All one can do with and for someone else is to facilitate learning.)


(8) Prone to: ~하기 쉬운

(We are prone to becoming the blind leading the blind.)


(9) Selfsame: 똑같은

(It is from the vastness of this selfsame ignorance that our sense of wonder grows.)


(10) Discover: 발견하다

(Help the person to discover the wonder of their ignorance.)


내용 이해


(1) What is the difference between a schooled person, an educated person, and a wise person?

(학교에서 배운 사람, 교육받은 사람, 그리고 지혜로운 사람의 차이점은 무엇인가요?)


(2) How does the fear of being criticized affect true learning?

(비판받을 두려움이 진정한 학습에 어떤 영향을 미치나요?)


(3) What can someone do to help facilitate learning for another person?

(다른 사람의 학습을 돕기 위해 무엇을 할 수 있나요?)


(4) Why is the vastness of our ignorance important for our sense of wonder?

(우리의 무지의 광대함이 왜 경이감에 중요한가요?)


(5) According to the passage, what is the main enemy of true learning?

(이 글에 따르면, 진정한 학습의 주요 적은 무엇인가요?)




* Suggested Answers


(1) A schooled person has undergone formal schooling, while an educated person has a broader understanding of various subjects and can think critically.

A wise person has deep insight and good judgment gained from experience.

(Reason: These distinctions are made within the passage.)


(2) The fear of being criticized discourages people from asking questions, exploring new ideas, and learning from their mistakes, which hinders true learning.

(Reason: The passage states that the fear of being thought a fool and criticized is one of the greatest enemies of true learning.)

(3) To help facilitate learning for another person, one can provide guidance, support, and encouragement to help them discover the wonder of their ignorance and stimulate their curiosity. 

(Reason: The passage mentions that all one can do for someone else is to facilitate learning by helping the person discover the wonder of their ignorance.)

(4) The vastness of our ignorance is important for our sense of wonder because it highlights the immense scope of knowledge still left to discover and learn, sparking curiosity and motivation to explore new subjects and ideas. 

(Reason: The passage suggests that it is from the vastness of our ignorance that our sense of wonder grows.)

(5) According to the passage, the main enemy of true learning is the fear of being thought a fool and criticized. 

(Reason: The passage explicitly identifies this fear as one of the greatest enemies of true learning.)




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