완벽함보다 진전을 받아들이는 것이 긍정적인 결과를 가져올 수 있습니다.
(Accepting progress over perfection can lead to positive outcomes.)
완벽보다 진전 (Progress over perfection)
유연한 사고방식을 받아들이고 완벽함보다는 차이를 만드는 데 집중하면 의미 있는 목표를 달성하는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다.
(Embracing a flexible mindset and focusing on making a difference rather than achieving perfection can help in achieving meaningful goals.)
핵심 어휘
(1) Expression: 표현 (He used a common expression to convey his thoughts.)
(2) Obstacle: 장애물 (They had to overcome several obstacles to succeed.)
(3) Solution-based: 해결책 중심의 (They proposed a solution-based approach to the problem.)
(4) Policy: 정책 (The government implemented a new policy.)
(5) Mentality: 사고방식 (She had a positive mentality.)
(6) Influence: 영향 (His ideas had a significant influence on others.)
(7) Outcome: 결과 (They were satisfied with the outcome of their efforts.)
(8) Clean water act: 깨끗한 물 법안 (The clean water act aimed to improve water quality.)
(9) Needle forward: 앞으로 나아가기 (They worked together to move the needle forward.)
(10) Perfection: 완벽 (She always strived for perfection in her work.)
내용 이해
(1) What expression is mentioned at the beginning of the paragraph?
(문단의 시작 부분에 언급된 표현은 무엇인가요?)
(2) What mentality should one avoid when working towards a goal?
(목표를 향해 노력할 때 어떤 사고방식을 피해야 하나요?)
(3) How should one approach their idea to achieve a solution-based policy?
(해결책 중심의 정책을 달성하기 위해 아이디어를 어떻게 접근해야 하나요?)
(4) What example is given to illustrate the importance of making a difference?
(차이를 만드는 것의 중요성을 설명하기 위해 어떤 예시가 제시되었나요?)
(5) Why is moving the needle forward considered better than not helping at all?
(왜 앞으로 나아가는 것이 전혀 도움을 주지 않는 것보다 낫다고 여겨지나요?)
* Suggested Answers
(1) The expression mentioned at the beginning of the paragraph is "don't let the perfect become the enemy of the good."
(Reason: This expression suggests that one should not focus too much on perfection and instead focus on achieving positive results.)
(2) One should avoid an all-or-nothing mentality when working towards a goal.
(Reason: A rigid mindset can prevent flexibility and compromise, which may be necessary for progress.)
(3) One should be willing to alter their idea and let others influence its outcome, and be okay with the outcome being a little different, even a little less, than they wanted.
(Reason: A flexible approach allows for collaboration and adaptation, leading to better results.)
(4) The example given to illustrate the importance of making a difference is pushing for a clean water act. Even if the final act isn't as well-funded or doesn't match the original conception, it still helps provide clean water access to kids in troubled areas.
(Reason: The example demonstrates that making progress and creating positive change is more important than achieving perfection.)
(5) Moving the needle forward is considered better than not helping at all because even small progress can have a positive impact and contribute to making a difference.
(Reason: Incremental improvements can accumulate over time, leading to significant change and better overall outcomes.)
주요 문장
(1) If you want to get over an obstacle so that your idea can become the solution-based policy you’ve long dreamed of, you can’t have an all‑or‑nothing mentality.
(장애물을 넘어서 꿈에 그리던 해결책 중심의 정책이 될 수 있는 아이디어를 구현하려면, 전부 다 갖거나 아무것도 갖지 않는 사고방식을 가질 수 없다.)
The subject is "you," the verb is "can't have," and the object is "an all-or-nothing mentality." This sentence emphasizes the importance of avoiding an inflexible mindset when pursuing a goal.
(2) But in almost every case, helping move the needle forward is vastly better than not helping at all.
(그러나 거의 모든 경우에, 앞으로 나아가는 것이 전혀 도움을 주지 않는 것보다 훨씬 낫다.)
The subject is "helping move the needle forward," the verb is "is," and the object is "vastly better than not helping at all." This sentence highlights that making progress, even if it's not perfect, is more valuable than not contributing at all.
1. Watch This Video
2. Questions and Answers
Question 1: Why is it important to take action even if it's not perfect?
- Imperfect progress is better than just imagining perfection.
- It helps bring ideas into reality.
- It helps us learn and grow.
Question 2: What happens when we turn an idea into reality?
- It won't be perfect.
- There will be flaws and imperfections.
- It's still valuable and beautiful.
Question 3: What's the solution to dealing with imperfection?
- Stop whining and hesitating.
- Focus on the work you can do today.
- Just do it and take action.
Question 4: Why is taking action scary?
- We're not good at assessing our own abilities.
- We might not meet our own expectations.
Question 5: What is movement forward?
- Progress and learning from experiences.
- It can't be undone or unlearned.
Question 6: What should you avoid when making progress?
- The temptation to stop moving.
- Getting stuck for a long time.
Question 7: How can keeping a journal help with progress?
- Log failures and successes.
- Compare the two categories.
- It gives perspective on your growth.
Question 8: What can we learn from failure?
- Failure teaches valuable lessons.
- Success follows after learning from failure.
Question 9: How should we deal with things that don't matter?
- Let go of them.
- Focus on what you need to be doing.
Question 10: What should you do instead of waiting for perfection or readiness?
- Take small imperfect actions.
- Don't wait, just start doing.